Chapter 16

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America throws a new party ''to celebrate Quebec's freedom from almost everything'' he said... In reality, he creates every excuse to make one, but everyone likes his parties, so no one complained... No one but Quebec. She didn't want to lose her bedroom again, even if she wanted to be with the others. However, she can't lock her door anymore, since America always unlocks it for his guests.

The province sighs as she crosses her arms, her feet tapping the floor in an annoyed way, as America shrug nonchalantly. The sister grunt and point her room while Australia turns on the music to calm them... In vain

Quebec : Seriously, Amé, where will I sleep?!
America : You just have to sleep at Cuba's...

Quebec : *Upset* He likes your parties too much!! He always stays until it's finished! And I'm an early bird, Amé!! I need to go to bed earlier than him!!

America : Then, I don't know... at Switzerland's?

Quebec : He clearly said to me that he doesn't wanna have me in his house...

America : You have a lot of friends, don't you?

Quebec : *sarcastic* Sure... most of them are with me because they want to be around you... *get a brilliant idea* I'll ask Russia! He never stays at your parties for too long and I have already slept at his house a few times already!

America : No way! You won't sleep at this communist's house!!
Quebec : *amused* And why? Nada gave me the freedom to do what I want in the city and he's my friend...

America : Because! He's dangerous! I don't want you to...

Quebec : *sighs, annoyed* Stop it there, Amé... I can have my own friends this time, you won't lock me in the basement like father and Nada did all my life... understood?

America : That's not my intention, but I want to protect you!
Quebec : *snigger* I know, but I can have friends, can't I?

The woman laughs and runs downstairs to help New Zealand to install the bar for the guests, listening to the music that Australia chose. The sisters look at each other, smiling and giggling as they finish putting bottles on the counter.


The party started three hours ago and everyone is in short groups. America is with Canada, Turkey and China, talking about some economic strategy. Australia is with New caledonia, Germany and Mexico talking about culture while New Zealand is with Ukraine, Belarus, Switzerland and Cuba, talking about their family. As for the province, she's sitting next to Russia at the bar, laughing at one of Argentina's jokes, while the vodka-holic looks around, unsure of Mongolia's idea of game. He just proposed to play at ''truth or dare'' and Quebec is the only one who doesn't wanna play. She doesn't wanna have to explain why she exists while she's a province and not a country. The woman move behind the counter to serv a glass of german beer to one of her friends as she looks at Magnolia, knowing that he didn't let the subject go, even with Argentina's joke.

Mongolia : Come on, Quebec!! You're the most interessant in this whole party!
Quebec : I'm not! *sighs* I'm pretty sure that you have a lot of things to say! I rather drinking peacefully!

Russia : Why don't you just play with the ones who want to?

Mongolia : Don't talk, you'll be the one who will have to answer her questions if she doesn't play!

Quebec : Whut? Why? It's not like he knows more than you about me!!
Argentina : Girl, you hang out with him most of the time! There are a lot of things we want to know!

Quebec blushes as she stares at her friends, surprised. After a second, she shakes her head and drinks Russia's glass of vodka to hide her embarrassment. He jumps and tries to take back his glass, in vain. The woman shakes her head as she continues to refuse to play.

In a sigh, Mongolia abandons, letting Japan start the game... Poor Russia who's the target to every questions :

Japan : Russia, why do you hang out with Quebec?

Russia : Because she wanted to...
Quebec : And because you don't hate having me around...

Brazil : Russia, can you speak French? Does Quebec teach you how?

Russia : нет. Not interested...
Quebec : I never suggest teaching him rarely...

Mongolia : Russia, are you dating Quebec?

Russia : *raise an eyebrow, ''angry'' (hide his embarrassment)* нет. Она меня не интересует ... (Pronounce : ''Ona menya ne interesuyet ...'' and means ''she doesn't interest me'')
Quebec : никогда, Idiots! Can I hang out with someone without having the word love or sex implied?!
Japan : I heard that you two end up sleeping together sometimes...

Russia : Rarely. And we just sleep.

South Korea : Russia, what do you think of Quebec socialism?

Russia : It's nicer than America's capitalism. And it allows her to respect my choices.

North Korea : Russia, what does Quebec think about your communism?

Quebec : Why do you ask him about that? He isn't in my mind!

Mongolia : You don't want to play, so we ask him! So, Russia?

Russia : We don't fully agree on our differences, but she never despised me for that.

Quebec : *embarrassed* and that's the problem for my family...

Iceland : Russia, can Quebec handle alcohol well?

Russia : нет...

Uzbekistan : then, you may want to bring her back to your house... she dranks five cocktails and three glasses of vodka...

The group look at the province who giggles, her cheek burning and her playful gaze stopping at the victim of the game. He raises an eyebrow at his friend as he sees her taking a bottle under the counter, not knowing what it is.

Quebec : Say, Россия! Wanna try a cocktail I just imagined for you?

Russia : You shouldn't touch any alcohol for the rest of the evening...

Quebec : I promise that I wont touch a glass or a bottle for the rest of the evening if you don't like it! Please! I already gave it a name!!
Russia : *amused* what is it?

Quebec : *lend toward him and whisper sensually* Baiser de Vodka

The country frowns, trying to understand the french word his friend used while she takes advantage of his lack of attention to bring the vodka bottle hidden in her hand to her lips, taking a sip without swallowing it. She then gently takes Russia's face and bends over the counter to kiss him, letting the drink go directly in her friend's mouth. Friend that froze, in shock. To be exact. The whole party freezes and looks at them.

When the ''cocktail'' is in the country's throat, the province stands back, giggling playfully. She looks at the others and shrugs, asking them what's wrong. Her reaction seems to pull back everyone into the party's goal. Everyone but Russia who's a blushing mess trying to hide his face in his hat.

Japan : you aren't dating? Sure?
Quebec : *giggle* Yea, we aren't dating at all!! I just find him attractive and I thought of this idea of cocktail... I wanted to try it!

Russia : You could have ask, Лилия...

Quebec : hmm? Don't tell me you didn't like it? *think* I should improve it...

Russia : That's not what I meant, idiot! Do you realise what you just did?

Quebec : *think* heum... *Smile, innocently* I kissed a hot guy who's also my friend?

As soon as the group hears the answer, a hard laugh is sheared by the friends of the ship. Japan ends up on the ground, tapping it, as Argentina and Brazil are on the counter, doing the same. Mongolia holds himself to a chair as he tries to suppress his laugh, in vain. When the embarrassed country thought things couldn't get any worse, Quebec adds something :

Quebec : I like hearing you all laugh, but I still think that Russia have the most beautiful one in the world...

I'll need more vodka to handle tonight...

Quebec's life (CountryHuman Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora