Chapter 7

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The morning shines slowly on Russia's face, making him groan as he tightens his grip on his warm pillow in his arms. He frowns and nicely strokes the pillow's hair, before noticing that pillows don't have hair. He opens his eyes abruptly and looks at Quebec who is sleeping in his arms, her hands tightening their grip on his t-shirt. How the Blyat did I end up sleeping with Quebec? thinks Russia in a big surprise.


Russia and her friend arrive at his home fast after they left the party. The woman was yawning a lot, showing to her friend how tired she is. So, as soon as she could, she prepares herself to sleep as fast as she can, forcing Russia to wait for her to stop running from left to right, if he wants to give her a t-shirt and a pair of shorts from his sister. She has to brush her teeth, brush her hair and tie them, wash her face and take a glass of water. When everything is done, she stops in front of Russia who looks at her and gives her some clothes. She freezes for a moment, then smiles and thanks him before running to the bathroom so she can get dressed. Though Quebec keeps the door closed, the two friends organize the night.

Quebec : Say! Where will I sleep?

Russia : on my bed, I'll take the couch...

Quebec : ... Can I sleep on the couch? I'm not comfortable with the idea of sleeping in someone else's bed...

Russia : If you want to, but my family will wake you up when they get home...

Quebec : Since I never sleep hard, I'll wake up because of that no matter whether I sleep in your room or on the couch...

Russia : If you say so...

Quebec : Cool... Say, where can I let my things?

She gets out of the bathroom, holding her clothes and cleaning things. Russia looks at her and points to his bedroom, before taking his phone out to look at it, answering his siblings' messages.


In the middle of the night, his siblings come home, but they are careful to not wake up anyone... at least, they think they did great, even if Quebec moved a little in her sleep, whining as she was in pain. Ukraine came to see her brother, who was smoking at his open window. She tells him that they are back and she goes to sleep, letting her brother finish his smoke and going to sleep, not without brushing his teeth.

Though, as soon as his body lay down on his bed, he heard a muffled scream from the living room. Immediately, he jumps on his feet and runs to the noise's origin, thinking that someone is threatening his family. However, he finds his friend crying, a hand on her mouth and the other on her back. Instead of laying on the couch, she is sitting, trying to not make any noise despite the fact that she's crying. The country sighs, relieved that there isn't any threat, and he sits in front of his friend, on the floor. She immediately notices him and tries to dry her tears, but every move she makes hurts so much that she can't stop crying.

Russia : *whisper* What's going on, Quebec?

Quebec : *whisper in pain* An old injury... it happens from time to time...

Russia : Want me to look at it?

Quebec blushes and turns her head to the side, embarrassed. Yet, since the pain is from her scapula, every breath can't help but hurt just enough so she has to restrain a scream. Noticing how she seems unable to move, the country takes Quebec, bridal style, and brings her into his room in a position that gives him the possibility to look at her back.

Russia : where does the pain come from?
Quebec : my scapula...

Russia : what? I don't know that word...

She points to the source of her pain and goes back to her previous position, tightening her jaws to restrain her painful moaning. Russia takes a look at the bone, noticing that it moved from its place. Not wanting her to apprehend too much, the man doesn't warn his friend and replaces the scapula. A little scream of pain escapes her lips as tears slide on her cheeks again. The province pants and let her body fall behind her, laying in Russia's arms.

Quebec : God thanks... it hurted too much...

Russia : How did you manage to make that bone dislocate?

Quebec : I didn't... someone else did it years ago and now, every time to time, it dislocates again...

Russia : Who would have hurt you? Knowing that you don't look for trouble...

Quebec : Nada...

Russia : ... what? That softy who wouldn't hurt a butterfly?

A sarcastic snigger escapes Quebec as she snuggles in Russia's arms, too afraid to feel the pain again if she gets out of this warm embrace. He noticed her snigger, but didn't say a thing, more curious about the reason he's still holding the woman.

Russia : ... don't you want to go back to sleep?
Quebec : Yea, but... I'm afraid my back would hurt again if you let me go...

Russia : Does it happen a lot?
Quebec : Don't know, it's rare that someone puts back in place my shoulder...

Russia : да right... you don't show it when you're hurt as much as you can...

Quebec nods and holds Russia's t-shirt like a kid, apologizing in french, english and russian. The country sighs and lay down on his bed, taking the sheet to cover them as Quebec falls asleep.

End Flash-back

Right, she wouldn't let me go and I didn't want to fight against her... Sighs mentally Russia, continuing to pat Quebec's hair. She groans and frowns as she snuggles once more, before she suddenly opens her eyes. Surprised, she pushes herself from Russia and falls on her butt, on the ground.

Quebec : Ow... What the fuck? Qu'est-ce que je fous ici?!

Russia : what? I don't understand french, Quebec...

Quebec : What am I doing here?

Russia : You fell asleep in my arms and didn't let go of me.

Quebec : *blushes* Calisse... I'm SO sorry!!! Didn't mean to-...

Russia : I know... don't worry.

Quebec : Извини... I... I should get ready for the day...

She quickly gets up and takes her clothes before she runs to the bathroom to get dressed.

Russia : For someone who was scared to move earlier, you seemed energetic...

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