Chapitre 3

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Russia was simply lying on a bench, alone with a smoke between his teeth, when Quebec appeared not so far away from him. He noticed her as soon as her voice was vaguely hearable from his position. When he turns his head toward the voice he starts to notice, he sees the province talking to Switzerland who doesn't seem to enjoy the conversation... or more like the woman's monologue.

Quebec : And then, Amé started to say that he did everything! Seriously! His huge ego is SO infuriating! ... RHAAA! Just thinking about it piss me off! ... And it's worse when we talk about politics and that he steals our ideas!! At least, he's nice with me, but he's always saying that he find some ideas that I shout out loud with rage when I see something's stupid!!!

Switzerland : if you continue to shout each time you're pissed off, it won't stop...

Quebec : I know but-... wait... since when do you listen to me as I ramble about my life?

Switzerland : I was trying to find a moment when you shut up to tell you that I'll have to go... sorry, Quebec, but France needs me...

Quebec : *sighs* I see! Sorry to keep you with me! I'll see you later!

Switzerland : please, next time, give me headphones so I can't listen to you...

Quebec : *laugh* right... you like staying with me like that... or you are a masochist!

She giggles and waves while she leaves him, walking toward the country human lying on the bench. He sighs and continues to look at the sky, listening to the footsteps that are approaching. He doesn't really know why, but he starts to count them, feeling his mind searching something to do. It's boring here... I should get up or sleep, at least... I don't know...

Quebec : Are you asleep?

The man almost flinched out of surprise. He got lost in his thoughts, so he didn't hear Canada's sister stopping right next to him. For a second, he thinks about pretending to be asleep, but he remembers that he flinched and he doesn't know the province enough to know if she noticed it.

Russia : what if I am?

Quebec : then I'll just sit on the ground next to you!

Russia frowns and opens an eye to look at Quebec who do as she said. What the blyat is that girl? he thinks as he closes his eye and sighs. He hears the woman whining a little, while he feels something laying gently on his head, through the hole under the armrest. A minute in silence pass, before she starts to talk.

Quebec : I'm sorry to interrupt your... relaxing moment? ... bref! I... I wanted to know you a little before I start to imitate my brothers...

Russia : why exactly? You're Canada's province, aren't you? It's not like your choice will change anything about your international relations...

Quebec : I know that technically, you're right... but you're wrong to... Because I'm a province, whatever I do won't do a shit about my country's decisions, it's true... but that means that I can have anyone as a friend and it won't be a bother for them either...

Russia : so... what do you want, precisely?

Quebec : I wanna be friends with you!

Russia : ... you're there to spy for the capitalist, aren't you?

Quebec : As if he would throw me in his diplomatic enemy's arms to learn more... and as if I would give him any secrets about my friends so he can hurt them... I don't even tell him when I'm hurt so he can't take advantage of it...

Silence fell on these two. Russia thinks for a moment as Quebec just closes her eyes, trying to relax despite her shoulder still hurting. If I hadn't opened my injury by accident the other day, I wouldn't be in pain right now... How dumb of me...

She sighs again as she slowly lays her hand on her injured shoulder, waiting for the country's decision. The said country is still lost in his thoughts, not knowing what to do exactly about her. He is curious about her and would like to understand more, but at the same time, he doesn't want to risk anything, even more when it's related to America. Though, for what he remembers, when he saw her, she always ended up scolding America about his way of treating other countries... So it's not really possible that she wants to serve him about a diplomatic thing... right?

He sighs again, not saying anything, though he finishes his smoke to calm his mind. Ukraine swore that Quebec couldn't do anything like that and even herself said that it's not her type. Plus, Canada is friends with his sister and Quebec is Canada's sister, their personality seem alike somehow.

Quebec : don't worry, I can seem a little ... unpleasant, but I can adapt myself so I won't piss you off until I understand you completely!

Russia : ... зачем бы и нет ( Pronounce : ''zachem by e net'' and means ''Why not I guess'')
Quebec : sorry, I don't understand Russian... yet.

Russia : Yet? Why yet?

Quebec : I'll try to learn the basics so I can understand your idioms... Or I feel like I'll be a lost cause.

Russia : ... *sighs* You're weird...

Quebec : Does that mean that I can stay with you?

Russia : ... I won't tell you to leave if you end up in the same place as me...

Quebec : and if I follow you? Like... to hang out?

Russia : ... sure I guess...

Quebec : cool! ... Wait... I... I forgot to ask... Do you want something in return?

Russia : what?

Quebec : I mean... since being friends with me doesn't give you anything compared to my brothers... and everyone wants something from me in exchange... like Belgium the other day...

Russia : ... What would you do if I said that I wanted information about America?

Quebec : I can't be useful... I never listen to him when he talks about his shits... So I would ask you if there is anything else before I give up on bothering you all the time...

Russia : hun... What if I want vodka?

Quebec : Like... you want me to give you some vodka each time?

Russia : ... Maybe not each time, it would become boring...

Quebec : *giggle* It wouldn't be a problem! Though, if I just run into you and choose to stick with you, it would be complicated... but I can manage something...

She straightens and looks at her new friend, smiling. The new friend takes a minute to realise that she looks at him, making him sit up on the bench so he can look at her bright smile. He raises an eyebrow, surprised to see this expression on her face.

Russia : are you THAT happy?

Quebec : yea! I'm finally getting my own friends! And for ounce, this has nothing to do with Canada and America! I feel free!

Russia : ... I know America is a pain in the ass, but...

Quebec : heum... it''s a long and complicated story... that I don't have the right to tell... sorry...

Russia : ok... whatever...

Quebec's face getting darker, her eyes expressing her sadness and Russia can't repress his surprise. He stares at the woman, curious, before he lights another cigarette. The province takes that move as a signal to sit next to him while getting her phone out.

They sit there in silence for half an hour, Quebec playing on her phone and Russia smoking while getting lost in his thoughts.

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