Chapter 13

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Quebec is sitting in the café with her brothers, her left hand holding her cheek as she looks on her phone with the other one, using her position to drink some ice tea. In front of her, Canada and America are fighting about the last meeting they just got out from. The province sighs as she vaguely listen what they say.

America : Come on, Nada! Don't expect me to not do anything against ISIS!!

Canada : I don't expect you to do nothing, but at least, you could just organize with your allies instead of going alone!

America : I'm the best, I can handle them alone and protect you!

Canada : It's not because you are good in fight that you should walk alone in danger!

America AND Canada : Becky! Tell him I'm right!
Quebec : *not changing a thing about her pose* on this one, I agree with Nada, Amé... Going alone is just the best way to lose...

America : What? Since when are you good in military strategy?

Quebec : Russia taught me a little and he wasn't bad, so...

Canada : He taught you? Why?
Quebec : for a video game we play together... He was too discouraged about my lack of strats in Battlefield...

America : *facepalm* in the same time, Nada is the one dealing with the army, so...

Quebec : I know, but now I know better... and going alone against a terrorist organisation is the stupidest thing you could do, bro... You should prepare a plan and organize with your allies...

Nada : *amused* do you have a plan or what?
Quebec : sort of... What I have in mind is pretty vague and would need more work, but it could be a beginning...

America : ... big sis, I don't like when you're interested in our subjects...

Quebec : *snigger and look at America* dude, you're the one always complaining about my lack of attention when you two argue about diplomatic shits!

Canada : *laugh* you can't go back on your wishes!!

America : I know, but...she's on your side, so I don't like it!

Canada and his province laugh as their brother sulk, drinking his coffee with an unhappy face. They laugh so hard that they hear Germany at a table not so far away groaning. Quebec turn toward him to tell him that they are in public, but her phone buzz, showing a text from Russia that have only one word.



(pronounce ''piiti'' and mean ''come'')

Quebec jumps and apologizes to her brothers before she takes her things and runs as she puts on her jacket that replace her coat. He's not ok! I gotta be fast... I think that I can cut through the park, it saves me five minutes of walking... Think the woman as she puts her beret on her head while she continues to run.


The door of Russia's family home opens suddenly, in a big ''bam'' on a Quebec who pant, worried. Belarus and Ukraine jump on the couch, looking at the province with more questions than surprised.

Ukraine : What's going on, becky?
Quebec : I got an text from Russia... it was our code to make me come here as fast as I can...

Belarus : he's in his room...

Ukraine : If he wrote to you... is everything okay?

The guest doesn't answer since she starts to walk toward Russia's room as soon as Belarus tells her where to find her friend. She knocks twice on the bedroom door before she gets inside, worried. Russia isn't bleeding, the knife laying right next to him as he is sitting at his desk. Quebec gently put her hand on Russia's shoulder, earning his sad eyes. She smiles and hug him, sighing in relief.

Russia : I thought you wouldn't come... So I was waiting to make sure you wouldn't arrive too late... It's the middle of the day...

Quebec : even if it's midnight, I'll come... Want me to come back later or...?

Russia : нет... stay, please....

Quebec : *giggle* with pleasure!

She lets go of her friend and smiles, keeping his attention away from his desk as her hand grabs the knife to hide it in her back. The country sighs and keeps his friend's free hand in his, raising an eyebrow as he looks at Quebec's ''innocent'' face.

Russia : you took the knife, didn't you?

Quebec : *surprised* how...? I'm sure you didn't see my hand!!
Russia : Your face always tell the truth, Лилия

Quebec : *sulk* Fait chier... And I thought I managed correctly this time!

Russia : *smirk* as if you could hide something from ME...

Quebec : *stick her tongue out* as if you can see everything!

Russia : *snigger* come on.. leave the knife on my desk and sit with me on the bed...

Too amused to not snigger, Quebec obeys, taking her jacket off. As soon as she hits the mattress she giggles, earning a curious gaze from Russia. He sighs and looks at the knife on his desk, unsure.

Russia : Спасибо, Лилия...

Quebec : *giggle* I told you I would be there for you!
Russia : please tell me that America doesn't know where you are...

Quebec : not actually, but I was with him and Nada when you texted me, so they'll ask me when I'll be back...

Russia : At least I'll avoid seeing him barging in my house...

Quebec : *giggles* I can't help but laugh at your rivality...

Russia : I don't have anything against the fact that you hang out with him, but since he has a problem if you are with me, then I have one more with him...

Quebec : *laugh* you'll never stop fighting against him, won't you?

Russia : why would I? I have one more reason to fight him...

... : don't tell me you two fight for Quebec?! *snigger*

Flinching, the two friends look at the door to see Belarus snigering. Quebec blushes and contradicts her friend's brother as he laughs. Russia rolls his eyes and tell his brother to gently fuck off in russian, intriguing the woman. However, since Belarus leaves, the room's owner makes sure to change the subject before it starts to be awkward.

Russia : I should put the knife back before you scold me for keeping it...

Quebec : *snigger* idiot... I would do it anyway! *stick her tongue out*

Russia : I guess you have to leave, don't you?

Quebec : *nod* unless you need me, of course... but Nada wanted to talk to me about his plan for you-know-what...

Russia : He took three months to be ready?
Quebec : Yep! Logically, my future will be decided next week... but don't worry, I know how to sneak out of the house if you need me!

Quebec giggles as she get up, taking the knife as she walks in the kitchen to put it back. She apologizes to her friend's sibling, since she scared the heck out of them, and leaves for Canada's favorite hang out place : the arena.

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