Chapter 2

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A week passed since Russia noticed Quebec's existence. And weirdly, as much as Russia never saw her, now, he sees her everywhere. When he goes to get his vodka, she's there, buying some maple cream for cocktails. When he goes to UNESCO's meetings, she's there, hiding behind Canada or in the waiting room. When he just wanna walk to a park, he sees Quebec arguing or laughing with Belgium or Switzerland.

Russia : How could I have never seen her before?

Ukraine : who?

Russia : The province...

Ukraine : She hides pretty well...

Russia : She's literally everywhere I go... *suspicious* What if America sended her to spy on me?

Ukraine : *laugh* as if she would do that! She isn't the type to obey America!

Russia : We never know...


The woman's voice cut their conversation. Quebec is getting pulled by the arm by Belgium as she tries to undo his grasp. Her usual blue coat is half open on her white shirt and her usually dark blue hat looking like a beret is on the ground letting her blue and white hair float behind her. Russia point at her, looking at his sister with a ''You see I was right?'' looks. But she doesn't look at him, her gaze being stuck on the situation.

Quebec : Belgium! Can't you get what a no means? Let me go!

Belgium : It's not like I'm going to hurt you, Becky!

Quebec : Yea... No! I still don't wanna! Let me go!

Belgium : I just want to hang out in private!
Quebec : My ass! I want to go home, let me go!

Ukraine doesn't let the country pull her friend's sister any longer, she runs at the blue and white's side. Angry, Russia's sister forces the country to let go of the province and she hugs the victims who doesn't stop shaking despite her face showing pride.

Quebec : Thanks, Ukraine... but I could manage on my own...

Ukraine : I don't doubt it, but Canada would have killed me if I didn't do anything.

Quebec : hmm...

Belgium : What do you want, Ukraine? It's not your business...

Ukraine : Quebec is my friend, so yes it is my business!

Quebec : let's just go, Ukraine...

Belgium : I didn't finish Quebec!

Quebec : yes you did!

She gets away from Ukraine to take back her hat, zipping her coat. Quebec sighs and walks away from Belgium who hesitate, before throwing a rock at the province. Since she's turning her back to him, so she can walk away easily, she doesn't see it and that, Ukraine notices it.

Ukraine : Quebec!
Quebec : hmm?

She turns around and freezes at the sight of the rock. Luckily for her, Russia grabs her arm and pulls her toward him, deflecting the hit. A whim escapes her lips as the rock hits her shoulder and she shakes out of fear.

Belgium : A province shouldn't make fun of a country, Quebec! If you didn't want it, you should have said no to the date!

And he leaves, making Ukraine growls angrily, before she goes back to her friend's sister. Russia sighs, as he notices that the woman isn't moving, still trembling. The slavic country put her hand on Quebec's shoulder, waking her up from her transe. She steps back and smiles.

Quebec: I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

Russia : Weak...

Quebec : *tensed* I... I know... I was dumb...

Ukraine : Russia!

Russia : She should have known what was coming and be ready for it.

Ukraine : Are you serious? Brother!
Quebec : Ukraine, don't be mad at him, he was right... Since I'm a province, these types of activities with countries don't give them anything, so they always want something else... I should have known...

Ukraine : Still! It wasn't...

To stop her brother's friend, Quebec puts her hand on Ukraine's shoulder, before she walks back to her house, screaming that her brother doesn't need to know what just happened. The siblings who are still in the park look at each other before they shrug, knowing that there is nothing to say about it.


Quebec opens the door with a sigh, her shoulder being a little painful and she closes it behind her without a sound. She takes off her boots and breathes in, knowing that a big part of her family should be at home.

Quebec : I'm home!

Australia : Quebec?
Quebec : Ho! You're home too, Australia?

Australia : Yea! Dad and mom went on a date earlier, America is olaying video games and Canada is on the phone with Turkey... So I'm bored... wanna hunt some insects?

Quebec : heum... *sigh* why not? give me a minute, so I can treat a wound...
Australia : Are you hurt again? Want me to call New Zealand to help you?

Quebec : nan, she's with her friends, don't bother her for nothing!

She walks upstairs to take the aid-kit and she takes off her coat and her shirt, leaving them on the ground. With a sigh, she lets her half brother take care of her injury. Her jaw tightened by the pain, Quebec listens to Australia's calm breath as he puts the cream on the infected part of her shoulder. When he finishes, he doesn't say anything, putting back the medi-kit in the cupboard. Canada's sister put back her shirt and her coat, smiling happily.

Quebec : thanks, Australia!

Australia : no prob sis! ... Just... What the heck happened?
Quebec : I got into a fight again... nothing to worry about...

Australia : I see... *sighs* anyway, let's go in the woods! You'll love it!
Quebec : Coming!

Right before she leaves with the younger brother, Quebec runs into Canada who holds her nicely, laughing. She looks at her brother, sulking, before she steps back, apologizing while looking at the open door.

Canada : Where are you going like that, Becky?

Australia : with me in the forest!

America : *pop from behind Canada* After some insects again?
Quebec : yep! It's better than doing nothing! ... ho América! Isn't Russia your enemy or something like that?

America : yea... why?

Quebec : hun... so I can be friends with him, then!
America : What?! No!

Canada : You saw him?
Quebec : Yea! He helped me out with Ukraine earlier!
Canada : What happened? Why...

Quebec : I got lost! Nothing else!

America : Why would you be friends with that communist?!
Quebec : for two reasons! One, I'm a socialist, so my way of thinking is pretty close to his... without the ''let's keep the freedom away from the people'' thing. Second, you hate him and I wanna see by myself if he deserved being hated by all the family or not!

America sighs and starts to say every argument he knows to convince Quebec of the opposite, in vain, since she runs outside with Australia who laughs at his sister's character against America.

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