Chapter Twelve

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Jake's POV:

   I looked at her shocked I couldn't believe that she actually talked. Sure it was just two simple words but I know for her that those words meant a lot. "I thought you said that you couldn't talk," I asked her. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She tried several times until she gasped in pain. I guess since she hasn't talked in several years that her throat isn't used to it.

    "You can stop trying to talk I can tell that you are just hurting yourself. Lets just enjoy this picnic and later we will work on trying to get your voice back."

   She just nodded I could tell that she was frustrated and disappointed.  I know how much it means for her to be able to talk, but at the same time I know that she will be even more vulnerable to her father. If she talks back to him it's going to be even worse for her and I really don't want to have to teach that son of a b*tch a lesson and for her to watch me do it.

Alex's POV:

   I couldn't believe I just talked it has been so long. I really want to be able to talk again, but at the same time I don't my father is just going to make life even harder. I tried to talk again and again but I couldn't my throat started to burn really bad I guess this is what I get for not talking in such a long time. There just wasn't any reason to talk everybody at school just ignored me or they bullied me, and father doesn't even talk to me unless he is beating the shit out of me. It was most defiantly the worst childhood anyone could have ever had but there wasn't anything I could have done about it. This just showed me how to be stronger and to appreciate all the great things in life that people would normally take for granted.

   I decided to do what Jake said what's the point of worrying about it right now when there will be plenty of time for that later. I'll just enjoy this and forget for the time being all of my problems.

   I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice that Jake had already taken all of the food out of the basket and had it set up one that blanket. I noticed that the brought a variety of foods like ham sandwiches, melon, strawberries, grapes, water, and for dessert he brought a cheesecake that was decorated with strawberry syrup swirls and it also had chocolate covered strawberries all around it. It looked so good it made wan to have desert first and then the rest of the food, but unfortunately that is not how it goes.

   "I know it's a lot, but I didn't know what you would like so I decided to go big and just hope that you are very hungry," Jake said.

   I just smiled and nodded at him. I can't believe that he went through all of this trouble just for me. No one in a very long time has tried to please me or try as hard as him to become my friend (maybe even something more wink wink) . Even though he is very annoying most of the time I wouldn't change him for anything. We were eating in a comfortable silence there was no need to fill it with meaningless conversation. It has been a really long time since I had a big meal such as this. My dad doesn't give any food for long periods of time, and he locks up almost all the cabinets and the fridge that way I wouldn't get anything to eat. In the mornings before he leavers to work he would leave some of the cabinets open so I could make some dinner. I got so used to hardly eating anything that I could only eat very little before it came back up. This is also the reason why I were baggy clothing that way people won't notice that I am just skin and bones I hate living like this I wished I could change it. This meal we were having might have seem plain to some people, but for me it was a banquet.

   I only ate half of my sandwich I couldn't eat anymore I really didn't want it to come back up. "Why are you not eating? Do you not like it? Please eat a little bit more I know that you did not at your house, and I have also been noticing that you don't eat at school either," Jake said. Shit what am I going to do now. I took out my notebook from my backpack and wrote, " I am not that hungry I guess, and I also never eat at school because I don't like the food they give out so I just wait until I get home to eat." When I was done I gave it to him and jut like every time I lie to him he doesn't believe me. I can see it in his face plain as day.

   "Tell me the truth. Why are you not eating," he asked. Should I tell him the truth or to just make up another lie that is more believable. I will just tell him the truth what else do I have to loose he already knows my deepest darkest secret, and he hasn't told anyone yet. 

   I took my notebook out of his hands and wrote, " My father starves me for long periods of time and my body has gotten used to me eating very little, and when I eat a lot on a rare occasion the food always comes back up. That is why I did not finish my sandwich and try to get more food and also why I do not eat at school. How did you even know that I do not eat t school anyways? I thought you didn't care for me when we were at school or anywhere else for that matter. Remember that you pushed me on purpose when we were running and do not even think that I have forgiven you for that and I also have lots of questions about what happened yesterday." I gave it back it back to him and he he got really angry, but not as much as he did yesterday.

   "That little son of a b*tch why haven't you told me that he does this to you. Also I never watch you I just take notice and I am sorry for what I did to you at school. I will do anything in my power for you to be able to forgive me. I will also answer all your question you have about what happened last night."

   When he told me he was sorry for what he did to me at school I could tell that he really did mean it, but I couldn't forgive him so easily. He was one of the many people that bullies me, and he was going to have to try very hard to make it up to me. When I looked back up I could tell that he knew that he was going to have to try super hard for me to be able to forgive him completely." No matter how long it will take I will make you forgive me," Jake said.

   I took my notebook back once more from him and wrote, " About yesterday I was wondering why did you even take me over there? Why do you even race? Does your mom know about this?" When I was done I gave it back to him and as he read he let out a big sigh like he knew that I was not going to like the answers he was going to give me.

   "I took you because I wanted to make it up to you after I took you to the fight and also because I wanted to help you forget what that f*cken a**whole did to you. At first I started racing because I needed to help my mom pay the bills after my father left us. Now I do not need to fight or race because my mom has a stable job and doesn't need my help, but I keep doing it as a stress reliever. My mom never knew about this she just thinks that I have a job that pays really well and that I just sometimes get in fights with people at school. I really hope that you do not tell her what I just told you I really do not need her to worry more than she already does." 

  I guess I can understand where he was coming from but I still don't forgive him taking me there but I was happy that he tried to make it up to me at least in his own way even though it really wasn't a good idea.

  The rest of the day passed without a hitch. We had such a great time just learning more about ourselves. I was able to forget about the pain in my back, but it was getting even more painful as the time went by. When it started to get dark I couldn't stand it anymore I let out a loud whimper." What is wrong!?" Jake asked." Does your back hurt?" I nodded, "Let me see." I turned around without a protest I knew he was just going to get way anyway. "It wasn't this bad when I looked at it yesterday, and it might have been because it reopened some of your wounds and you didn't put some ointment so they won't get infected. If I see him I am going to give him one hell of a beating that he will now think twice about hurting someone else." This is the most anyone has cared for me in a really long time, but he will still have to try really hard to win me over but he is getting there. I was really sad that the day was coming to an end and that tomorrow I would have to go back to school and especially back to all the bullying. It is getting worse as the time goes back. I really don't know what else to do, but I know for sure that I have to hold on until I go to college in a year.

    Jake lead me back to his motorcycle the ride back was quiet and peaceful. When we got to my house I saw that my father's car wasn't in the driveway I let out my breath on relief that I didn't even know that I was holding. I got off the bike and heading up the steps when I was about to go in I turned back and smiled to Jake and waved him goodbye and he waved back got back on his bike and headed home. I fell asleep that night with a smile on my face.

I really hope that you guys Really like this chapter. I am really sorry for not updating sooner I hope this chapter makes up for that.



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