Chapter Three

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   Author's Note:

Well here is chapter three I hope you all like it.

The next day I woke up to my father's car start and leave the driveway. Taking a deep breath I walked towards my closet and took out some dark blue skinny jeans and a plain black shirt. I also got out my black grandma like panties and a plain black bra so I could take a shower. Once I finished brushing my teeth and putting my hair up in a ponytail I headed towards the kitchen for an apple since that was the only thing out in the open.

     "Don't think you will be able to get away from your daily beating later today when I get back from work. You will be receiving something very special from daddy that you will never be able to forget.

                               ~ You Father"

  After reading the note my hunger disappeared I was filled with dread of what he is going to do to me later. I can just hope he will not go overboard like the last time. He went too far that I woke up at the hospital the next day with a broken leg, a few cracked ribs, and with so many bruises that I couldn't tell the difference between my skin tone and the multiple blue, yellow, and green bruises that decorated my body.

    With that thought I started walking to school since I couldn't afford having a car it is not that far only like a ten minute walk from my house. Once I arrived to school I started walking towards my locker and put in my combination which is 10~15~28. I put away all the books and notebooks I wouldn't need. The hallway was so crowded and loud with annoying teenagers when all of the sudden it got quiet and they made a path for Jake Mathews. Jake is what you call a bad boy he has a delinquent record, probably failing all of his classes, is a street fighter, where's a leather jacket all the time, and even has a motorcycle. Jake has black hair but not as dark as mine he also has bright green eyes and an eight pack that you can see when he has a tight shirt that defines all of his muscles he is also 6'2 or 6'1. He has this dark aura around him that makes others fear him except for Emily she tries to stake a claim on him and will destroy any girl that tries to take away what she believes is hers. 

    Emily Morgan the school slut walks up to him looking like a penguin with 7 inch heels. She is wearing a crop top that is two two sizes too small that has her fake boobs almost falling out. Her skirt could be used as a belt it is so short that as she walks it rises up and she flashes everyone her underwear. She also has died blonde hair and blue eyes all in all she looks like a two cent hooker.

 When she gets to Jake she whispers something in his ear all he does is nod and she pulls him away. The are most likely going to the janitors closet for a quickly. Emily has the reputation of opening her legs to anything that looks like a male and walks so fast that can put a prostitute to shame. Jake is a man whore and f*cks anything that has boobs and an *ss to match. The bell rang and I headed to my first period which is physical education it is tortured because today we are playing soccer and I suck at anything that has to do with a ball and running.

 When I got to the locker room Brittany Emily's" friend" came up to me and said, "Why the f*ck did you show up to school today you freak and slut when are you going to get it through your thick head that no one likes you." With that she pushed me into the lockers and made me hit my head she also kicked me in the stomach. When she left I got up and went to my locker and took out my P.E uniform which consists of a grey t-shirt and blue shorts. Once dressed I went outside and lined up for roll call. Our teacher is an old man that looked that he was fit when he was younger. His name is Mr. Tomson. Before  we started to play soccer he made us run two laps around the soccer field as usual I was the last one. Mr. Tomson chose one girl and one boy to be captains and they chose who they wanted on their team. Not very lucky for me I got stuck on Brittany's team. When we started playing she kicked the ball to me but on purpose she aimed to my face. The impact of the hit made me stumble and to fall on my butt. When I touched my nose I felt something sticky I pulled my hand away and it was covered in blood. The teacher said to go to the nurse and chose Jake to take me.

I hope you like this chapter it is very long and it took me a long time to put it together.




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