Chapter Seven

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Mommy why awe (AN: little Alex has trouble saying her r's right.) you packing. Her mommy looked at her with such a sad look "Honey mommy has to go away for a really long time okay. Just know that I love you and I will always be with you in your heart."  I didn't understand I just followed hew to the door. Mommy gave me a huge hug that took my breath away. "Remember mommy will always love you never doubt that I love you so much sweetie take care" mommy said. "I love you too mommy, come back soon."

         I woke up with a start that was the last time I ever saw her. I used to ask my dad when would mommy come back and the only answer I got was a punch in the stomach. I soon learned not to ask about her. I soon started getting mad at my mother because of her I had the worst childhood ever if she had stayed none of this would have ever happened. We could have still been a happy family. 

         Remembering the past is just going to get me depressed so I got up and went to my closet and got some black skinny jeans with a white lacey top and headed to the bathroom for a shower. After all that I got dressed and blow dried my hair and then I curled my hair with the wand. I tried dressing up because one it's Friday and second my father is not here. I went down and myself some cereal when I finished I washed my bowel and started my way to school.

         It was nice outside not too cold or too hot. That all changed when I saw Brittany's crew waiting for me at the front gate I knew that this day was going to get worse. They had trash bags with them when I crossed the gate they threw the bags at me and the trash came spilling out . They started laughing at me not even trying to help me out of the corner of my eye I saw Jake standing there with a cold look on his face, but what hurt me most was that he didn't even try to come and help me. I got most of the trash out of my hair and clothes and rushed to my locker where I had another set of clothes the bad thig is that it is just a pair of sweats and a long a saggy shirt.

        After going to my locker I went straight to the restroom to change. I am never going to try to dress up again if this is going to happen every time I try. The bell rang right when I was done changing I rushed straight to P.E. I was glad that today was a free day because I don't think that I would be able to do anything. The teacher said to sit down in the bleachers or go play basketball. I went to go sit down all the way at the top at bleachers where no one will go up there at least I hope so. I saw Jake coming up the stairs heading straight towards me. I tried shrinking back but he saw me and grinned at me. He was wearing a nice fitting back t-shirt that wasn't to tight or too  loose and some dark blue jeans with back converse oh and lets not forget the leather jacket. When he reached me he asked "Are you alright you looked like you were going to explode back there." I  just rolled my eyes how would you feel if they threw trash at you I thought oh wait that will never happen to you because you are the popular bad boy.

        "Don't roll your eyes at me cupcake," he said. That just made want to roll my eyes at him even more, but I didn't because he would pay even more attention to me. He gave me his phone I looked up at him weirdly "Here use it to text what you want to tell me that way I wont have to keep guessing what you are thinking." Why are you here talking to me when you can be with all the other popular people I texted and gave it back to him.

        "I am with you because you are not annoying me like they are and because you are not scared of me like they are and because they are just hanging out with me so they could get a chance to have their five seconds of fame."

        "Why would I even be scared of you? You haven't given me something to be scared of you only of what happened yesterday when I was walking home from school by the way thank you very much for rescuing me if you were not there I don't even want to think about what would have happened. I don't even want people to pay attention to me I would rather be in the shadows unnoticed by everyone.

        I gave it back when he read about what happened yesterday he started clenching his hands with a murderers look on his face. " You have nothing to be thankful for I would do it again without a second thought. I could assure you that guy is going to think twice before trying that again on any girl." When he said that I would have thought that he really cared about me but then I remembered what he told me yesterday while we were running the mile. That immediately took that thought out of my head and I reminded myself that no guy like him would give a girl like me the time of day and that made me feel even more depressed than I already was. The bell rang and I quickly made my way down from the bleachers before he could even follow me and headed to me next class. The rest of the day went uneventful. When I got home I did all my chores that way I wont have to do much during the weekend and because Father Dearest is coming back on Monday if it was possible I would rather him to never come back even if that meant I would have to look for a job and would have to pay the bills. Anything would be better than having to get a beating every single day until I could move out. After all the I went straight to bed and fell into a dreamless sleep.     

        I am very sorry for not being able to update a lot sooner and because of that I tried to make this chapter a lot longer well I hope you like it. 



        Yulie <3

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