Chapter Five

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   Author's Note:

I dedicate this chapter to my best friend in the whole world Lovelybones5665. Without her help it would have taken me even longer to update this chapter.

When I woke up in the morning I felt like I was ran over a two ton truck more than once. I looked at the clock and see that it was 7:50 I only had ten minutes to get to school and be in my first period class. I got up and got the first pair of clothes I could get my hands on. I took the quickest shower known to man and was out the door quicker than you can say "the evil monkey stole my pants."

   While I was locking the door I saw Jake also getting out of his house. He looked at me and did a double take. Next thing I know he is behind me asking who did this. I looked up at him with my face full confusion at what he was asking me and then it hit me like a pile of bricks. I forgot to put on make up so he can see the bruises on my face.

   He grabs me by the hand and drags me to his house and into his room. Jake's bedroom is your typical boy teenagers bedroom. The walls were painted dark blue and had posters of half naked women taped on his wall. He had piles of clothes scattered all over the floor.  I think I even saw something moving around. 

   "I am going to ask you one more time who did this to you? " I could tell he was barely holding on to his anger. I got out a notebook and a pencil from my backpack I wrote "my father," and handed it to him. He looked confused as to why I was showing him my notebook. When he read it I thought he was going to explode he kept on clenching and unclenching his hands.

   "How long has this been going on," he asked.

   "Nine years,"  I wrote.

   "Why did it start,"

   I decided on telling him everything what could go wrong. I told him that my mother left when I was eight years and that caused my father to drink more than usual and me to stop talking all together. When he was done reading he looked up at me with an unreadable expression. "I so want to kill that bastered who does think he is hitting innocent girls with no damm reason just wait until I get my hands on him you are not even going to be able to recognize him when I'm done" he said it all with a super dark voice and his eyes got darker by the second. Just looking at him gave me the chills. We were just staring at each other when his phone started ringing.

   He looked at his phone and let out a string of curses "What the hell do you want..... tonight?....who is the lucky bastered..... see you there. "

   "Do you want to go see me fight tonight," he asked me. I didn't see the problem with that so I just nodded. We walked out of his room I didn't get a chance to see his house clearly when he first dragged me here. His house is very neat make me wonder why his room looks like a pigs tie. We walked down the stairs out the door and to his black Harley motorcycle it freaken looked like a death trap. I was so not getting on that.

   "Come on cupcake get on the bike we don't have all day you know" I just shook my head at him. He sighed "Either you get on your own free will or I am going to make you. " I ignored him and started walking backwards, "looks like the bad way it is" he got and made his way towards me threw me over his shoulder and put me on the death trap.

   He got back on and roared it to life, "Hold on tight cupcake we don't want you to fall off now do we." Then he took making me wrap my arms tightly around  his waist. The wind was making my eyes tear up so put my head on his back and closed my eyes tightly.

   The ride seemed to be taking an eternity when really it was just ten minutes and the idiot was chuckling the whole way there because of my reactions. When I looked up I saw that we were at the bad part of town and the fight was going to take place at an abandoned warehouse it just looked like at any minute some creepy psycho was going to pop out and kill us. There were so many motorcycles and cars parked outside. There was cheering and booing coming from inside the building.

   "No matter what happens stay close to me and when I am fighting stay where I can see you. " I nodded my head. He took my hand and walked to the entrance of the warehouse.  Inside it looked like the whole town was here to watch him fight. He put me in the front row where he made sure he can see me and told me again not to move no matter what and to not talk to anyone.

   He walked away to get ready. Ten minutes later he comes out and goes to the ring. His opponent comes out and I stand still as a guy who looks like Godzilla comes out he looks like he is about 6'5 a huge scar running from his left temple all the way down to his chin. He is ripped huge muscles that look impossible to be even be able to get. Jake has no chance against this guy he is going to get severely hurt and maybe even killed.

   Jake doesn't even seem faced by his appearance. The announcer starts the fight. The bulldozer makes the first attempt and aims at Jake's jaw he ducks away his advantage is that he is lighter on his feet than the other guy. The opponent is heavier on so he a lot slower. All of the sudden he lands a punch on Jake's stomach making him bend over just get a hard punch on his face. He is thrown on the floor by the force of it. I want to scream so badly but I can't. Jake gets up and quickly throws punches at the guy left and right the guy is taken by surprise and is doing a poor job on defending himself with one last punch on the head he is knocked out cold. I am shocked the crowed is going wild and Jake is still undefeated. Jake makes his way towards me but I don't do anything other than stare at his forming bruise on his stomach and face. Blood is coming out of his nose and he also has a black eye. I looked over to the other guy and he looks far worse with bruises all over his body and two black eyes.

   Jake reaches me and asks me is I'm alright all can do is stare I feel numb all over I. When I came back to reality I noticed that I was on his bike with my hands around his waist. He starts the bike and drives us back home I noticed that it was already dark out made me remember about my dad and that I didn't do any pf the chores or made him dinner. When we arrived I saw that his car wasn't here and let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. Jake dropped me off on my doorstep and told me we would talk about this tomorrow I just nodded and opened the door and stepped inside. I walked towards the kitchen and saw a note from my dad saying he is going to be gone for a week. All I could think was that this week was going to be the best week ever and with that thought I fell into deep sleep.

Well I hope you guys really liked this chapter and I know it was long over do but it is better late than never.


peace out,

Yilie <3

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