Chapter Fifteen

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I thought really hard what Jake had said even though I had a long time ago stopped trying to make my dad proud I still had a bit of hope that he will come to his senses and will be proud of me and treat me how he had before my mom left us. I know I shouldn't be hoping for the impossible and later on face big disappointment when he doesn't change like I wished for him to. I know that he has gone down the deep end and there is no return, but I can't face the facts right now maybe later that way I could move on with my life.

This is how the rest of the day went thinking about the disappointment of a father I have and blaming everything on my mother if she had not left none of this wouldn't have happened. I wouldn't have gone to the hospital more times than in can count, and I also wouldn't be afraid of talking and having lots of friends and not be the loner I am. I didn't do anything all day if you ask what we did we do today I wouldn't be able to answer.

I didn't see Jake for the rest of the day and that's great because I needed some alone time. When the bell rang I was the last one out the door because I wasn't paying attention to what was going on. I hurried outside, and rushed home to beat my father home to make him some dinner and to see if I can sneak something for myself. I am starting to feel the effects of not eating much.

When I got home I saw that his car wasn't in the driveway I did a happy dance right there in the sidewalk. Once I came back to my senses I looked around to see if anyone saw that and luckily for me no one was there to see my dance and misinterpret as me having a seizure on the sidewalk. I rushed inside and straight to the kitchen to see which cabinets my father left unlocked. There was one time that he left none of them unlocked and I couldn't make dinner he was so mad that there was no food on the table that was the day he sent me to the hospital.

In the cabinet there was ingredients to make some chicken soup luckily that was an easy dish to make and it did not take a long to be ready. I made enough for him to get seconds just incase and enough for me to be able to get some. That way if he does not let me eat when he get home which happens more times than not I would have already eaten. I left the stove on low that way it could stay warm for when he gets home. I will be cleaning the kitchen and the living room and I will be able to stir it just a bit so it won't burn and get stuck on the bottom of the pan.

I washed all the dishes I dirtied and the ones from the morning and I also served myself my plate so it could cool down while I clean the living room. Once I have swept and vacuumed the living room and swept and mopped the kitchen the soup was cool enough for me to be able to eat it. I ate as quickly as I could before my father could get home and catch me eating before he could give my permission to eat or not. He came in just as I was putting the now washed plate to dry.

I left it there and hurried to serve his plate and in the process turning off the stove. I piled to plate up so high that it was just falling over the edges just how he liked it, and placed it in front of him with a napkin and a spoon. Then I went to get him a beer from the fridge without him telling me because if I wait for him to tell me it will come along with a slap and a punch to the stomach. I learned this the hard way.

Once he had everything I went to stand at the corner of the kitchen to wait for instructions. "Go to bed you are not getting anything to eat because of the way you have acting recently, and you better be asleep by the time I am done eating or you will get punished. Understood?" He said. 

I nodded hurriedly and headed straight to my room to do as he asked. Good thing I had eaten something before he had gotten home. When I got to my room I directly to the shower and tried to hurry up the best as I could while being careful with wounds on my back. Luckily they had not opened at school I do not know how I would explain why my back is bleeding. After the shower I went straight to my bed and fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

Here you guys go I really hope you like this update. It is just a little more insight on Alex it is a bit boring. I'll try to make the next chapter more exciting. Please vote and comment I would really like to see what you guys like about this story not just telling me to update.


Yulie <3

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