Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up to the front door slamming shut and the car driving out of the driveway. I got up carefully my back and my ribs were still a bit sore. I headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower at least this time my back didn't hurt as much. When I got out I checked my back on the mirror the cuts were healing nicely. They were scabbed and I wanted to take it off, but that would just make it bleed and I do not need that happening while I was at school. That would be hard to explain not that anyone would care.

Jake has been the only person I have ever talked to about what happened and I think he is just doing out of pity and I really do not need that right now. I will just ignore him for now on it is only a matter of time before he gets tired of me and leaves me. That would only hurt me more. With that in mind I hurried up getting dressed with a long black sleeved shirt and black skinny jeans with my black converse I also pulled out a grey hoodie that was huge on me it went past my butt. I headed down stairs getting an apple as I passed by seeing that all of the cabinets were locked which also meant that my Father was not going to be here for dinner that meant I wasn't going to eat dinner.

I wish I could buy myself some dinner or lunch but I didn't have any money to spend. I hate it that I'm so skinny this is not healthy but there is nothing that I can do just to wait for school to be over that way I could leave this shit whole and live my own life. I rushed out the door so I could get to school on time and leave before Jake leaves his house that would ruin my plan on avoiding him.

I got their just as the bell rang for first period. Luckily we didn't do anything just sitting in the gym while the P.E. teacher finished grading some tests. Why we take test in P.E. I don't know it isn't like we are going to need this out in the real world. Everyone was in there own groups of friends while I was at the back of the gym by myself. It didn't really bother me anymore after seven or eight years on my own. Luck was on my side because Jake wasn't here hopefully he wasn't going to come all day, but knowing me that wasn't going to happen so I am going to take some precautions. I am not going to the cafeteria today and going straight to the library. I doubt he even knows where the library is at, and whenever I see him in the hallway I will turn around like I never saw him even though I will be late for my classes today.

The bell rang just as Jake came rushing in. The teacher didn't even look at him and told him to do thirty pushups and sit ups for not showing up to class. I started laughing silently at him thinking that is what he gets for being a jerk and because I like seeing him suffer. I rushed out of their before he could see me standing there watching him do his punishment like a wierdo.

When I got to English the teacher was writing on the board about the final semester project that I was not looking forward at all. I really hope that the project will be done independently I don't need to be working with someone that won't do anything and make me do everything. "Alright class settle down. Today I am going to assign a project that will be due before Christmas break. This will be a partner project." Ms. Sanchez said. As soon as she said it was a partner project people started looking at their friends giving looks at them and nodding. When Ms. Sanchez saw this she said, "Don't get too happy I will be assigning your partners and no matter what you say you will not be able to change partners or work alone." I had a feeling she said the last part to me because she knows that I don't like working with people.

" Alright Abigail and Josh, Samantha and Elizabeth, Alex and Jake......" I stopped listening after she said that well there goes my plan. The bad thing is that Jake also deciding on skipping this class so that means I have to go look for him and tell him we are partners and are going to be working at his house. There is no way that I will ever take him to my house that is just suicide for me and him.

I was very deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice that the bell has rung until everyone was already out of the classroom and it was just me and the teacher. She was looking at me weird like she was trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I hurriedly packed my stuff and left quickly before she could say something.

On my way to chemistry I saw Jake getting out of the janitor's closet with shirt all wrinkled and his hair all over the place and lipstick kiss prints on his neck. I didn't bother with telling him about the project. I don't why but just thinking of what he was just doing with that girl made my chest hurt. I ignored and and turned around and made my way to my chemistry class that I was already late for. Before I could he turned and saw me his eyes flashed with guilt, but I wasn't sure if that was what I saw. I hurried away before he could try to talk to me.

Chemistry was boring more than half of the class was missing so we did nothing. I used that time to think of ways on how I was going to tell Jake about our project. I know I will just leave a note in his locker telling him about the project, when it is due, and what he has to do because I am not going to do the whole thing myself. I started writing it and by the time the bell rung I was done. Now all I have to is find Jake's locker in this huge school without looking like a stalker.

Just as I stepped out of class I saw Jake at his locker. I thanked the Lord because I did not know what I was going to have to do to find his locker. I waited until he left hiding by some lockers so he won't be able to see me. As soon as he left I put the note in his locker through the holes. I really hope I don't bump into him anymore and that he doesn't go to my house to ask about it. I have a free third period so I went outside to read some. I found a tall tree that offered a generous amount of shade. I sat down criss-cross-applesauce and took out Heroes of Olympus: The Blood of Olympus. I love this series it was the first one that got me interested in reading, and plus Percy is just to die for. Reading this transports me to another world that I so wish was real.

I was so concentrated on reading that I didn't hear anyone approach me until they cast a shadow and blocked the sun from me and couldn't continue reading. I looked up and saw that it was a guy that I have never saw before in this school. He had sandy blond hair with bright blue eyes that reminded me of the sky on a cloudless day. He was really tall like around 6ft. and 5in.

"Hey do you know where the history classes are at?" He asked. I nodded my head and stood up so I could show him the way. "By the way my name is Ethan. What is your name?" I took out my notebook and wrote my name and gave it back to him. He looked at me weird as to why I gave it to him but he still took it. "That is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl," he told me while winking at me. I blushed bright red I put head down so he won't notice. His comment made me uncomfortable because no one has told me I'm beautiful in a really long time. I don't believe him I just have spent too much time thinking I was a nobody in this world.

I didn't notice we were at the classroom until I almost bumped into the door, but Ethan grabbed me before I could. "Careful we don't want your beautiful face to end up bruised. Now do we?" I smiled up at him thankful. He still has his arms wrapped around my waist when Jake passed by as. He looked at us and then looked back like he didn't believe what he saw.

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. Thank you everyone for the votes and comments they mean a lot to me.


Yulie <3

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