Chapter Ten

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Picture of Jake on the side or up :)

Jake's POV:

I felt Alex rest her head on my back her grip on my waist loosened and it made me happy that she trusted me enough to even get back on my bike after the last incident which I really do regret taking her to my cage fight. I was thinking that she would be easily impresses like all the other girls. Even after she told me about her father. I should have put two and two together she grew up around violence and now she can't stand it. I pulled up the race track that really didn't look look like one. I got off and turned around to help her off but she was already of and typing away on my phone that I didn't even realize that she still had it.

"Why are we here? I want to go back home!!" It said no way am I going to take her back to her house so early their is very good chance that her father will continue what he started. "I will take you back home when we are done here it will not take long just stay close to me and don't talk or make eye contact with anyone." I could tell that she wanted to protest but I gave her a glare that made her shrink back in fear I felt a slight twinge if guilt when she did that, but it's for her own good I don't want anything to happen to her. The guys here will hurt her if she doesn't pay attention and if I get distracted.

I put my arm around her shoulder. She tried prying my arm off her shoulder her pitiful attempts made me chuckle she heard me and sent a hateful glare at me if she could kill me with the look she was sending my way. I scanned the area looking to see who would be my competition tonight. I have been undefeated for ten times in a row and I plan on keeping that streak. I knew that these guys didn't stand a chance. I saw some of them checking Alex out that made my blood boil I sent them my most heated glare that made them turn around with their tails tucked in between their legs.

I saw my crew up ahead which consisted of: Blake he was six feet tall with blonde hair and blue eyes he had a lot of muscle but not so much that it looked like he lived at the gym and my best friend since I was ten, next to him was his girlfriend of two years Jessica she had brown hair and brown eyes and was quite short like five feet, last but not least my best friend since we were in diapers Ricardo he is six feet with two inches he is Mexican so he has that accent and loves to cuss a lot in Spanish he is the reason why I am fluent in speaking Spanish cuss words. We did the regular hand shake and bro hug "Guys this is Alexandra be nice to her." I gave them a meaningful glare Alex gave a half hearted wave. I have told them ahead of time that she doesn't talk but not the reason why. "I have to go get ready Jessica I am leaving her in your hands if something happens to her I am holding you accountable." She just gulped and nodded and Alex blushed bright red and gave me a hard nudge "ouch cupcake you wound me" I said sarcastically. "Now stay here with her and wish me luck." I left before she could question me.

I went to my motorcycle and put on my black leather jacket and my pitch black helmet and drove my bike to the starting line. I heard the announcer say

"On your marks

Get ready



I pushed on passing everyone. I felt the rush of adrenalin that I always feel when I race and I felt free. This one guy on an electric blue bike almost passed me but I did not let him. I finished the first lap now I only had two more laps to go. I had several close calls apparently I underestimated my competition I can promise that I am never doing that again. I crossed the finish line the announcer said," The winner for the eleventh time in a row now is Jake Mathews!!!!" The crowd went wild I got off my bike and went to get my money which was $300.

I looked around for a particular black haired girl. I found her in the very front with some guy he was talking to her and she looked very uncomfortable. All I saw was red I was livid who did this guy thinking talking to my girl. Wait what did I just say she is not mine why am I getting so mad. "Hey you back off my girl!!"

"Who the hell are you?!? I can talk to who ever I please. It's not my fault you left her here all alone I just wanted to be nice and introduce myself to her."

I am going to kill Jessica for leaving her alone. "Well I am here now so get away from her before I make you."

"What are you going to do to me talk me ear off." The guy sneered at me. That made me pissed that I didn't even think and punched him in the jaw and heating that satisfying crunch. The guy got ready to hit me but I didn't let him I continued throwing punches at him left and right. I felt someone gently trying to push me away from the guy I looked and saw that it was Alexandra as fast as my anger came it drained away just by looking at her eyes. Man I'm turning into a girl I should just paint my nails pink while I am at it.

I let her guide me to my bike I helped her on and then we left. When we got go her house I new that her back was killing her by the faces she was trying to hide. I just wanted to go inside and beat the shit out of that guy for everything he has ever done for her.

"I know you have lots of questions about what just happened today I will explain everything where we are going tomorrow so dress up warmly and comfortable and also early because I am going to pick you up at eight. Before you even say no because we have school tomorrow we are ditching one day of not going is not going to kill you. Don't even try to hide either." She was about to type something, but I didn't let her I took away my phone and put it on my back pocket. She got mad but got up and nodded and turned around and headed to the front door. I stayed their until she was safely inside and then I made my way home. I fell asleep thinking about how tomorrow is going to go.

DON'T FORGET GO VOTE, COMMENT,AND TO SHARE. I love to hear from you guys make my day until next time.

Peace out,

Yulie <3

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