Chapter Six

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   When I woke up in the morning the events of yesterday came crashing down on me. Letting out a sigh I got up and went to my closet to get some clothes and headed for the shower. After that I got out and brushed my hair letting it to air dry and then put on some make up to cover up the bruise that was a light purple it still hurt when I touched it.

   I just got an Apple for breakfast I wasn't that hungry. When I got to school I looked down at my feet and headed to my locker I took it my biology and history notebook for my second and third period.

   The bell rang just as I closed my locker I made my way towards the locker room for P.E. It's Thursday which means we have to run a mile in the track at the football field. When I finished dressing I headed out to the track and saw that I was the last one there. We headed to the starting line and took off.

   I passed the cheerleaders but was still way behind when I was on my second lap Jake passed me and pushed me roughly and I couldn't catch myself fast enough and landed face first on the ground. I looked at him like what the hell yesterday you were all nice to me and now you are bullying me. Everybody turned to look at me and laughed like there was no tomorrow. I just stood up and continued running. When I finished I headed straight for the locker room to change with my face red as a tomato as people laughed at what had happened earlier.

   Biology and history went on normally and by that I mean people tripping me while I tried to get to my seat and then during class the boys behind me were throwing spit wads at me when the teacher wasn't looking. The bell rang for lunch I headed  to the cafeteria and got a peanut butter and jelly sandwich which chocolate milk. I didn't feel like eating inside today so I went outside and went to sit on a bench.

   While I was eating I felt someone towering over me I looked and saw that it was Jake. I got up quickly and tried to leave key word tried. I felt someone holding me in place by the waist. "Where do you think you are going?" -Jack asked. I just ignored him and continued to try to escape. After three minutes of struggling I just gave up. "Look I'm sorry for pushing you in first period," I rolled my eyes not believing him I mean come on after what happened yesterday you would think that he would stop being a jerk I guess I was wrong.

   "I had to do that I didn't want people to think that I was going soft." When he said that I got so mad that I turned around and slapped him hard. That caused a lot of people to turn and looked at us with their eyes wide open and jaws almost touching the floor. While he was distracted I high tailed it out of there not looking back.

   I ran all the way to my fifth period class which was math and luckily it was empty so I went and sat down at my desk that was at the back corner of the classroom. For the rest of day when I would see Jake in the hallways looking for me I would turn back around and walked off in a different direction. As I was walking home I walking by a dark alley and was jumped by behind I was just going to punch the guy in the gut when he was suddenly thrown off of me. When I sat up I saw Jake beating the guy like there was no tomorrow. "Never touch her look at her or even think about her you here me and if you don't do as I say I'm going to hunt you down and put you in the hospital," with that he he got up and walked towards me while looking at me up and down as if looking for injuries.

   "Are you okay?" he asked I nodded telling him I was okay. "Come on I'm taking you home." I just nodded at him and followed him without a protest because I knew this wasn't an argument I was going to win. The drive home was a quiet one when we got there I got off his motorcycle waved at him and went inside. The good thing about my dad being gone I'd that I don't get a beating when I get home or have to make dinner so I just went straight to my room and fell asleep.

Author's Note

Well as you can see I didn't fall off the face of the Earth. I am really sorry for not updating sooner I just had a serious writers block and was busy getting ready for going back to school. I know this is not a really good chapter but I hope you guys  like it. I will try yo update more often.



Yulie <3

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