Chapter Thirteen

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The night I could hardly even sleep the pain on my back was unbearable I couldn't find a comfortable positiand when I did get a chance to sleep I had nightmares about my dads trying to kill me. After having another nightmare for the third time I gave up on trying to get any more sleep. I looked up and saw it was 5 o'clock a.m. it was too early to be awake and then I also couldn't get up from my bed and take shower because the noise would wake my father up and he would be pissed that I woke him up an hour before he has to go to work.

I just stayed there laying on my stomach it was very un comfortable because I'm not used to sleeping like this, and I would rather die than try to sleep on my back it hurts so bad the material from my shirt was rough on my wounds and it brought tears to my eyes every time I moved. All of a sudden I heard my father come to my room I didn't have enough time to get away when he grabbed me by the hand and by the foot to pull me to the floor. I landed painfully on my back I didn't get a chance to recover when he landed a punch on my stomach. "You stupid bitch why are you making so much noise this early in the morning? Can't you see that I have to wake up in an hour because I have to go to work, and your not letting me sleep. You know what happens to naughty girls like you that don't follow the rules they get punished." With that he punched me in the face with so much for that my head hit the floor and it bounced back.

He got up went to his room I thought he was going back to sleep then I heard the front door open and slam close and the car drive out of the driveway. 

I stayed there in the floor until I was sure that my head had stopped spinning. I got up and quickly took a shower with it hurt so bad the water was hitting my back at full force I let out a whimper, but I knew I had to do this I didn't want to go to school all dirty and not that anyone would notice. I rushed out to get some grey sweats and a baggy black shirt along with a black hoodie it I hurt me I don't think that I would be able to last all day at school with the cloths touching my back. I hurriedly brushed my hair and put up in a messy bun. I tried covering my bruised eye with makeup, but it was still very much noticeable. I put on my white converse, got my backpack, and left the house before Jake could come and pick me up to take me to school. I didn't want him to see the bruises I knew that he would go crazy and demand to know where my father is. 

I made it to the school to school in ten minutes it was a new record for me, and it was only because I was paranoid that Jake was going to catch up to me. I was always looking over my shoulder to see if he was behind me. I went to my locker to get my PE clothes and rushed off to the locker room I went to the bathroom stalls to change and wait until everyone come in and changed and got out. I wanted to be the last one out so I could have less of a chance of running into Jake. Once that I was sure that everyone was lining up outside I go out, and looked around for Jake I was relieved that he was not here. When all of the sudden I felt someone grab me by the waist.

I kicked and punched, but the person who had a hold of me didn't let up I gave up and stayed still waiting for the person to say something. "Why the hell did you not let me give you a ride to school??!!" Jake said. The tone of his voice scared me I haven't heard of him this mad at me in a while and I was terrified to what he is going to do to me. Before I could do anything he turned me around I looked down that way my hair covered up my bruise. 

"Answer me damn it I waited outside of your house for 15 minutes so I could take you to school. Imagine my surprise when I noticed that you weren't home." I just shrugged and finally broke free. I didn't even take one step when I was back in his arms once, and he didn't stop there he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and took me out of the gym. I was so embarrassed everyone was looking at us like we were crazy and that they couldn't believe their eyes that the bad boy was carrying me. 

I punched and kicked but he didn't even flinch or let up his grip on me. He took us to the bleachers in the football field. He finally put me down when we were all the way at the top. I looked up at him confused silently asking him why did he bring me up here. I guess he understood because he said, " I brought you here because I didn't want anyone listening to our conversation, and also I would appreciate it if you answered me truthfully." He took out his phone from his back pocket and give it to me. He wasn't even changed for P.E I guess he was waiting waiting for me outside of the locker room. "Now tell me the truth why did you not wait for me to pick you up." I opened his phone surprised he didn't have a lock on it I guess no one would dare take the bad boys phone away. I clicked on Notes and typed I didn't want a ride to school, and I also had to get early to school to finish some homework. I gave it back to him and when he read it he gave me his are you serious look. "Tell me something I would believe."

I snatched the phone back "Fine you want to know what happened my father punched and kicked me this morning because I was supposedly making too much noise, and not letting him sleep. I didn't want you to find out so I left my house early, and planned to avoid you all day long so you wouldn't find out." I gave it back to him and I accidentally raised my head a little too high and he saw my bruised eye. He let out a gasp and his face started getting really red and the vain on his neck started to pop out before he could say anything I motion for him to read what I typed. If it was possible he got even more mad I really hope that he doesn't run into my Father I didn't want him to end up in jail and my father in the hospital the bills from there are very expensive and have no job and no money to be able to pay for it. 

"Remember what I told you to tell me when he hits you again, and look at your eye you can barely keep it open." He was right I was having trouble keeping it open and it hurts really bad I tried to keep myself from wincing, but it was impossible. The anger in his eyes only intensified, but when he looked at me his glare softened to let me know that he wasn't angry with me but at my father. 


I'm really sorry for the delay I have been working on editing this story and I didn't have internet for a whole month and a half. I really hope you like this chapter and sorry it us very short, but at least I kept my promise. Thank you all for supporting this story by voting, commenting, and for adding this story to your reading list. :) I hope you have a great night or day depending where you are.


Yulie <3

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