Chapter Nineteen

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Alex's POV:

I woke up confused as to where I was because I am pretty sure that my room did not have posters of half naked girls on the walls and the walls painted blue. My room was plain with white walls and with nothing on the walls. When I looked out the window I saw my room  which that would mean that I was in Jake's house and in his room. I wounder why I am in his room and not in mine after what happened. I really hope that Jake didn't do anything to my father I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if he did. I know that my father doesn't deserve my sympathy but he is the only parent I have left even though he does a horrible job at it.

I was just about to get up when Jake came in and made me lay back down. "Why the hell did he beat you up today?" As he was saying this he handed me a notebook so I could write down my answer. "I don't know he just came to my room in the morning and started hitting me. I tried stopping him but he was to heavy for me."  I handed the notebook back to Jake and while he was reading it I tried to read the look on his face and from what I saw he had an idea that I wasn't going to like.   

"Get up but be very careful you have a couple of bruised ribs and also hang onto my arm I could tell that you could hardly see through you left eye and your right eye is still a bit bruised." I know that he was right so I let him lead the way I really did not want to fall down the stairs again. I wonder where we are going. As we walked down the stairs I heard someone banging pots in the kitchen shit that means his mom is home and that she is going to ask questions about why I look the way I do.

I guess Jake could tell that I was nervous about meeting his mom because he said, "Don't worry about my mother I already told her about your situation and he promised not to tell anyone and she will not ask you any questions about the way you look and I have something to tell you before you find by my mother. I umm asked my mother if you could stay here with us until you can fend for yourself because neither her or me want you to be living with your father because who knows what he is going to do to you next. I know that you might not like the idea but please think about it."

With that we continued walking towards the kitchen but I was hardly paying any attention I was to busy thinking about what Jake said. I could see why he wants me to stay with him but what surprises me the most is that it is him who wants me to stay in his house I really thought that he didn't care about me but I guess I was wrong. I guess I could stay with Jake I mean my birthday is in a couple of months and I could start looking for a job as soon as my bruises go away that way I wouldn't depend on him and on his mother. 

When we walked into the the kitchen his mother was busy stirring the soup she was making that she didn't notice us walking in until Jake cleared his throat. His mother jumped up in surprise and almost dropped the spoon she was using. "Jake Andrew Mathews Garcia what have I told you about coming out of no where when I am cooking. I could have burned myself is that what you want. Just because you are eighteen doesn't mean I can't bend you over my knee like I used to when you were little." Jake was bright red when his mom mentioned bending him over her knee. I giggled softly when I pictured a certain six foot eighteen year old bent over a five foot two woman for a spanking. I guess that caused all the attention to be focused on me and now it was my turn to turn bright red. 

"Come on mom don't say that when we have company over you are embarrassing me." Jake whined.

"Well next time don't scare me when I am cooking and we won't have that problem. Now come here darling and let me see your face because I am sure my son didn't put a cream on your face so the swelling could go down."   

This took me by surprised because I am not used to people caring for me and especially not a stranger that has known me for a couple of minutes. Carefully I took small steps towards her so she wouldn't get me in trouble. When I was right in front of her she raised her hand and I flinched and put my hands up to cover me face. After a couple of seconds of nothing happening I put my hands down and looked up at her only to see sadness in her eyes and she said, "Don't worry honey no one is going to hurt you hear and I wont allow anyone touch you in a harmful way." I was shocked I would have never thought that someone could be so nice and caring to a stranger.

Being in a house that is not my own is weird because I am so used to only seeing my four walls with no human contact other than with my father. Some how I just knew that Mrs. Mathew will never hurt me. She just gives off a motherly aura I don't know how this sweat woman have a son like Jake. In a way she reminds me of my mother before she left.

"Come here hun you can help me finish dinner while Jake sets up the table."

Jake did not look happy that he had to help out but knew it would be useless to argue with his mother. While he was out of the kitchen Mrs. Mathew said, "I don't need your help but I think it would be easier to talk with Jake out of hearing distance. Now I want to let you know that no one will ever hurt you here and I will no let anyone hurt you outside the house, so if someone is bothering you in school I want you to let me know and I will handle it. You are not alone anymore I am here for you and if you need someone to talk to or just sit in silence with I am here for you just like I would be for my son. I see you as the daughter I never had. I know what you are going threw and I don't want to make the same mistakes I did."

I had tears rolling down my cheeks no one has ever taken the time to take my feelings into consideration and her saying that I could always count on her as a mother is just too much that throw myself at her and cry onto her shoulder. "You are not alone and never will be again if I have a say in it Love. Your father will never be able to hurt you again." While she was saying this she was rubbing circles on my back just like my mom used to.

"Mom why is Alex crying?"

"Don't worry about is Jake. I was just letting her know that she will never have to be alone again that we will be here to protect her from her father and the cruel world. Now lets go to the dinning table and eat dinner."

Dinner was nice and calm it brought back good memories but I didn't let the interfere. Mrs. Mathew looked at me sadly when I excused myself from dinner because I hardly ate anything but didn't say anything. I went up to Jake's room to wait for him to tell me where I could sleep, but I didn't see him until the morning because I fell asleep. 

Author's Note:

I am sorry for keeping you guys waiting so long for this chapter just to disappoint with a really short chapter. This is not the whole chapter I will try to update the rest tomorrow. Please vote, comment, and follow.


Yulie <3

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