Chapter One

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Hello I am very new at writing stories please give this book a chance and if you don't like it please do not leave inappropriate comments they will be deleted. Please vote and comment if you liked the chapter I would really appreciate it. :)

Hello my name is Alexandra Garcia or Alex. My life took a turn for the worst when my mom left my dad and me when I was eight years old. My father fell into depression all he did was sit in our living room drinking any alcoholic beverage he could find. I didn't have the chance to grow up in a happy family I had to start learning how to fend for myself. My father got very violent after a couple of moths and started abusing me mentally and physically and he told me if I ever told anyone he would kill me. I was really scared and didn't doubt that he would follow up on his threat and to prove his point every time a nosey teacher would try to pry as to why I would show up with bruises to school every other day he would feed me a mouthful of chili spices that would leave my throat burning for days. This sort of punishment made me terrified of him that every time I would try to speak to an adult or anyone for that matter I would already be feeling the burning sensation of chili. In the end I just wouldn't even try to talk anymore. This is how I would later on be know as the weird mute girl in town. 

My father doesn't even want to look at me because I look so much like my Mother. We both have really black hair that looks blue in the sunlight, are five foot five, our eyes are dark brown that almost looks black, and we also have smooth olive skin tone which made our hair and eyes stand out. My father is the complete opposite he has dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes and has a natural tan and he is six foot. The only similarities that we share is our high cheek bones and button like nose.

At school when I stopped talking my friends tried to get me to talk to them about why I had stopped talking and what was happening at home, but then they all stopped talking to me when the popular students started picking on me and then them as well because they were hanging out with a freak. I guess that was their breaking point because one by one they all left me and have even joined the others in bullying me.  All they cared about was about their perfect reputation and that would get ruined if they continued being my friends. People thought I was a freak just because I didn't talk and it was depressing not having anyone to be close to someone that I knew would have my back not like the people I thought were my friends. Just because I didn't talk they thought I was also deaf so they would talk about me behind my back thinking I didn't hear everything they just said it almost made me want to throw the rag and leave but with me only being seventeen that wasn't possible. If that wasn't bad enough when I would get home from school I would have to make food for my father and clean up the house and if I didn't do that I would get a beating. It hurts to see my father like this he used to be my hero he would always cheer my up when I was upset I was daddy's little girl, but that all changed when she left us. This is my story living as a mute and with an abusive father.

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