Chapter Eighteen

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I would love to dedicate this chapter to HunterWolfGirl for giving me the idea on what to write. Without her it would've taken me even longer to update. 😁😄

I woke up to my Father yanking me out of my bed by my feet. Before I could do anything he started punching me on my face and on my stomach. I was confused what could I have done to deserve this. I tried to push him off of me but he wouldn't budge. It felt like it was going on forever and that he was never going to stop. The pain was becoming too much and darkness was starting to surround my vession until I passed out because of the pain.

Jake's POV:

I waited all morning by the window so I could see when Alex came out so I could confront her about yesterday. I looked up at the clock and saw there was only ten minutes before school started and I know Alex doesn't like to be late to class because then people stare at her and she hates any type of attention. I was brought out of my thoughts when I saw Alex's father pulling out of the driveway but I didn't see Alex leaving the house. Without even thinking I ran out of the house and entered her house without thinking and ran to her room. What I saw will be something I will never forget. Alex's face was full of bruises, around her eyes she had black bruises and i could tell that she wouldn't be able to open her right eyes on how swollen it is. Her nose was bleeding purposely I needed to stop the bleeding before she lost too much. Her lip was split and full of blood around the edges. I went to her and lift her shirt just enough to be able to see her stomach just to make sure that her ribs weren't broken thankfully they weren't. If they were I would have to take her to the hospital and they would have asked too many questions that I don't have the answers to.

I turned around and and started packing up her clothes and things that looked they had some sort of sentimental value for her. If anything was missing I would buy it for her but there is no way in hell she is ever coming back here with that bastured that could kill her just because he felt like it. From now on she will be living with me and I don't care what people say she is my top priority not my reputation.

I gently picked her up trying not to hurt her anymore than she already was. She moaned softly in her sleep but did not wake up, but she did snuggle deeper into my embrace. I held her tightly against my chest so I wouldn't move her too much while going down the stairs. I had to hurry and get her to my house because I saw a car coming and it looked like it belonged to her father. I don't know how I am going to explain this to my mother I just hope that she will take pity on Alex and let her stay here until she could take care of herself and wouldn't have to go to living with her father, not like I would let her anyway.

Once I layed her down on my bed I surveyed the damage more thoroughly just to make sure I didn't miss anything and she was going to recover just fine. I wanted to remove her bloodstained shirt but I knew that if I did she was going to get pissed at me and really do not want to deal with that right now. I made sure she was comfortable before I headed to the kitchen to get her some frozen peas to put on her eyes so they wont swell as much. Just as I was heading down the stairs the font door opened and it was my mother.

"Hey, hun why are you at home so early?"

"Umm mom I have something important to tell, but first promise me that you will not get mad and do something rash."

"I promise Jake. Oh my god please tell me that you didn't get a girl pregnant because I swear to all that is holly Jake Mathews that you will never see the light of day again and that you are going to do the right thing and be a father to that baby. You hear me young man?"

"Mom I promise you that I haven't gotten any girl pregnant and it is not going to happen for a long time. What I was going to tell you is that my friend Alexandra is going to be staying with us for a while."

"Why is she going to be staying with us and not with her father?"

"Her father has been abusing her ever since her mother left eight years ago and today he took it too far. There is no way in hell that I am going to let her stay with that man just so one day he could kill her. Please let her stay at least until she could afford her own place."

"Poor girl she has had it really hard with her mom leaving her at a such young age and then with her father abusing her. Alexandra can stay as long as she needs to just don't do anything stupid I am too young to be a grandmother," she said with a smile.

"Thank you mom and I promise you that isn't going to happen I don't like her like that."

Author's Note
I really hope that you guys like this chapter and I know that it is short but there is going to be more to come next week. This week is going to be very busy with graduation tomorrow and grad night on Thursday. Please vote and comment it is what gets my butt moving to update.

Peace, yulie <3

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