Chapter Seventeen

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"Alex what are you doing with this guy? And why are you not in class right now?" Jake asked me, but I didn't get to answer when Ethan answered for me, "This beautiful lady was helping me get to class since I am new and didn't know where it was." I looked down at the floor that way they wouldn't notice how red I was.

"That still doesn't explain why you have your arms around her."

"What is it to you buddy it isn't like she is your girlfriend. Or is she?" I shook my head at Ethan letting him know that Jake wasn't my boyfriend before Jake could say something. I took out my notebook so I could write a note to Ethan, "Ethan this is your classroom I have to go. I hope I could see you soon come and find me if you need any more help with finding your way around. Here you know where to find me." I gave it to Ethan. When he was done reading he said, "Alright beautiful I'll see you later at our spot."

I nodded my head and started walking to my last class before I reached the door I felt someone grab me from behind. I turned around and noticed that it was Jake. "I don't want you hanging out with that idiot anymore you hear me." Who the hell he thinks he is telling me what to do as if he was someone important in my life whose opinion matters to me that's because it does my subconscious said. Luckily I still had my notebook and wrote, "Who do you think you are telling me who I can and can't hang out with. You don't even know him. He is new and hasn't even been hear a day and you are already making it hard for him." I gave to him and while he was doing that I was trying to calm down. I know for a fact that Ethan is not a jerk like Jake maybe a flirt and that is not bad it is even an improvement from Jake, and no matter what I will not stop hanging out with him just because he said. This just makes me want to hang out with him a lot more just so I could piss him off.

"Listen to me and listen well you will not hang out with me any more even if that means I have to be with you at all times to make sure that you don't." I grabbed my notebook back angrily and wrote, "Stop it you are starting to sound just like my father, and to tell you the truth you are scaring me. I'm not sure that I want to be around for the time being come and find me when you calm down, and no matter what you say I will not stop hanging out with Ethan. Now leave before you say something that will make even more scared of you and will also make me hate you. We also need to talk about the project." I tore the piece of paper out of the notebook and handed it to him and went straight to AP Spanish 5 class not before seeing the same look of guilt I saw in the hallway.

Luckily for me the bell still hasn't rang for last period to start so I was in there by myself along with Mrs. Sanchez. Not many know that I know Spanish since I haven't been to talk in so long, but that was the first language I learned. My mother taught me how to talk, read, and write in Spanish before she left us. My Mother's mom and dad came from Mexico looking to start a new life. My mom was born here and here was where she met my father and then had me. Unfortunately, for me my grandparents died in a car crash when I was five if they were alive right now I wouldn't be living with my Father.

I have been trying to find my grandparents from my father's side but he has no information on them and trust me looked everywhere when he is not home, but seems they have disappeared off the face of the world along with my mother.

I was brought out of my thoughts when the bell rang for the start of seventh period. All we did was read a play about a womanizer called Don Juan Tenorio who basically had sex with every single woman that would let him thinking that he was someone else or that he promised them marriage. We were just done with act two when the bell rang. I waited until everyone left that way I wouldn't get trampled trying to get out of here. I was almost at the door when I heard Mrs. Sanchez call out, "Alex si necesitas alguien con quien hablar mi puerta siempre estara habierta para ti." I just nodded at her letting her know that I understood it isn't like I would ever take her up on her offer. I don't need anyone else knowing about my personal life.

When I got home my Father was already there waiting for me. I really hope he does not do too much damage I'm still not healed from the other day. As soon as I got home he got off the couch demanding why I wasn't home when he got back from work. I was at school you freeken moron how was I supposed to get here before you was what I really wanted to tell him, but of course I didn't. Before I knew it he sent a kick straight towards me, 'That is for not being here on time next time that happens it will be a lot worse. Now hurry I'm hungry after having to have to wait for you for three hours to get home."

After that he headed straight to the leaving me here on the floor not wanting to move, but I got up before he could do or say anything else that will let me in a worse state. I headed straight to the kitchen and noticed that all of the cabinets were unlocked. I took out the rice, chicken, and the things to make mole. Aroz con mole y pollo was my favorite dish when my mom was here. When that was done I quickly served a big portion for him to eat and I saved a very little for me in a Tupper where and put it inside the fridge that way I could eat it tomorrow when he is home. I just hope that he will forget to lock it back up.

I went to the living room pointing towards the kitchen letting him now that dinner is ready. Once he was in there I bolted to my room and locked the door so he won't be able to come in and it's not like that has stopped him before. I starting doing my homework and next thing I know my eyes are closing and I fall into a dreamless sleep that will not happen again in a long time not like I knew that.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry for not updating sooner I was going to update on New Year's Eve as a present to you guys as a good start of the new year, but I had an idea so I decided to write it and update while I'm at it. I am so thankful that I have such loyal fans I love you guys for defending me from that person who said that bad comment and also for encouraging me to continue, but don't worry nothing is going to stop me from doing the one thing I love the most and that is writing. Once more I love you all so much every author needs some fans like you guys. I really hope you love this chapter. Also the picture above is one of Ethan.


Yulie <3

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