Chapter Eight

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I woke up by the sound of someone pounding at my bedroom door. "Alexandra get out of bed right now I can't wait to give you your present." My Father said. I got out of bed with a start I knew what his present would be and I knew I wouldn't like it one bit it was the same one he gives me every time he comes back. I got out not even bothering to change that way I wouldn't have to waste more time and for him to get even more mad.




When I got out my Father was right there waiting for me with a leather whip I knew that he just bought that because I never saw it before. All of the sudden I felt a burning and tearing of skin on my back. The force of it almost made my knees buckle. I will not give him the satisfaction of me crying in front of him. I felt a stream of blood running down my back.




I wanted so badly to scream but couldn't after not making a sound for so long it seemed that I had forgotten how. My father brought the whip down one last time it was the most powerful it almost me blackout, but I willed myself not to. I will not let him see me on the floor so defenseless.



"Get up you filthy peace of shot go to the kitchen and make me breakfast," father said.




I just nodded while looking at him with my eyes full of hate. He expects me to make him breakfast while I am on the verge of passing out. I walked slowly towards the kitchen with every three steps I would lean against a wall and then continued towards the kitchen. I made him scrambled eggs with bacon and toast. I was so tempted to put rat poisoning in his food that way I could end this for once and for all, but I wasn't going to stoop so low and have a murder on my conscious.




I went to the dining room where he was waiting for me sitting at the head of the table. He threw a knife at my direction when he saw what I had made him. "This is the best you could do after I have been gone for so long," he said. I just wanted to tell him if he doesn't like it then he could make his own breakfast, but I couldn't so I just settled for giving him a blank stair and not answering to his comment.


I quickly went to my room before he could say anything else. I got a new fresh pair of close a super baggy black shirt so it would hurt my back much and some grey sweatpants. When I got in the shower I let a hiss of pain when the hot water hit my back. The water was blood red I suddenly felt lightheaded I leaned against the shower wall trying not to pass out. When I felt a bit better I hurried taking a shower and try not to move my back much. When I got out I saw myself in the mirror my face all sunken in and pale I looked down and you could see my ribs and could count every single one of them I turned around and saw five raw red lines running from mid back all the way down my waist. Tears came to my eyes I felt vulnerable and broken beyond repair. I have thought of ending my life but I always stop myself thinking that my life will get better I will have friends and a  great boyfriend that will treat me right and of all the things I still want to do in life.


I know you guys want to throw tomatoes at me for not updated for so long and that this is not a really long chapter and I will let you guys do it. *bows head shamefully while people throw tomatoes at her.* I really hope you guys like this chapter even if it is short I will try to update this weekend but I'm not making any promises.

PLEASE VOTE, FOLLOW,SHARE, AND COMMENT!!!!! Love hearing from you guys it's makes me feel happy that at least someone like a my story. :D

Peace out

Yulie <3

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