Chapter Eleven

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Who does Jake think he is ordering me around like I'm going to do what he says. On the other hand I think I should because he will do what he said if I don't. Putting that aside I slowly opened the door to not make any noise and have my father come and give me another beating I don't think that I would be able to survive this one while my back hurts like it has been ripped open by a savage animal. Well the part of the savage animal is correct because that is what my father is. There was no one in the living room and I didn't hear anything upstairs. I closed the door and locked it and made my way upstairs to my room. I skipped the first two steps because they make creaking noise. By the time I made it up the stairs my back was killing me all I wanted was to curl up on my bed and knock out. I didn't even bother changing out of my clothes I just went straight to bed I had to lay down on my stomach because of my back and it was very uncomfortable.

I woke up to the door slamming close and the sound of a car starting. I instantly calmed down because that would mean that I won't have to face my father this morning. My back hurt a little less than yesterday, but I would still have trouble moving around today. I got up slowly from my bed and went to go get some clothes from my closet to take a shower. I got out my dark brown leather boots with some dark blue skinny jeans and a thin brown sweater since its going to be cold today. When I got in the shower I felt like someone put a burning hot poker on my back. I fought back a wave of tears and quickly finished my shower and got dressed. I decided to just untangle my hair and let it naturally dry. I went downstairs and got a peace of bread I'm not used to eating much in the morning because he is almost always here before I go to school. While I was eating someone started knocking on the door without even opening it I already knew it was Jake because I mean come on who would come around this early and who would come and visit me.

Jake was standing their with a cocky grin that I wanted to slap it off. He was wearing dark blue denim skinny jeans with a turquoise v-neck that was tight enough to show that he had muscle. I started imagining how would he look like without it. I quickly snapped myself out of those thoughts, but my blush betrayed me and his grin got even more bigger it was almost like he knew what I was thinking. I waved him in that way he won't be standing outside where anyone could see him and one of the neighbors tell my dad that some guy came to the house and that I let him inside. I don't even want to think on how bad that would go.

 I quickly led him to the living room shoved him on the couch and headed up the stairs to finish getting ready. I got a small cream colored purse and put some money in it and my small notebook with a pen because I'm more than sure I'm going to need it. This is one of the many reasons why I wanted a phone but to get that I would need to have a job to pay for it because my darling father would never give me a dollar. "Hurry up I don't want us to be here if your father comes back early" Jake yelled from downstairs. I look in the mirror one last time to make sure everything was in place and rushed down the stairs before he could yell again.

I made sure to lock the door and didn't give another thought on to getting on the death trap he calls a motorcycle. I would ask him where are we going but I knew that he would not tell me. He didn't even address me when he got on the bike . Being on the bike gave me a sudden a sudden thrill that I never knew that riding a motorcycle could give me I actually felt free something I have not felt in a very long time and that I knew would only last until we get to our destination. I looked up and noticed that the town was disappearing and that we were heading towards the mountains I wonder what we are going to do up there. Hopefully he would answer all my questions I have about what happened last night he gave he such a scare I thought that he would get hurt any minute and he especially had so many close calls I had my heart in my throat I have never worried so much about someone as I had yesterday .

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that we had stopped I really need to start paying attention to my surroundings and spending less time in my head. Where we stopped was at a grassy plane and had a wonderful view of the town it was beautiful, but you had to watch that you don't fall off the edge of the cliff. When I looked around again I noticed their was a blanket spread out with a picnic basket on top of it. I looked at Jake but he wouldn't meet my eyes he was looking down at the grown, but I did notice that his neck and checks were slightly flushed. I wonder what this was all about I knew that he could be a sweet guy if he wanted to, but he would always be a bad boy their is no changing that. He took my hand lead me to the blanket and motioned me to sit down. "I brought you here to answer all the questions you could have about yesterday and about anything else," Jake said. I nodded and took about my notebook and pen and wrote "Why did you race yesterday, and why did you take me without explaining first?"

"I raced yesterday so I could get the money which me and my family need at first I didn't do it for fun, but I soon started to love it so I continued doing it. The amount of money I get if I win is a really good help at home and so my mom won't have to kill herself working very hard and its all that baster of a father that left us when I turned five. Now the reason I took you their without telling you is because if I had told you wouldn't want to go so it was better if I took you without telling you," Jake said.

I let all that sink and not letting my face show how I was feeling. This a lot to take in I thought that Jake the perfect life I would have never thought that he had it hard. I thought that he was just a bad boy so he could be the center of attention at school. Now I felt really bad for judging him so hard when I was so far from the truth.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. I looked up I'm surprised that I talked it was just two words and it wasn't even loud. I was always so sure that I would never be able to talk again since I haven't in a long time. Jake looked very surprised too " I thought you said you couldn't talk come on talk again," Jake said. I tried to talk but my throat started to feel like it was closing up.

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