Seoul of the Party

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My girls and I were welcomed with pleasant typical sunny, dry and warm air of May in Seoul. For me, May is arguably one of the best month of the year to visit this country. I'm always at awe with it's delightful spring which is in full effect, with the countryside and green spaces covered in swathes of cherry blossom. During this month of the year also, it always made me want to go to a random trip, particularly in the southern city of Busan and on Jeju Island.

Medias, Blinks and probably non-Blinks as well, swarmed around us as we pass through towards our Van. We pleasantly waved and greeted everyone.

"Guess we're back..." I muttered.

As we settled on our respective seats, we waved goodbye to the pleasant crowd that welcomes us.

"Okay girls, so you have 5-day break before work... you have the privilege to go to your family or friends, not boy friends, but if you're meeting some boys make sure those on our "safe list" and inform your respective personal managers. Lastly, you can't go outside or any public places if you're not heavily disguised, otherwise you already know the consequences." Head Manager Im- Unnie reminded us

"Pfft..." Jennie-unnie scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Oh Jennie-shi you know too well, what I'm talking about... don't test us again. And Lisa-shi, let me remind you day after tomorrow... we'll have our monthly meeting with the 'team'." Manager Im reminded us.

"Arasso, Manager-nim." I sighed.

I know it's the time of the month where both 'parties' meet, to plan or rather 'plot'. Pathetic, we've been doing this sham for years, on-and-off for 5 years.
During all those times, we avoided, we never talked nor even made eye contact since then. Well, except for early years like 2018 and 2019... the rest of it... we avoided or even despised each other's presence,
if not for our common friends.

As we reached our dorm, I straight went to my room to get some sleep when....

*Double Bitch incoming call

"So I've heard you're in Seoul....." I heard an annoying voice from the other line, which I totally forget it's his Birthday today.

"Oh Shit!!!!" That I totally forgot to greet him.

"Wow, thanks, Pokpak... I can feel your heartfelt birthday greetings.. really!" I sense the sarcasm on his statement.

"Ohhhhh, come on Beeeee!!!! I just said..... shiiiiit coz I left your gift in Paris!!!!!" I lied. I totally forgot his birthday... in reality. But to be fair, it's the first one.

"Yaaaah! You can't lie to me. I know you!!!! But okay, I'll forgive you if you'll come to Le Chamber tonight."

His subtle blackmail-invitation never left unheard.

"Baaaaaammieee... You know I don't go to bars. It will drain my soul plus I'm so tired. Can I just at least treat you something? Huh?" I pleaded.

"No can do, Lali... I'm off for tour on the next few days so we don't have much time... boohoo. I'm expecting you... sharp 6pm..." He demanded.

"Yah! Kunpimook Bhuwakul!!!! Isn't that too early?!? Hmmm on the second thought! I'll just go home early then." I said.

"Yah!!! I'll see you try!" He shouted and ended the call.

Seriously this guy is a little pushover if he wants to.
I guess, just to at peace with my shortcomings as his bestfriend, a bar night won't hurt. Besides, it's his birthday and I don't even got him a present.

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