To Befriend an Eldritch

179 8 23

Part: Stardust Crusaders
Pairing: KakJota [Kakyoin x Jotaro] (minor)

Kakyoin has heard rumors that an eldritch cult was kidnapping teens to use as sacrifices, but, he never thought their deity - was real...

Content Warning:
- eldritch!Jotaro | monster!Jotaro
- horror | fear | cult-stuff
- gore | jotaro eats humans
- suggestive themes

Published: June 23rd, 2021
Word-Count: 3, 331

Kittyccino this was really fun to wrote, and I might write other parts to it in the future...


For the last six months, over a dozen teenagers have gone missing, and been found as nothing more than a pile of bones. The Public Secruity Ivestigation Agnecy (PSIA), believes it to be the work of cultists due to the strange cat-skulls left at each of the victims abduction sites...

The newspaper crinkled closed as the male who is holding it, sighs deeply. He knew all about the kidnapping already, for many of his fellow classmates had been targets of the cultists. His parents were going haywire over it, discussing plans of moving - and their redheaded son himself had curfews placed upon him. He laid back in his char, huffing. He smiled gently to himself, like he could get kidnapped by whoever those maniacs were. The air flickered as he thought this, and he broke into a grin as his dearest friend appeared. He wasn't sure why he had this ablity, but he did.

[Hierophant] nuzzled into the human's neck making soft purring noises. Noriaki rubbed at the creature's head feeling the same action replicated on his own. He had theories about what the green-string being was, and his best one was that it was a reflection of his soul. [Heirophant] hummed in appreciation and the spirit spun around the desk Noriaki sat at, ruffling all his papers and books. A few of his pencil fell off the desk from the air the being created.

"Hey, don't go making a mess of my room just because my parents are gone!" The redhead laughs softly, as he observed [Green] floating about his room, whizzing about on its unraveled torso, the being makes a strange noise: that almost replicates laughter. [Heirophant] fully formed and sits upon the bed, where it bounces up and down the springs in the matress creaking and groaning under the intense movement. Kakyoin had always found that sometimes, the spirit just did its own thing running around being wild: and often didn't listen too well to his instructions.

With a sigh the ginger stands up, ready to grab the creature and drag it from its childish antics. He freezes as something chatters from within the house, and he frowns deeply feeling a bolt of fear run through him. His family doesn't own any pets, and [Heirophant] is sitting before him, so either something fell from a draft: or someone was in his house. He whistled and his spirit creature came straight straight him, sensing the danger - evident by the way [Green] began to hiss.

Kakyoin rolled his shoulders back, and chased away any fear he harbored. He was the same age as all of the other victims lately, and, they tended to alternate the genders of them. Last time, it has been a female- which meant, they were looking for a male next. He was home alone: and it was dark outside. The ginger swallowed. He was in the perfect position to be kidnapped.

"Hello? Is anybody there?" He called out, knowing he wouldn't get a reponse: but if it was just a petty their, maybe they'd bolt knowing their presence had been picked up on. There wasn't any more noise from the house, and so, cautiously he moved forward. [Heirophant]'s unraveled body whipped violently about itself, ready to slash at anything thay threatened its human, following closely. The being wanted to stretch out and find the culprit in the house - for it could sense someone was there, but it didn't dare not pay full attention to Noriaki.

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