The War Continues

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"L/N!" Aizawa shouted

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"L/N!" Aizawa shouted.

I blinked as Aizawa activated his Quirk. My eyes felt like were on fire, especially with the wind, but if it would save my student's lives? I would hold it for hours.

I then saw something that made me sick to my stomach..

"A bullet-!!" Someone shouted.

" 100% Wyoming Smash!!!" Izuku shouted.

Tomura shot it out faster than we could react. "Where did it land?" you might ask? Aizawa's left leg. My mind went into a panic. Was his Quirk gone? How'd I not notice it before? Is this the end for Aizawa's career? Before I could continue, Aizawa, without hesitation took his knife and chopped his leg off. He blinked..

Tomura shot towards him. His Quirk created a shockwave, " finally, this losing game is over." Tomura said, reaching for Aizawa's face. He was stopped by a wave of ice.

"Sensei!" It was the one and only duo wielding Quirk-user of Class 1-A, Shoto Todoroki!

"Aizawa! Sensei! Eraserhead!" We all shouted.

"After you protect him, then what? Even if you so desperately try to delay it... The only thing that awaits you is destruction..." Tomura stated.

"Shoto!" Enji shouted.

"I'm late because I was helping Ryukyu's team... Cool off, I'll help you out in the mean time." Shoto stated.

"That... Fuckiiiiin' BASTARD!!" Bakugo growled.

"Keep his leg up! Stop the bleeding with his binding cloth!" Rock Lock stated.

"Woah, it's a tangled mess, how'd it even get like this?!" Manual asked.

"Shit! Move." I bent down to Aizawa's level. No fucking way am I letting Aizawa die.

"Come on! Manual, keep trying to untangle his scarf! Don't fucking die on me Aizawa!" I growled trying to heal Aizawa's wound faster. Izuku's emotions weren't helping though. He was charging up for an attack.

"Deku! You must get out of here!" Rock Lock demanded.

" I will never..." Izuku growled stubbornly.

"Now... die!" He stopped himself, seeing his body start to bleed out, "Eh? But... Just now... Oh.. I see... Surpassing my limits must have put strain on my body. hey.... What's... today's date?" Tomura asked.

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