chapter one - First Day

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-Adoras POV

blinking her tired eyes against the sun, Adora Grayskull rose from her double bed and wearily padded downstairs to do her morning workout. 6:00am was a little too early in Adoras opinion. She would sleep for hours if she had no responsibilities, but no time to think about it now.

it wasn't always like this for Adora, she had spent most of her teenage life living at an adoption center, run by a horribly controlling woman called Shadow Weaver, her childhood had been far from easy. She would never have made it through if it had not been for her only friend, Catra.

the two had grown up together becoming closer, much to shadow weavers disapproval. The girls didn't care though, they had each other and that was all that seemed to matter.

As the years flew past Adora and Catra quickly found a love for sports, and when the opportunity came for the Adoption center to work with the local millionaire Micah, Adora did not turn it down. Catra, who was always happy to sit and watch Adora step out of her comfort zone did not apply herself like Adora had.

Soon, Adora was spending time with Micah helping out run the sports events for the younger kids, and they became fast friends. He spoke of his beautiful wife and daughter and about how they had hoped for another child but Angella, his wife, struggled greatly with her first birth.

When Micah told Adora he had spoken to his wife and daughter after she had met them both at an event and loved them, he told her that they wanted to adopt her as soon as possible.

She was overjoyed. however her mind instantly went to Catra, she couldn't leave her friend. She felt she couldn't ask Micha as he had already been so kind to suggest adoption in the first place but she tried, he smiled and said he could only house one girl but that she could come back to the adoption center whenever she wished.

When Adora told Catra it had not gone well, Catra had screamed about betrayal and Adora had cried angry tears saying she didn't have a choice, she wanted to go. Catra had yelled to stay, but turning down Micahs opportunity was a foolish idea and Adora wouldn't pass up being a part of a happy family, she couldn't.

so she had left Catra. for the first two years she would write almost weekly. but a response never came. When she had tried to visit the center, the Shadow Weaver always told her Catra wouldn't see her, so she eventually stopped going.

Adora still thought of her old friend from time to time but she was 17 now and it was her last year at Brightmoon High, her life was great. She had amazing friends, Bow and Glimmer, and she was captain of the football team and co-captain of the volleyball team with Glimmer. She worked hard and she was happy. Catra was just an old memory.

After her workout, Adora eased her way up the tall stairs and into a hot shower, she then dressed in her black mum-jeans and a fitted white crop top. She added her red leather bomber jacket that Catra had given her at the adoption center years ago. It was huge on her then. Now it was still big but it fit comfortably and reminded her of home in a way. Picking up her converse and her school bag she walked downstairs to find Glimmer, her hair messy, holding both their breakfasts. a smoothie and protein bar for Adora and a coffee and croissant for Glimmer.

"Morning." glimmer yawned. She had never been a morning person but it was part of their everyday routine for her to make them both breakfast. Adora loved her for it.

"Ready for the first day?" Angella asked, smiling. She had a way of always looking good in the mornings.

"I guess," Adora replied. " It's nothing new though, just school, it will be fine, right?"

"Of course it will be darling, now you better both leave before you're late, and on your first day of your final year!" Angella kissed both girls on their foreheads with a tear in her eye, mumberling about growing up fast. And waved them off as they climbed sleepily into Glimmer's car and set off to pick up their best friend, Bow. 

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