Chapter nine - Officially Mad

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 - Adoras POV

As sunlight crept through the curtains, Adora slowly opened her eyes, it took her a few moments to fully grasp what was happening. There, folded in Adoras arms, fast asleep, was Catra.

Adora had no idea what to do, Catra would never be okay with this if they were awake, she looked so peaceful holding onto adora tightly, head resting on Adoras chest. Adora couldn't move, Catra was lying on her arm, it was then that Adora decided to leave it for Catra to decide. Her watch read 5:00 am so she thought it would be best to just go back to sleep and wait for Catra to wake up. Plus she was incredibly comfortable and she hadn't seen Catra this peaceful since they were kids. So it would be fine, right?

Soon her eyes were getting heavy, she was pulling Catra a little closer and she was falling back asleep.

- Catras POV

Catra instantly felt herself lying on Adora, she felt Adoras strong arm around her and she was practically engulfed in Adoras scent. Taken aback and confused, Catra noticed the time on Adoras watch read 5:30am, it was early... and she was nice and warm, mabie she could just deal with it later after she had managed to get a little more sleep. Yeh, that sounded like a good plan.


BEEP BEEP BEEP. Adoras phone alarm went off loudly at 7:00am. It seemed both girls were just as surprised as the other as they jolted apart, she shouldn't have stayed in Adoras arms. She was such a touch starved idiot sometimes.

Catra instantly got up and left the room to go and change in the bathroom leaving Adora sat up in the bed looking incredibly confused. When Catra came back through to the bedroom Adora was dressed in a red day dress which she had paired with a black jacket, she looked a lot nicer than Catra who was wearing black jeans and a maroon top. Adora went to use the bathroom and came back out with a clean face, she had even put some makeup on, she looked good.

"So are we going to talk about it or what." Adora said as they walked down the corridor to the elevator. Catra instantly went red again. She crossed her arms and looked away.

"There is nothing to talk about." She said stubbornly, pushing the elevator button hoping it would arrive quickly and full of people so this conversation would end. Sadly when it opened it was completely empty.

As they walked in Adora had a stupid smirk on her face.

"What? Why are you smiling like that."

"Oh nothing," Adora took a step closer to Catra so she was standing over her and leaned her arm on the wall of the elevator behind Catra, She brought her face down so her nose was nearly touching Catras. "Absolutely nothing."

Catra, who had almost had a very small stroke suddenly came to her senses and pushed Adora away from her, Adora just laughed.

"Ok ok we won't talk about it then, message received." The elevator doors opened and both girls walked out to the dining room where Kyle and Luke sat at a table, saving them both seats. Catra huffed, unable to shake the butterflies in her stomach.

What was Adora playing at? First her drunk confession last night and then this morning, and now she was acting all cocky, Catra didn't like feeling like she had no power, she had to find a way to shut up Adora because it was incredibly attractive and it freaked Catra out.

"Did you guys have a good sleep? How are you feeling Adora?" Luke asked.

"I don't feel too bad actually, perks of only needing three drinks to get hammered. I guess haha, also I slept really well." She smiled and went to go get breakfast from the buffet Catra was forced to watch her go.

Soon everyone was eating and chatting, Catra had gone and got a black coffee noting on the way how hung over the football team looked, nice of them to invite her to drink with them. Maybe she should start making an effort to get more friends.

After breakfast everyone had half an hour until they had to meet at the buses to go to the talk so most people went back to their rooms including Catra, Adora had gone off with Mermista to her room so she would get some alone time. When Catra made it to her room she opened the door and found Adora sitting on the bed. Great.

"I thought you were with Mermista."

"Yeh i was but she had to call her dad so I came back here. Is that a problem, i can leave?"

"No dummy you can stay or whatever it's fine." Adora smiled a little and went back to texting on her phone. Catra also went and sat on the bed opening her book and began to read. They had twenty minutes before they had to go back down so she could probably get a chapter in.

Catra couldn't focus at all, her mind was swimming too much with Adora, god this was getting insufferable. She held herself back for as long as she could before she couldn't not say anything anymore, she much preferred being upfront.

"Why are you acting like this today?"

"What do you mean?" Adora replied.

"Like all.... flirty."

"Do you not like it when I flirt with you?" Adora said not taking her eyes away from her phone, it was driving Catra crazy.


"Don't even try Catra, I know you do."

"I DO NOT." Catra said seething.

"Alright then." Adora said, still not looking at Catra. Catra couldn't take it, so she snatched Adoras phone from her hands.

"Hey!" Adora said trying to snatch it back, she pushed Catra who was holding her phone far away from Adora smiling. Adora made another move to grab for it but Catra pushed her down and pinned her to the bed, both girls were laughing until they realised just what was happening.

Catra was on top of Adora straddling her waist and holding her hands down by either side of her head, Adora was just staring at Catra, suddenly the air in the room changed and Catra wanted nothing more than to kiss Adora. Her face seemed so shocked, but her blue eyes seemed to want the same thing as Catra. Slowly, Catra lowered her face down to Adoras, both of them were breathing fast and Catra could feel Adoras heart racing in time with her own. Catra wasn't thinking straight, she wasn't thinking at all, she just knew she wanted to kiss Adora. Their faces got closer until there lips were just brushing.


"Adora! Are you ready, we are all going down." Mermista called.

The trance was broken, both girls broke apart quickly and smoothed their clothes facing away from each other.

"ADORA! UUggggghhhhhh come on!"

"Yep yeh coming one second." Adora managed a glance at Catra to check she was also ready for Adora to open the door before Adora swung it open with a smile plastered on her face.

"Sorry girls, i lost my uh lipgloss, we are ready now lets go." The group left with Catra following a step behind. Her thoughts lost to what could have been.

Yep, she had officially gone mad.

what became of us - catradora auHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin