chapter five - The Dance

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-Catras POV

The silence between the two girls was exactly what Catra wanted, she remembered how uncomfortable Adora was in silence and found it kind of amusing watching her squirm. They worked together as little as possible separating different powerpoint slides between themselves and getting to work. Each pair had been given a huge pack of information of their topic which Adora was practically drowning in trying to organise it.

The class was coming to an end and Adora had finally finished organizing the huge pack.

"I have a free next so I can finish my slides then." Catra said she just wanted this to be over with.

"Okay I can do mine in my free as well, what about the five slides we have to do together?"

"What are you talking about?" Catra asked, Adora just pointed to the board that had the instruction of flive slides the pairs had to complete together. Catra heaved a huge sigh.

"Fine. Do you have a free tomorrow?" Catra asked, she was going to get a migraine from all this interaction with such an exhausting person, especially if Adora kept looking at her like a wounded puppy.

"Yes but," Adora began.

"Great, see you then." Catra got up to leave.

"I have an appointment then, sports massage." Adora said.

"Lunch time today?" Catra asked.

"Volleyball practice." Adora said pulling out her phone and opening her calendar app that was full of her busy life.

"Fine, when are you free?" Catra asked itching to leave.

"Uhhhhh, this evening is the only time until friday night, but it's due friday morning so..."

Catra considered this, she wanted the project done, but she also didn't want to see Adoras new house with her new family and perfect life.

"No one will be there, I'm meant to be home alone this evening until like ten so we will have loads of time."

"Okay whatever email me your address i will come after school."

"Cool, awesome - whatever." Adora was such an idiot sometimes.

"This is not because I like you." Catra added and left the classroom as the bell went.

- Adoras POV

That evening Adora was sweating, she hadn't expected Catra to actually agree to come over to her house. Adora had told Glimmer before she had left to go to the movies with Bow. It seemed they both had some serious catching up to do.

As Adora cleaned her room again she heard the doorbell go. Luckily everyone had left. Micah and Angella had a charity event and wouldn't be back until well past midnight. As Adora walked down the stairs she realised she was shaking and took a deep breath. She shouldn't be this nervous but she couldn't help it.

- Catras POV

As the front door opened Catra schooled her face in an expression of boredom this, however, was harder when she saw Adora. Her blond hair was down and falling around her shoulders, she was wearing sweatpants and a tight crop top, she looked amazing. Not that Catra cared. At all.

Adoras house was actually massive. She had known how wealthy Micha and Angella were but this house was insane.

"Hi," Adora said, stepping aside so Catra could walk inside. Catra was led up a very tall set of spiral stairs and into a room that was the most Adora thing she had ever seen. It had a rack of weights in the corner. There were posters all over the walls from female artists and cartoons like 'Adventure Time' and 'The Legend Of Korra.' Her bed was a double and looked incredibly comfortable. Catra sat on the edge of it.

"We can work there if you want," Adora said, leaning awkwardly against her book shelf that was packed full of paperbacks. Catra just nodded and pulled out her laptop. Adora went and sat on the other side of the bed opening her laptop as well.

"Do you need a drink of anything? Or a snack maybe?" Adora asked.

"Nope, let's just get this done." They both got to work speaking as little as possible but working together nonetheless. It was far from friendly but it was civil. Soon sheets of paper were scattered all over the bed where the two girls were working and researching. Adora had put on quiet music and she eventually made them both hot chocolates which Catra had reluctantly accepted.

Catra was working on the fictional side of 'enemies to lovers' and she was working off the sheets on 'Pride and Prejudice' the sheet she was studying was describing the tension created by the dance scene, the sheet had all the instructions for the dance lade out on it, they were so long and wordy, confusing the hell out of her.

"What are you looking at?" Adora asked.

"This stupid dance sheet, we have to do a slide on it but i don't get it, it's literally the dumbest thing i've ever read."

"Let me see." Adora held her hand out, after a moment of consideration Catra handed it over. Adora looked at it for a moment and then a moment longer, her brows knitted together.

"Okay," she eventually said, "We are going to have to act this out if we are even going to have a chance of understanding it, come on."

"No." Catra said, "absolutely not."

"Come on Catra it's just a dumb dance, the only way is to try it and i can't do it by myself."

"No." Catra said again but Adora was already up and turning on the song suggested on the sheet, she held her hand out to Catra, Catra stared at it. Just a dance she told herself. Reluctantly she took Adoras hand and felt herself be pulled to her feet.

"Okay," Adora began, "Put your hand on my waist." She was reading from the sheet in her hand.

"This is the most stupid thing i have ever done." Catra said.

"Hush," Adora said, pulling Catra closer to her and placing her hand on Catras shoulder. She put the sheet facing them on her bedside table so she could still see it and held her other hand up for Catra to take.

The sooner she did it the sooner this would be done was all Catra thought. But she was suddenly also thinking about how Adora smelled the same way she had all those years ago but now it was more mature and feminine. And how her eyes were so blue it was almost electric, focus.

Adora led them through the first few movements, it was actually pretty simple once you got the hang of it, just repeated steps over and over. They were incredibly close Catra noticed and she was sure Adora noticed too.

"You are definitely enjoying this." Catra commented.

"Maybe," Adora said with a stupidly attractive smirk on her face.

"You know, this dance is boring. I don't know how those two fell in love from it, it could be so much better." Catra said.

"Oh really? This is a traditional and classic dance. it can't get better." Adora replied.

"You want to bet?" Catra asked, getting a sudden surge of confidence. She spun Adora and dipped her low, holding her body close to hers and bringing their faces close together. "Because I think it can."

Adora went bright red, she was so flustered that when Catra lifted her after a moment longer than she would like to admit, Adora broke apart from the dance and turned her back to Catra for a moment. Catra just stood with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face, she watched as Adoras shoulders rose and fell as if she was taking a deep breath. When she turned again she was still a very dark shade of red over her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.

"yes-yeh, cool, yeh that was good i guess haha, yeh."

And for a moment Catra saw her old friend, the traitor, as someone else. Someone she had missed, someone she wanted to be around.

It terrified her. 

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