chapter sixteen - Let The Games Begin

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- Adoras POV

Adora couldn't really believe her eyes, there was Catra, in the middle of the dance floor making out with some random girl.

So that was it? Catra was going to yell at her and treat her like shit and then make out with someone publicly. Adora felt anger boiling through her. Catra had never liked her, she was such an idiot, she felt for the glass rose in her pocket and instantly tried to forget why she had brought it, idiot.

Adora did not wait around to watch Catra for any longer, walking out of the busy room she texted Glimmer who was by her side with Bow in an instant. Adora was really struggling with trying not to cry.

"I-" she tried. Glimmer cut her off before she broke down.

"It's okay we saw, come on, let's go home." She gently took Adoras hand while Bow took the other and the three of them walked to Glimmer's car, luckily none of them were drunk so driving home wasn't an issue.


Adora lay in bed that night with vivid memories swimming in her mind. Seeing Catra again for the first time, their first kiss, Catra in her suit practically glowing as she looked into Adoras eyes. What had happened?

She had been different tonight, Adora knew Catra, enough to know that something was wrong. Who were those girls? Mabie waiting around for Catra to like her back was a waste of her time, Catra clearly didn't feel the same way.

So in that moment Adora tried to shut down her feelings for Catra the best she could. Of course Catra didn't like her, Adora had left her after all.

She had to pull herself together. The huge football game was tomorrow, loads of scouts were going to be there. This was Adoras chance to make something of herself. The team was playing excellently as well, even if Catra was acting so odd at the moment Adora knew she could try to put it aside for a game. She had to.


Hastily, Adora walked into the girls changing rooms the next morning, her hair was tied back into a neat ponytail, her uniform was clean and ready for the game and she had drunk about five iced coffees, she was buzzing and she was ready to play.

It didn't take long for her to notice the vibe in the room. Her team members were all sitting together, dressed and ready to go but all with bitter faces, everyone looked miserable. Mermista was leaning against a wall, she looked up noticing Adora and made a face that said she was just as confused as Adora was.

"Hey everyone, what's wrong?" Adora walked over to the girls.

"You seriously haven't heard?" A blond haired girl who had embroidered flowers on her sports kit asked.

"Its Catra, she quit our team and joined Salineas highs team, she betrayed us."

- Catras POV

Catra stared at herself in the mirror of the other changing room, the new sports uniform looked very expensive. It was all white and gray with the school logo printed on the back in green, her shorter hair had to be slicked back so it would stay out of her face. Adora would know by now.

The offer Luke and Mermista had made her was one she couldn't refuse, even though Adora was going to hate her Catra wouldn't be able to live with herself if those pictures were leaked. Both their lives would be over.

The Salineas high team was actually really nice, even though Catra was miserable and hadn't really made an effort to get to know them apart from at the party, they all seemed to like her enough. They especially liked her football playing, Catra knew that she was the best player after Adora on the Bright Moon team, she quickly realised that she was now the best player on the Salineas team as well.

"Hey wild cat!" Scorpia, her new 'best friend,' yay. Scorpia seemed to be hell bent on making Catra her new friend for life and hadn't left her side since they had met. She was nice and everything but Catra hadn't been forced to leave her new friends and Adora to make best friends with a stranger who liked hugs a bit too much.

"What do you want." Catra didn't turn to look at her.

"Well I brought you a water bottle to take with you and I wanted to check how you were feeling, I always get nervous before a game. I can't imagine how nervous you are. Playing all your old friends who you betrayed must be rough."

Scorpia didn't realise what she was saying, Catra didn't really care, she took the water bottle from Scorpia and threw it across the room, it was excellently caught by the team captain, Lonnie.

"Thats enough." She crossed her arms, "Team meeting starts now please."

Lonnie was very no-nonsense; she ran the team well and was an alright player as well. Scorpia, who seemed unfazed by Catras attenuate, walked with Catra over to where Lonnie and the rest of the team where waiting.

"Okay big game today ladies," Lonnie began. "They have a lot of good players, especially that blond girl. She's good, like really good, but we have an advantage, Catra. We have gained an amazing player and they have lost one. So let's play like the winners we are and smash this."

The girls all cheered and began walking out onto the pitch. Catra did something she hadn't done for a while, she put on her mask, the one Adora had broken down, and she became the very person she hated.

The teams got into position, everyone was staring at Catra, especially Adora who was facing her in the front center position, the coaches gathered at the side of the pitch and prepared to start the match. Most of the school was watching.

"Catra, this is low even for you." Adora looked hurt, the Brightmoon team would most likely be taking this out on her. Catra just wanted to have control over one thing. Winning. She smiled and looked straight into Adoras eyes.

"Oh Adora, you know nothing is too low for me."

The whistle was blown and the game began. 

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