Chapter 12 - We Need To Have A Chat

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 - Adoras POV

"YOU DID WHAT!" Glimmer was practically dancing on the volleyball pitch.

"That's... I did not see that coming from you." Bow added.

Adora and Glimmer were coaching their volleyball team through some warm ups with Bow, (who signed up as referee just so he could hang out with Glimmer and Adora.) Adora had needed this as the perfect opportunity to tell them both as otherwise she would have had to have told them separately and get this twice, which Adora was not in the mood for.

"Yeh i know it was kind of crazy."

"Kind of crazy! It's insane, I told you she liked you!"

"Shhhhhhh Glimmer not everyone needs to know." Bow interjected, Adora gave him a loving smile. The group moved into a game splitting into two teams and separating Glimmer from Bow and Adora.

"So what happens now?" Bow asked quietly as Adora fetched some balls.

"What do you mean?" Adora asked.

"Well, are you going to ask her out? Keep it a filthy secret?" Bow waggled his eyebrows at this, "Have you even spoken to her about it?"

The truth was Adora hadn't really had time to think about it, the night of the dinner had all happened so quickly. Her and Catra had fallen asleep soon after, well, everything, and the trip back to school on sunday had been alright. They didn't really speak much on the coach, it wasn't awkward but it did feel strange. Adora didn't really do the whole girl thing often so she was very confused. Catra probably did this kind of thing all the time, if only there was a rule book or something.

Adora leapt up and hit a ball back over the net which scored her team a goal, Glimmer pouted which made Adora laugh, she turned to Bow who seemed to be waiting for an answer.

"Well, I didn't know. I guess I will let her decide, yeh - that seems like a good plan."

Bow just rolled his eyes and blew the whistle.

- Catras POV

Catra did not do this kind of thing all the time. She had no idea what Adora was feeling for her, or even if Adora felt anything for her at all, what if it was a one time thing? God this was confusing. Catra kind of liked the chase though, so she could play along with this game. Anything but admit out loud she did not have a clue what was going on.

Catra saw Adora at her Locker and came and leaned against her own.

"Hey Adora."

Adora jumped, dropping the textbook she was holding.

"Hey," She said as Catra bent to pick up her book.

"You alright? Your acting kind of strange. Is it because I made you cum the other night after we made out?" Adora went a deep shade of red, probably hitting a new record for her. Catra just began laughing as Adora grabbed her and pulled her into the girls bathrooms next to their lockers.

"God why do you do stuff like that?" Adora asked.

"To see what shade of red you will go of course," Adora turned and saw herself in the mirror. She immediately began splashing cold water on her face. Catra sat on the counter next to the sink Adora was still desperately soaking her face in with a paper towel in her hand, when Adora had finally stopped her face was still red. She sighed.

"Oh come on Adora it's not that bad." She took Adoras chin in her hand and began drying her face as the bell went.

"We are going to be late." Adora said.

"You are always so serious Adora, relax." Adora gave her a small smile.

"your right." She said, sighing, placing her hand on the side Catras face and pulling her close, Catra just stared at Adoras bright blue eyes before she kissed her.


Football practises were getting much more intense now the school year had properly kicked off. Catra could tell Adora really wanted to make the team the best she could, they were all constantly dragged out for extra practises and even a group jog which Catra would rather die than do again. There was a huge match coming up against Salineas high, Mermisters uncle was the head there and she had told the team how good the football team was.

Catra was dragging herself back to her locker seriously considering redeeming her personal Adora hate club after a particularly grueling session of drills. The school was pretty much empty which was nice because it was quiet. Surprisingly she found Luke leaning against his locker which was directly next to hers. The hallway lights had gone out and he looked kind of creepy in the dark.

"Hey Luke, you're here late." Catra only said this because she knew he was close with Adora. Not that she wanted to be friends with Adoras friends so Adora would like her more or anything.

"Yeh, my band had a practise." He looked her up and down. "Football?" Catra nodded as she pulled books out of her locker. With that Catra smiled tightly at Luke, turned, and began to walk away down the corridor.

"you know im glad i caught you actually i've been meaning to talk to you." This was a surprise to Catra, what could cheekbones possibly want with her. She turned back to him.

"What's up she said." She didn't want to seem rude but she really wanted to go home and have a shower and a hot meal, Razz had even made pie.

"Oh it's nothing really, it's just, you really don't remember me, do you?"

Catra just stared at him blankly, she had definitely never met him, she would remember someone like him.

"Okay then, glad that's cleaned up," He tapped his phone and Catras buzzed, he gestured for her to check it. Catra saw that he had air dropped her a photo file and clicked on it.

Catra went pale, there were multiple pictures of her and Adora in the hotel room, they were both practically naked and they were definitely doing more than having a friendly chat. These were followed with more of them in the girls bathroom earlier that day.

Catra went pale.

"I think we need to have a chat." Luke said with a horrible smile on his face.

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