chapter eight - One To Many

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Tw: substance abuse, mentions of vomit (little to no description)

 - Adoras POV

The two classes walked with the teachers to the pier that was covered in lights and looked huge. The night was relatively warm and the beach looked beautiful in the evening sun. Miss Spinnerella spoke up when they reached the entrance to the pier.

"Right everyone, I want to see you all back here at 11:00, I'm also putting trust in you all as top of the school representatives to behave. If you are late we will have to call the police so have fun and meet us here at 11:00, you all have the emergency number in your phones so don't hesitate to call if anything happens."

Adora linked arms with Mermista and they both walked into the arcade area, it was insanely cool inside with loads of games and lights. The girls started playing with a few more of their friends until Adora had beaten Mermista at a basketball shooting game one too many times.

"Uggggh enough, you win, let's go get drinks, I'm thirsty."

"Sore loser." Adora said, making both girls laugh as they walked to the drinks counter. Mermister brought a blue slushie and she got Adora a red one, they both went and sat at a small table to drink them.

"Hey, want something extra in your drink?" Mermister asked, holding up a flask from her bag and pouring what looked and smelt like vodka into her drink. Adora considered, she had nowhere to be, no sports to stay sober for, what was one night of drinking.

"Yeh, okay let's do it." she said as Mermister poured a generous amount of vodka into her drink.

The girls found a group of their football friends who seemed to have had the same idea and they all drank together while they played games. Three red slushies later and Adoras head was spinning, she was definitely drunk and in need of some air.

She stumbled outside and spotted Catra sitting on a bench with some guy she recognised as Kyle from her history class, both of them chatting and looking out at the sea.

- Catras POV

"Catra? Catra! Heyyyyyyy." What was going on, Adora was prancing over to her with a huge smile on her face.

"Is that Adora? wait. Is she drunk?" Kyle asked, he seemed genuinely concerned and called Adora over to sit with them. She skipped over tripping into a few people on the way.

"Heyyyyyy guys, whatcha doing?"

"Nothing," Catra blanked, she had never seen Adora like this. "How much did you drink Adora?"

"Three." Adora replied, smiling proudly.

"right, three. That's great, that could be anything." Catra said to Kyle.

"Okay don't panic but we have half an hour to get her somewhat sober before we see Miss Nettosa." Catra was definitely panicking now, Adora had taken to stroking Kyle's head like he was a cat. That was when Catra spotted cheekbones with some girl, he knew Adora well and mabie he could help them.

"Hey! Cheekbones." She called out to him. He looked over annoyed to leave the girl he was talking to but excused himself.

"You know my name is Luke." He spotted Adora attempting to hug Kyle "What's up with Adora, what did you give her!"

"Nothing we -" Catra began.

"OmygoshLuke!" Adora went to hug him but Catra stopped her from standing.

"Has she had alcohol? She's a lightweight, if she has more than one drink she's gone."

"She said three." Kyle said nervously. Luke took a deep breath.

"Right okay, Kyle is it? i need you to go and get two bottles of water and a pretzel, a big bready one okay." Kyle nodded and hurried off.

"Okay, Adora, I need you to breathe for me, deep breaths, me and Catra are here."

"Catra?" Adora replied groggily, "She's mean." Catra went red.

Soon Kyle came back with two bottles of water and a huge pretzel, Catra was hugely grateful as Adora had started calling them all best friends. Luke took a bottle of water from Kyle.

"Okay Adora, i need you to show me how awesome you are and chug this for me, can you do that?" Luke turned to Catra, " in a second i need you to guide her to that bin there." he gestured to the bin next to the bench they were on, Catra nodded.

"I'm gonna drink this so fast." Adora said smiling as she brought the bottle to her lips, Catra lowered it for her and unscrewed the top, "tanks." Adora said bringing the bottle to her mouth again, she chugged the whole bottle in a few seconds.

"Wow I feel...." She turned slightly green.

"Now!" Luke said to Catra who quickly grabbed Adora and put her head close to the bin so she could vomit, Catra held her blond hair back while Adora was sick and Catra found herself rubbing Adoras back.

When Adora was done Catra helped her sit back down.

"Good job Adora," Luke said. "Now eat this slowly for me." he handed her the pretzel.

"Ireallydontfeeltogood" Adora mumbled, as she bit into the pretzel.

Luke stayed with them while Adora ate and drank her second bottle of water.

"Does this happen a lot?" Catra found herself asking.

"Nah once or twice when she has been free to come to parties she's gotten completely wasted but she clearly had a lot of alcohol tonight she was very drunk."

"Her tongue was red, I bet you it was slushies and spirit." Kyle said.

"Yeh i think you are right, Adora we need to go over to Miss Netossa now, how are you feeling?" Adora just looked up, her mouth full of pretzel and smiled.

"Yeh great, besfriendss!"

"She's less drunk but she still has alcohol in her bloodstream. Okay Adora, I need you to listen to me very carefully. When we go over you need to say yes to the register and that's all, say and do nothing else. Can you do that?" Catra said.

"Yeh sure thing Catraaaaa." Adora leaned forward and touched Catras nose. "cute." She said, Catra batted her hand away.

"I am not cute, let's just go." The group walked to meet the teachers and Adora actually managed to stay quiet which was quite a surprise. They found out on the way back that it was vodka from Mermista that had gotten Adora so drunk. But Adora was walking slowly, eating her pretzel and looking very sorry for herself. When they got to the hotel Luke turned to Catra.

"Get her to bed, she should be fine now, see you at breakfast tomorrow." He turned to leave but Catra grabbed his arm.

"Thanks for the help i guess, you really took charge and i appreciate that or whatever." Luke gave a soft smile and walked off with Kyle to the boys rooms. Catra was left to help Adora into the elevator and get her to their rooms, Adora was still wobbly so Catra took her hand and led her to their room.

When they got inside Catra found Adoras Pajamas and left her to get changed while she did the same in the bathroom, when Catra came back in she found Adora sitting in the bed drinking water.

"I'm going to sleep in the bathtub." Catra said.

"what no youre not, come one i feel much better and you deserve to get a good night's sleep, so just sleep here the bed is big enough."

"Wow you sobered up a bit then, fine but only because i don't want you to die in your sleep or anything." Catra climbed in the bed with Adora and both girls lay under the covers.

"Hey Catra?" Adora said sleepily.

"What?" Catra replied.

"I missed you every single day, every minute I was away from you, I missed you." Adora said before passing out leaving Catra in the dark.

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