Chapter ten - A Little To specific

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- Adoras POV

Adora was sat awkwardly next to Catra on the bus to the talk, they had not spoken a word since the 'incident' and it looked like it would stay that way. But Catra was definitely about to kiss her right? Adora had definitely wanted her to, she wasn't even sure Catra liked girls. Her mind was spinning so much she distracted herself with the class schedule

The group were set to go and see the talk today and then attend a formal dinner tonight with multiple psychology speakers then leave tomorrow morning after breakfast. Great schedule done, what now, she had never been very good at relaxing so instead she played a battle strategy game on her phone for the remainder of the trip. Unsurprisingly Catra kept quiet.


The speaker was really good, although Catra didn't seem to be paying much attention.

"So that's how by looking at body language you can spot a liar. Moving on let's talk about dislike, does someone really genuinely hate you or is it a mask? I love this topic because it shows us a lot about human behavior..."

Adora leaned forward, this was definitely something she wanted to hear. The speaker continued,

"there are some really easy things to look for here, do they constantly repeat the fact that they dislike you? Do they pick on you for things in your life that they dont have? Both very important human behaviours that point to denial. We can now look at body language, do they touch you alot, do they get particularly close to you when they tease you?"

Catra was leaning forward now as well, Her ears seemed to have perked up, both girls sat rigidly as the speaker perfectly described them.

"What's really interesting about this, is that all of these things point to the exact opposite of dislike which is why psychology is so interesting, we often find we show the opposite of what we are truly feeling, completely giving ourselves away with our bodys."


The bus journey back was even worse than the one there, awkwardness hung thickly in the air and both girls sat in silence staring at the seats in front of them for the half an hour trip home. Adoras hart raced the whole time. Did Catra really hate her? She had said she did, alot, but the speaker said that meant something else. Was something else the almost kiss? God she was so confused.

Catra was either sleeping with her eyes open or incredibly lost in her thoughts. This trip was really fucking them up.


Catra had gone into the bathroom to change so Adora was left alone in the room. She was actually tired from thinking so much, she had no idea where she stood with Catra, until this morning she was convinced Catra hated her.

When Catra came out of the bathroom dressed in the most amazing red satin suit with a black corset top underneath Adora nearly had to physically hold her jaw so it wouldn't drop, Catra looked incredible, she had even lined her eyes with black, making the blue and yellow hues of her eyes seem fluorescent like traffic lights.

Catra also seemed to be staring at Adoras dress, it was long black silk with spaghetti straps and a slit up the side that exposed her leg, she had paired it with strappy black sandals and a large gold hair pin that held her hair back loosely so strands fell out at the front framing her face.

Adora noticed that both of them were silently staring at each other and coughed to try and relax some of the intense tension. Catra didn't move though.

"Uh, is the bathroom free now?" Adora asked.

"Yup." Catra said, snapping out of her trance and stepping aside. When Adora had applied winged eyeliner, perfume and brushed her teeth, she walked out of the bathroom.

"Ready to go?" She asked, it was a little early but she couldn't handle the weird vibe in the room.

"Yup." Catra said. Adora was kind of sick of it now, Catra used to be one of the most confident people Adora knew, why was she acting so strange.

"Is that all you are going to say? 'Yup' That's it?" Adora asked, she was actually kind of angry now she thought about it, Catra was the one who had nearly kissed HER, not the other way around, it was now Catras responsibility to not leave Adora in the dark anymore.

"What else is there to say?" Catra asked.

"WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO SAY?!" Adora exploded. "How about 'Hey! Sorry for nearly kissing you this morning and then leaving you in the dark all day. That was kind of shitty of me' Give me something Catra because I'm so confused. Do you hate me or do you not, because if you still hate me i can handle that i can try, i just got used to that but this doesn't feel like you hate me anymore this feels like, like--"

Adora was cut off by Catra pulling Adora towards her and pressing her lips on Adoras. 

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