Chapter thirteen - Hollow

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TW - Abuse - i've tried to keep it to a minimum i've put the worst in bold so skip it if you feel uncomfortable - stay safe, your mental health always comes first. 

- Catras POV

Catra did not think twice before she pushed Luke hard against the lockers. He seemed completely unfazed by this outburst and chuckled.

"Listen here you useless fuck, delete the photos or i swear to god i will make you my own personal punching bag." Her eyes gleamed with promise, Luke just stared at her still smiling.

"No you won't," He said. "Because if you lay a single finger on me, or tell Adora for that matter, I will simply send them out to everyone at the school, I might even send them to all the colleges your precious Adora is going to apply to. Who knows really."

Catra considered slamming him into the lockers again for good measure but the thought of Adora suffering because of her broke her heart so she, very reluctantly, let him go and took a step back, lacing her fingers together so she wouldn't punch him hard enough to break a few bones (if she was lucky)

"That's a good kitty." Luke smiled. Catra bit her tongue hard enough to draw blood.

"What do you want from me?"

"Oh i want many things from you Catra darling, but firstly i want you to remember me."

"I've never met you." Catra said blankly. She jumped as Luke hit the lockers hard causing a huge crash to sound as the cheap metal rang out through the hallways.

"Okay, how about this. I will tell you my story and you can tell me if you've never met me then."

Catra just stared at him, this guy was a freak but he had those fucking pictures that could ruin everything for Adora, so she let him speak.

"When I was five, I lost both my parents and I was orphaned. Five year old me had no family so I was sent to an orphanage run by a horrible abusive woman. She was a bully to all the children but she had her favorites. The main one being a young girl called Adora."

Catra just stared at Luke trying to recognise his face, she must have known him but she couldn't place him.

"Perfect Adora could do no wrong, it didn't affect me that she was perfect though , the issue was Shadow Weavers favorite punching bag was Adoras best friend. You Catra. So you know what Shadow Weaver would do when she needed someone to punish? She would come and find me. I never got a day off because you two were running around letting me take the brunt of all your pranks and fun. It's your fault I have a bad leg and I can't see properly with my left eye."

He sighed heavily, scanning her face.

"Really still nothing? I was that unmemorable to you. Okay i will help you out, i had curly blond hair that fell over my eyes, I dyed it as soon as i got adopted. I actually changed a lot of things. Including my last name. you see Luke Prime didn't really have a ring to it."

Prime. Catra remembered him, the quiet boy who didn't speak, she even remeberred teasing him about his hair a few times, it was a huge mop of fat blond ringlets, Adora had stopped her of course but it was bad all the same. She had no idea that Shadow Weaver had been violent with any of the children other than her. She felt sick.

"Yeh there you go, that's it. You remember me now dont you." He stepped forward and put his left hand on Catras lower jaw and turned her head up to face his electric green eyes.

"But my story isn't over yet Catra or why would you be here? You see, after many long years I was adopted by a lovely new family. Actually, you might know them, my sister of sorts is on the football team. Mermista."

Fucking hell, it was all clicking into place. Mermista had given Adora the Vodka, and her room at the hotel had been next to theres she could have easily seen in if they left the door unlocked. Catra was seriously fighting the urge to burn the whole world down and go and live on an island in space with Adora.

"Awe, kitty," Luke was holding her face quite tightly now. Catra did not like people touching her. Especially not men. "You get it now dont you? When I finally came here happy and saw Adora again after all those years of forgetting and low and behold she is as happy and sparkly as ever, I didn't decide to lash out, oh no, I mean she definitely didn't recognise me so why rush? I waited to make sure I became her friend. And then the perfect thing happened. You. God what a life savior, I was just going to humiliate Adora by getting her drunk or something but it wasn't enough, and then the gods sent me you. It had to be a sine. So I got to work, obviously I wanted this to benefit everybody including dear Mermista so we hatched a plan."

"What. Do. You. Want." Catra said finally escaping Lukes clutches.

"Oh I've already got what I want, these pictures are everything I could have wished for and more." Catra grimsed.

"But I have a deal to keep up and I promised dear Mermista a few things in exchange for all the valuable work she's done for me these last weeks. So, here's what's going to happen...."


Catra hated herself, no wonder no one liked her, she had no choice but to say yes to Luke.

She had barely said a word to Razz, and hadn't eaten any dinner. She had just walked up to her room silently and stood in front of her bathroom mirror.

Unsurprisingly she didn't feel overwhelmed or like she would break down in fits of tears. She felt empty. She was verry verry good at shutting down her emotions to deal with things. And that's what she would do. Deal with things. Adora was going to hate her. Everyone was going to hate her, but she had to do it.

Silently she looked at herself in the mirror, she felt hollow. Heaving a huge sigh she watched a single tear slid down her face. She chose at that moment to do something she had some control over before she lost all control.

Feeling like life couldn't really get any worse she pulled the red bandanna she had tied her hair back with and picked up Razzes pair of sewing scissors and brought them to her long dark hair. 

what became of us - catradora auTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang