chapter fifteen - No Going Back

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- Adoras POV

Catra seemed to have undergone a complete remodelling in the last twenty four hours. There she was, sitting laughing hysterically with a group of girls from Salineas high. Her hair had been cut short and was brushed back though the longer front pieces fell forward when she laughed and hung messily around her face. Catra was wearing a white and gray crop top with loose black jeans. She looked amazing - she looked wrong.

Adora watched mouth open as Catra spoke with the girls saying something that made them all laugh. She watched as a girl put her arm confidently around Catra and Catra didn't stop her. Soon, Adora saw Catras' bright eyes flick to her standing in the doorway of the room. Catras face fell.

Catra excused herself and got up from the sofa, she hurriedly made her way to Adora who was frozen to the spot. Adora felt Catra grab her arm and pull her out of the room. Catra basically dragged Adora into the closest bedroom that wasn't locked or occupied, she shut the door and instantly let go of Adora who just stood silently staring at Catra.

"Shit," Catra looked over at Adora whose eyes were wide. "Shit." Catra turned properly to Adora.

"What are you doing here, you hate parties." Catra said.

"That's what we are going to talk about?" Adora questioned, finally finding her voice, she gestured to all of Catra, "What's - what is all this."

"My clothes." Adora raised her eyebrows.

"And this?" She pointed to Catras' hair.

"My hair got long, i got it cut." She looked really nervous, maybe they were on the same wavelength after all, Adora got a small boost of confidence.

"You look amazing." Adora said, taking a small step closer to Catra. Catras eyes softened and a small smile spread across her face, it was gone before Adora could appreciate it.

"You shouldn't be here Adora." Catras' tone was a little harsh. Mabie she was tired, she did have dark circles under her eyes. Adora took another step towards Catra, she really wanted to tell her how she felt, Adora hadnt felt this way about someone, ever.

"It's just a party Catra, besides, i wanted to talk to you, you see -"

She didn't get to finish her sentence though because Catra had stepped towards Adora and kissed her desperately.

okay. A little unexpected, it felt - wrong.

- Catras POV

Catra couldn't help herself, Adora would hate her soon anyway, she was trying so hard to show her how much she cared.

Desperately, Catra pinned Adora to the wall with her hips and braced her hands either side of Adoras shoulders, she felt Adoras legs part and slid her thigh between them. A silent promise. She was desperate. So desperate she hated herself.

"Catra -'' Adora tried but Catra was kissing her jaw and then her mouth and pushing her thigh further up Adoras legs.

Adora gently pushed Catra off of her.

"Catra, what is going on with you." Catra didn't know what to say, she couldn't tell Adora anything, she was trying so hard to show her how sorry she is, but she just made Adora uncomfortable. Catra steps back feeling so much worse. she shouldn't be here.

Adora notices the tension and rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

"I mean it's not that I didn't like it, trust me I did. But if you are upset it would be unfair of me to take advantage of you like that," Adora stairs at Catra for a long moment. "Are you drunk."

"No." Yes. she was very drunk actually.

"Catra your pupils are huge and you can't stand straight." Catra noticed she was leaning lopsidedly on a bedpost. Adora took a step towards her. Catra had never been very good at accepting help, she thought she was getting better but she was feeling too many things at once.

"Let me help you. what's wrong?" Adora was trying, she was. But it was too late. Catra was spiraling. She could feel it rising in herself like an angry hot fire. Adora reached out to touch Catras face. Catra batted it away suddenly and angry.

"Get away from me, Adora. I don't need you. Im fine, leave me alone."

"Catra?" God, she looked so hurt.

"I said, '' I don't need you, what don't you get about that?" Always trying to be the hero, aren't you? Leave me alone." Catra turned and left Adora in the room looking more confused than hurt. Give it time.

"Wow quite a show, well done" Luke smiled as he was standing with a girl Catra didn't recognise and Mermista.

"This is Gwen." Mermista said half heartedly.

"Hi - what do you want." Catra wasn't really in the mood for this right now, she was trying really hard to not cry. Luke leaned forward, his smile ridiculously bleached.

"You darling Catra, are going to take the lovely Gwen here to the dance floor, the middle will do, and make out with her please. A minute or so will do." Catra just staired. Whatever everyone hated her anyway, she grabbed Gwen's hand and led her to the dance floor.

"Uhh hi im Catra." She was tired.

"Yeh, i know." Gwen said, looking impatient. Catra was really going to regret this wasn't she. OH well, to late now.

She pulled Gwen in by her T shirt and crashed her lips into hers.

No going back now.

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