Chapter 11 - Linked Pinky Fingers

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tw - smut

- Catras POV

The day consisted of Catra slowly going mad. She was dealing with all these new feelings she had for Adora, or where they were new? they didn't feel new, more like they were there the whole time and she wasn't in denial anymore. Catra had wanted to kiss her that morning, Catra had wanted to kiss her all day actually. It had taken all of her to stop herself speaking to Adora so she wouldn't say something dumb or upset her.

When Adora had begun yelling at her, she seemed so upset, so angry. Catra hadn't really thought it through before kissing her. She didn't care though, She wanted Adora to know just how much she cared.

The kiss was desparte. She could feel how much they both wanted it, it was them releasing all the tension from the day of madness. Catra broke apart from the kiss briefly and cupped Adoras face in her hands.

"Hey, Sorry for nearly kissing you this morning and then leaving you in the dark all day. That was kind of shitty of me." Adora laughed a little and looked into Catras eyes.

The look then turned from innocent to hungry very quickly and Adora brought her lips to Catras again, the girls, both dizzy with desperation stumbled leading Adora to take charge and push Catra against the nearest wall, Catra could only let out a small gasp as Adora began kissing her neck. Their breathing became rapid, Catra couldn't get enough, she wanted more, her whole body was screaming at her for more, she tightened her grip on Adoras waist pulling her as close as Catra could. Catra kissed Adoras neck and chest and ran her fangs down Adoras neck causing her to whimper.

Adora could barely speak.

"We - we need to, go." Catra knew they needed to go, she just didn't want to go. But she knew they couldn't be late and she pulled apart from Adora letting Adora take a step back, she had that god forsaken smirk on her face again, it took everything Catra had not to pull her in again.

The pair cleaned themselves up, grabbed their bags, and they were ready to leave. Adora turned to Catra, still flushed.

"Right. Good talk." Catra just smirked back at Adora as they left the room and held the door open for her.

- Adoras POV

Everything at this dinner looked disappointing compared to what had just happened in her and Catras room. Adora stared out at the lavish room full of dining tables and an elegant dance floor, the dinner was about to begin and the psychology talkers drifted around the room of people all holding drinks making conversation. How Miss Netossa had got them an invite to this, she had no idea.

Adora could see Catra ordering Kyle to get her a drink and she smiled to herself desperate for the moment she could have Catra to herself again.

She stood alone, quite happy to observe the conversations, mingerling wasn't really her thing.

"Hey Adora," she heard from behind her, Catra was standing holding out a drink for her.

"It's the least alcoholic one they had so don't worry." Adora smiled and accepted the drink, both girls stood observing the room, Adora took a small side step closer to Catra and joined their pinky fingers. Her own silent way of saying she was there, no one could see their hands as they were concealed by Adoras dress. Adora kind of liked that it was secret, it felt more special. Like it was their thing, not to be shared.

They stood, pinky fingers intertwined until they had to go and sit down for the dinner, Adoras hand had never felt so empty.

- Catras POV

Board. She was so bored, there had to be a way for her to have some fun until she could get Adora alone again. Kyle came and sat down on the table with them.

"You guys look nice, how did you find the talk?"

"Oh it was alright i guess, but i had much more fun after," Catra began, she felt adora kick her hard under the table and took that as her que to shut up. Luckily, Kyle didn't seem to notice. Adora just stared daggers at Catra which was very amusing in her opinion.

The rest of the dinner went on, and on, and on. Each invited psychology specialist gave a ten minute speech, each more brain melting than the last. Adora was chatting to Luke who was on the table behind them and Kyle was yawning loudly.

After what could only have been years the dinner ended, there was more time at the end for conversations with the speakers but Catra watched as most people managed to slip away including Adora who gestured for Catra to follow her. Catra would blindly follow that girl anywhere.

- Adoras POV

The girls barely made it into the elevator before they were kissing again, Adora had Catra pressed against one of the walls, she knew they didn't have long until the doors opened again and intended to use the time well. When the lift stopped the girls pushed apart and spent the rest of the ride up with an elderly couple, she wasn't sure if the elderly couple felt it too but the atmosphere was definitely electric.

Soon they were speed walking to the room and barely closing the door before crashing onto the bed, Adora pulled Catra on top of her and tugged off her red satin jacket leaving her neck exposed, Adora sat up with Catra still straddling her lap and began kissing her neck all the way down to her chest, desperately catra tired to undo the back of her cosit top which Adora was happy to help with.

She undid the back and the top came off, Adora just stared at Catra in all her glory for a few moments until closing her mouth around Cat's nipple causing her to moan loudly. Catra pulled at Adoras dress until she ended up standing up and taking it off. letting Catra see her body did not feel awkward or unnatural, it felt safe. Catra seemed to like it as well as she pulled Adora back to the bed and straddled her.

Catra kissed adora all the way down to the inside of her thighs, She tugged at the top of Adoras underwear.

"Is this okay?" she asked Adora who could only nod in response as Catra slid her hand in Adoras underwear.

Catra climbed over Adora so she was hovering over her. She leaned down and kissed Adora before retracting her sharp nails and slipping two fingers inside Adora.

Adora gasped which only seemed to give Catra the motivation to continue sliding her fingers in and out of Adora.

"Fuck i-" Adora tried but Catra just kissed her again and sped up the pace and Adora writhed beneath her. Adora was feeling a hundred things at once. She could feel her orgasm building up and could barely contain herself, Catra could see this and once again increased the speed sliding her thumb over Adoras clit.

Adora couldn't take it anymore she came, leaving both of them breathing heavily, Catra buried her face in Adoras shoulder and rolled off her so they were both looking at the wall, Adora reached out and laced her pinky finger through Catras.

"Wow." Was all she could manage.

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