chapter six - A Weekend Away?

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- Adoras POV

Glimmer had brought Bow home with her to hang out with them both, when they had walked into Adoras room to find her sitting under her bed covers they had climbed in with her. The three of them lay in a row all concealed in the warmth of Adoras bed chatting about their evernings.

Adora told them about Catra and the Project and then the dance. Both Bow and Glimmer had laughed at how red Adora got when she told them.

"You so have a crush on her!" Glimmer exclaimed excitedly.

"What, no I don't, she hates me!" Adora definitely didn't like Catra, sure she was pretty and confident and Adora missed her so much but she definitely didn't like her.

"It definitely sounds like you do," Bow said, "I'm not even sure she does hate you."

"trust me she does, she couldn't wait to leave tonight, i'm just glad the project is over."

"Sure you are." Glimmer said yawning, she was always the first to fall asleep. Sure enough she was soon fast asleep, her head resting on Bow's shoulder and her arm stretched across his chest.

"I take it you had a fun evening then." Adora said, she was happy her friends had each other, she definitely thought they would make a good couple.

"Yeh it was actually really nice, I'm sure she will tell you all about it tomorrow." Bow yawned as well and soon his head fell against the top of Glimmers and they were both fast asleep. Adora sighed smiling, they always managed to turn quick chats into sleep overs, she loved being close to her friends. Staring at the ceiling for a while she texted Bow's dads to let them know where he was and that he was safe, and soon she too was falling asleep.


On Friday, the group all got to school and Adora waved goodbye to Glimmer and Bow as she set off for her locker. Luckily Catra wasn't there so Adora packed her books away and set off to her first few lessons. Before lunch she had psychology.

Catra was sitting at their table, it might just have been Adoras imagination but she looked tense. When Adora sat down Catra ignored her as usual. They were pretending nothing happened then, great.

"Good morning everyone, those of you who handed in your projects already thank you. Those of you who have not will hand them in now please."

As Miss Netossa walked around the room she stopped by Catra and Adoras table.

"I had a chance to look at your project last night girls, it was amazing, i've clearly found a great pair here." she smiled widely and walked off to scrutinise two guilty empty handed boys.

After a few long moments of awkward silence Adora turned to Catra.

"Good job, on the project I mean, we clearly aced it."

"Yeh whatever, I'm just glad it's over." Catra was acting kind of jumpy today, she seemed...nervous.

The class was long, a few people got picked to present their projects but not Adora and Catra, with ten minutes of class left Miss Nettosa stood at the front of the room.

"Okay guys, before you go I have some exciting news for you all, me and Miss Spinnerella have managed to organise a psychology trip for you all!"

The class excitedly began asking mounds of questions which were all sushed.

"All the details have already been emailed to your parents but the trip will be to the coast to go and see a psychology speaker that nearly never comes to Etheria, its huge a deal we managed to get tickets, and the school gave us enough budget to book a hotel so we can stay two nights and go to a few events and we even get to have some fun!"

The trip was all that was spoken about until the bell went and long after, everyone seemed really excited to go. Adora wasn't sure she would even have to go because of her practices and various appointments but she got a text from Angella saying her schedule was cleared.

- Catras POV

No. She didn't want to go, she wouldn't go. Luckily, if she didn't tell Razz then she wouldn't have to, one of the perks of having a 'gardien' and not a parent.

As she walked through the door of her current home, a nice cottage on the edge of town by a beautiful large wood, the locals said it was haunted but Catra loved it and often went for walks through it, sometimes she just went to sit in a clearing and do her homework or read.

"Hello deiry," Razz called from the kitchen, Catra made her way through the house.

"Hi Razz." She replied, grabbing a glass of water and sitting at the kitchen table to talk to Razz while she cooked dinner. Catra really enjoyed this part of her day, she would come home and she and Razz would talk about her days while Razz cooked. It gave them time to hang out and for Catra to unwind after a long day.

"Are you excited about your trip?" Razz asked.

"Wait, what trip," Catra asked, panicked.

"Your psychology trip, i got the email today and replied straight away, the deposit is also paid so don't worry at all, it sounds like a hoot of a trip." Catra put her head in her hands. she didn't want to sound ungrateful but she also really didn't want to spend a whole weekend with Adora, she was still feeling weird about the other night.

"Yeh, it should be great fun, I can't wait, thanks for paying the deposit for me."

"That's my job honey, it's not a problem, the email also said they were going to take the group out for a formal dinner so I picked up something for you, it's on your bed."

Catra had never felt more grateful to have Razz than in that moment, she was finally at a home that she wanted to stay in for as long as possible, she went upstairs to change into sweatpants for dinner and saw the beautiful red satin suit Razz had brought her as well as a black lace top, it must have been expensive and Catra felt extremely lucky as she went down for dinner to thank Razz.

But a whole weekend away, and with Adora, was going to take some mental preparation for sure. 

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