chapter seven - Three hours?!

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- Catras POV

what had felt like the shortest week to ever happen, happened. Catra hand't done much but work, sit awkwardly next to Adora in psychology, ignore Adora at their lockers, play football incredibly well (obviously) and continue to ignore Adora.

That blond seemed to be taking over her whole life, classic Adora, always getting all the attention.

The two psychology classes left for the trip on Friday at lunchtime so they had all brought their bags to school. Catra had been dreading it all day while everyone had seemed so excited apart from Adora who stood at their lockers talking to cheekbones when Catra had gone to pick up her bag. She looked worried, Catra suspected Adora didn't want to go for the same reasons as her.

The two classes met at the busses to find Miss Nettosa and a pink haired woman who must have been Miss Spinnerella both holding clipboards.

"Hi everyone, welcome to a weekend of fun!" Miss Spinnerella exclaimed, "Now to make it easy, can the two classes divide and sit on the buses in your pairs please, we will get there in about three hours so make sure your phones are charged and you text your parents before you leave."

Catra considered running away. THREE hours next to Adora. THREE!? She was quickly ushered onto the bus and managed to find two free seats, she sat down glad to at least have the window seat, soon she saw Adora making her way onto the bus, Adora spotted her and made her way over.

"Hey, sorry about this," she gestured to the seats. "Do you need me to put anything in the overhead locker for you?"

"No. and it's fine, just don't be annoying." Adora nodded, so damn obedient, and reached up to open the locker, Catra got an eyeful of Adoras toned stomach and her bare arms flexed as she lifted her backpack. Catra quickly pinched herself and took a steadying breath.

Only three hours, she could do this.

Soon Adora was plugged into headphones and reading a book quietly, Catra was doing homework on her laptop. Catra appreciated the silence and Adora seemed to want the same thing which was good.

Three long hours later the busses pulled into the nice hotel and the students all climbed out.

"How come it's so fancy?" she thought aloud to herself.

"They had the whole budget plus the deposits we all paid so Miss Netossa went a bit mad, splashing out I guess." Adroa replied casually. Catra just nodded.

The classes followed the teachers into the hotel foyer, a pile of room keys were picked up from the front desk.

"Okay everyone, good ride over wasn't it. All partners will be sharing a room, most are single but some are double, don't worry all the boy girl partners will get singles." Keys were handed out, Catra was too tired to consider sharing a room with Adora who seemed very red next to her. Why did everything have to be in there stupid pairs?

"One more thing," Miss Spinnerella called out, everyone turned. "Since it's only 5:00pm we are going to take you all to the pier tonight, there is an arcade there so it should be good fun. Everyone meet down here in half an hour and we can all go together. See you guys later, come find us if you need anything."

Everyone made their way to their rooms. Catra and Adora were at the end of the long corridor and made their way over in silence lugging their bags, although Adora didn't seem to be having much trouble.

When Catra opened the door to her room she wasn't even surprised to see the double bed. Of course this would happen, she must have really bad luck, mabie Miss Netossa hated her or shipped her and Adora or something. The girls walked into the room and set their bags on the bed. Adora began pulling out clothes to wear to the pier so Catra did the same.

"I'll change in the bathroom." Catra said, not waiting for Adora to reply before she stalked off to change.

When Catra walked back into the main room Adora was wearing a black skirt with a tight black top and.....

"You still have the jacket?" Catra asked, shocked to see the red jacket she had given to Adora all those years ago. Adora instantly blushed and seemed embarrassed.

"Yeh, it's my favorite and i finally fit it. I can uh take it off if you want." But Catra didn't want her to, she didn't think Adora would ever have kept the second hand gift and she looked amazing in it now.

"Don't bother, it's fine, i'm glad you kept it, or whatever lets go before we are late."

The girls made their way down to the foyer to meet the others. Soon Adora drifted off to speak to cheekbones and a girl she recognised as Mermister who was on the football team.

"Hey, excited for tonight?" a voice from behind her spoke. Catra turned to find Kyle. At that moment she decided she needed someone to get her through this trip and if Kyle wanted to be her friend so bad she would let him, he seemed nice enough and she bet she could get him to do things for her. Yes, she would keep him.

Not because she wanted to look like a loner to Adora or anything, but maybe it was time to actually make a friend. 

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