chapter fourteen - Quarter Shot Of Vodka

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- Adoras POV

"AHHHHHH Glimmer get away from me with that!"

Adora was frantically running away from a very excited Glimmer who was holding bright red lipstick in her hand.

"Come on! it will look amazing on you, trust me. I'm literally never wrong."

"That is true." Bow agreed, probably more to save himself from Glimmer's love of makeovers. Adora scoffed.

"I already agreed to go to the party, AND i let you do my eyeliner, so no, i wont put on lipstick unless you want me to look like fucking Pennywise."

"Ugh fine." Glimmer said smiling. "I'm just so excited I can't believe you are going to do it tonight."

Adora's nerves instantly went wild again. She couldn't believe she had let Glimmer and Bow convince her to ask out Catra tonight. It was a dumb idea but she justified it by thinking about how they where basicaly already going out, just with less dates. And she didn't really have anything to lose.

"Yeh whatever, she might not even be there, she's not really a people person." Bow rolled his eyes.

"It's Sea Hawks party, he throws the most insane ones. Remember when he literally set his dad's boat on fire? God he's so lucky they are always away. I wish my Dads would leave me alone sometimes." Glimmer hit him hard on the arm.

"Ow! Oh, not like that Adora, I'm very grateful and I'm sorry you don't have parents that would suck. OW! I mean - I will stop talking now - sorry." Glimmer took over.

"What he's saying is that SeaHawks parties attract everyone. She will be there okay." She shot another round of daggers at Bow with her eyes. He flinched.

"Bow it's not that deep, I have a family, see." She gestured to them and then the room. She would never get over how lucky she was. "Anyway, I don't see the big deal with parties anyway."

"That's because you don't remember them Adora, you have a whiff of alcohol and you spend the rest of the night in a corner passed out." Bow and Glimmer laughed.

"Hey," Adora said, she wasn't really mad it was true after all. "You guys are really going to bully an orphan? That's low, even for you."

Bow and Glimmer stared at Adora silently for a moment until they all burst into fits of laughter.

"I love you guys," Adora grinned widely. "Just don't let me get drunk okay."

"We can try but I won't make any promises ." Bow said, kissing the top of Glimmer's head.

"Bleh. Can we go before I vomit." Adora said, causing Bow to scoop Glimmer up in his arms and kiss her again, Adora ran from the room faking gagging noises.


When the group arrived at the huge mansion that was lit brightly from within and had music pumping out of speakers Adora took a huge breath. Find Catra, tell her how she feels. See? fine, it was all totally fine.

Adora rummaged in her pocket for the tiny glass flower she had brought for Catra. It was so stupid of her to get her a present. What was she going to do? Bribe Catra into liking her? She may as well just pay her. God she was an idiot. She shoved the flower down in the pocket of her red jacket hating how corny she was sometimes.

The party was absolutly packed with teengers, Adora was never going to find Catra. If she was even here.

"Hey girl." Adora turned to find Mermista behind her.

"Oh hey Mermista, whats up?" Adora said half listening as she scanned the crowd.

"Well you know Sea Hawk right? Well his sister goes to Salineas high and some of the football team are here with her." Adora snapped her head to Mermista.

"What? Really? Should I say hi, or do you think I should play the cool mysterious sporty chick who's a silent badass?" Mermista just laughed, "it's fine okay if you meet them you meet them. Play it cool."

Adora wasn't really listening; she was looking at the guy frantically waving at them and making his way over.

"Hey isn't that SeaHawk?" But when she turned Mermista was gone.

A brightly colored, Very tall guy walked up to her, his hair was swept back and his eyes sparkled. He had the kind of face that looked like it was always smiling.

"Adorrrrrra, how are you!"

"Well -"

"That's great! Listen, did I see Mermista around here? I could have sworn I saw her, it's hard to miss the blue hair you know." He was looking all around the room. Adora wasn't really sure what was going on.

"Uhhhhhhh no?" She tried, if she knew Mermista then she would be far from here now anyway.

"Not to worry! I will find her somewhere!" He lunged off into the crowd.

Bow came and found her, he handed her a drink.

"A quarter shot of vodka and a whole can of diet coke." He smiled proudly and Adroa took the drink gratefully.

They chatted, until Adora decided she had enough courage to actively go and look for Catra instead of just looking at a crowd of teenagers, Bow and Glimmer wished her good luck and demanded an update as soon as she could.

Adora walked through a few rooms of the huge house. They were all full of people, some she recognised, some she didn't. There was quite a lot of people from Salineas high, surprisingly.

"Hey doll." Luke walked out of a dark hallway and smiled at her.

"Hey Luke!" Adora was so happy to see a friendly face. She gave Luke a huge hug.

"Are you okay?" He asked, smiling at her.

"I'm looking for Catra." Adora confessed, she didn't mind Luke knowing, she trusted him.

"Oh you are in luck, i just saw her go in that room with some girls i don't know, she seems popular." He gave her a lopsided smile and began eyeing a particularly attractive girl Adora didn't recognise from across the room.

"Okay thanks Luke," Adora kissed him on the cheek, she could have sworn he flinched. "See you later." She watched him make his way to the girl.

Adora's heart was going a thousand miles an hour as she walked into the room Luke had pointed her to, she could do this.

Adora took a few steps into a room that seemed to be a small-ish TV room with a few sofas. All of them were full.

Adora scanned the room, but when she saw catra she couldn't hold back her gasp.

what became of us - catradora auHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin