chapter seventeen - One Thousand Rain Storms

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- Catras POV

The game was intense, Lonnie was right, Brightmoons team had taken a huge hit losing Catra. It made her feel powerful seeing how weak they were without her. Adora was running circles around them of course.

Catra got a hold of the ball quickly and raced towards the goal, she swiftly managed to score. As the team re-set she felt a warm hand grap hers.

"Catra, what is going on. speak to me!" Adora's blue eyes looked desperate.

"Leave me alone Adora." Catra turned and ran back to her position.

Soon, Adora was dribbling the ball incredibly fast down the pitch. She was going to score. Without thinking Catra raced after her as fast as she could, she was close enough to tackle the ball but instead she tripped before she could, falling directly on top of Adora.

The girls rolled over and it took Catra a few moments before she registered what was going on, she had managed to straddle Adora pinning her by the hips to the floor, She froze. Adora raised an eyebrow at her. Catra quickly scrambled off her as quickly as she could. The whistle was blown and the game continued.

After what seemed like hours of back and forth goals between the two teams, tensions were running high, Brightmoon were only one point ahead of Salineas high and the teams were both exhausted. Catra hadn't spoken to Luke about what would happen if they lost the game he had made her play, sweat ran down her neck onto her chest.

Brightmoon won the game. Adora made an amazing tackle and scored an excellent goal dribbling past Lonnie with a huge amount of skill, there was no way she wasn't going to be scouted for the game.

Catra wasn't really angry, she was actually glad they had lost, she hadn't chosen to be on the team, she was just pissed at herself, she knew Adora would forgive her as well, and she hated her for it.

Catra and her team cleared away into their changing room where Catra desperately packed her bag as quickly as she could so she could leave without seeing Adora, she didnt even change out of her sports kit she only pulled off the sports top leaving her shorts and her gray and white sports bra.

Scorpia waved over to her with a huge smile on her face, she was going to try and hug her, Catra could sense it. She escaped out the side door and hurried onto the path that she walked to school every day. She had managed to escape Adora. Had Adora even been looking for her? God, she was so stupid, Adora was probably too busy being scouted by thousands of collages to spare a moment thinking about Catra.

Catra put in her headphones and began the walk home just as it started to rain, great.



Catra had been walking for fifteen minutes when she heard something behind her, she pulled out one of her ear buds. Loud footsteps were splashing towards her in the rain. Catra turned to see a figure silhouetted in the distance. Adora. Her hair was down and soaked through, sticking to her face. She was running at full speed towards Catra. Somehow the rain managed to get heavier, tipping down on them both, buckets at a time.

"Catra! Wait!" Catra stopped walking, she couldn't help herself. Adora ran up to her, she looked like she had been running for a while, her cheeks were flushed but she didn't seem out of breath. Catra was so fucked.

"Jesus Christ Adora, did you run all the way from school?"

"Yes! You disappeared, I had to speak to you." Catra just laughed cruelly, hugging her arms around herself.

"What is there to say Adora?"

"What is there to say! Catra what happened, you kissed me and then someone else? You ditch the team for a group of strangers? What the hell is going on."

"WHY DO YOU CARE? I KNOW YOU ALL HATE ME!" Angry tears began to run down Catras face.

"I NEVER HATED YOU." Adora yelled back, raindrops were sticking to her eyelashes, she looked angelic. Catra took a step back, shocked, after everything Catra had done.

"Tell me what to do Catra, I don't care what you did or why, just tell me how to make you smile again. I hate this," Tears were falling down her face as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small, beautiful glass rose. "I wanted to tell you how i felt but something's going on, i know you well enough to know something's not right."

Catra turned away from the rose Adora was holding out.

"You will never believe me." Catra said. Adora stepped towards her and put both her hands on Catras shoulders, it felt electric.

"Try me." her hands were cold, Catra hugged herself tighter and laughed bitterly. Why was Adora like this, it was relentless, it was -

"You are such an idiot." Catra looked up at Adora through her eyelashes, Adora smiled a little and Catra knew Adora would run through in a thousand rain storms just to make sure she was okay.

"Yeh, i know." Adora wrapped her arms around Catra and folded her into a hug, Catra hadn't been hugged like this in years, she clung to Adora like a lifeline, her hands grasping Adoras wet top. The girls fell to their knees onto the wet road.

Adora pulled away first and brought her hand to Catras cheek, it felt so much warmer now. Catra wanted to kiss her now more than anything she had ever wanted in her whole life, she realised they were both still crying silently, the rain making their faces shine, their hair sticking to their foreheads.

"I'm going to take you home." Adora said, her eyes sparkled, she wouldn't push Catra, she wanted to listen, to help. Catra held Adoras waist tighter.


Adora nodded as Catra placed her hand behind Adoras neck and pulled her face close to hers.

"I promise." Adora said before Catra pulled her forward and kissed her. 

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