chapter four - This Is A Joke, Right?

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-Adoras pov

Glimmer and Bow had told her it would be fine. She had even told herself it would be fine. But it didn't feel fine. It felt awful. She had barely been able to speak before breaking down in floods of tears when she had come home and seen Glimmer. 

Glimmer hugged her. There wasn't much she could say to help however considering the situation was a strange one. Adora had never really spoken much about her old friend to her new ones.

Adora couldn't unsee the look on Catras face as she had told her to leave her alone. She hadn't realised how much she had missed her old friend. how much she had hoped that they would be able to see eachother again some day. Of course Catra still hated her. Adora had left her after all.

Like it did every day, Adoras alarm went off at 6:00am. the morning was tiring and she was not in the mood for school as she got dressed and threw her hair up into a messy ponytail, when she had glanced in the mirror before leaving the house she noticed her dark eyes and the strands of blond hair that had fallen out of her ponytail and onto her face.

even the day was gloomy as they pulled into school. Adora waved goodbye to Bow and Glimmers worried faces and trudged to her locker to find Catra leaning against locker 229. Of course it was her, she was the new girl who had scratched the paint on her locker and who was now looking at Adora with a very unimpressed face. Adoras breathing hitched but she could do this, she had to do this.

"Great. Are you stalking me now?" Catra looked at Adora with the same disdain she had the day before.

"What. no, this is my locker," Adora began gesturing to locker 231 but it seemed Catra had lost interest and was ignoring Adora tapping on her phone. Luke arrived shortly after and started a conversation with Adora about a new gig he had got. Catra rolled her eyes and stalked away.

okay. Adora thought, day two, she blinked hard trying to ease her head ache and walked with Luke to their first lesson, psychology.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Luke tried again but Adora just nodded and managed a small smile to subside the feeling of guilt that had settled in her stomach like a pile of wet sand.

As Adora and Luke entered the psychology classroom they immediately went to sit with their friend Mermista, the three caught up until their new teacher, Miss Netossa, entered the classroom.

"Morning everybody, it's good to see you all again, hopefully you had a good summer." She tapped on her laptop and a seating plan appeared on the board. The class all groaned. everyone except Adora. This couldn't be right, she was seated next to Catra? but she wasn't in the class was she? That was when Adora noticed her sitting at the very back with an equally shocked expression on her face, this quickly turned to anger. Great.

The class all mumbled their complaints while they moved reluctantly into the seating plan. Adora knew there was no way to avoid this and someone was waiting for her to leave her seat so she got up, grabbed her bag and sat down at the table for two at the far right of the classroom, she was soon joined by Catra who was practically radiating anger.

"Did you know about this?" she hissed under her breath.

"Obviously not." Adora responded, she was getting a bit sick of being blamed for everything.

"Right, everyone," Miss Netossa began. "This year is a very exciting one for psychology, this is a year of a lot more independent work, all of you are in partners, the person sitting next to you will be your partner for the rest of the year."

Catra flinched. Adoras whole body went tense.

"To begin, I'm going to give each of you a topic to research and I want each pair to create a presentation on the topic. I'm hoping you will all use your initiative and get this done when it's actually due on friday." another groan from the class. They had four days to create a whole presentation.

"I've emailed you your topics so get going, I'm here if you need anything." She smiled broadly and sat down at her desk. The class got to work.

Catra opened her old looking laptop and started laughing sarcastically.

"this is a joke, right?"

Adora panicked and opened her laptop as well. Her eyes widened. The topic given to her and Catra was, 'how is the common trope 'enemies to lovers,' shown through human behavior in fantasy and the real world'


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