chapter two - An Unexpected Fall

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-Adoras POV

The trip to school had a way of turning from peaceful and quiet to energetic and excitable when Bow entered the car. When the girls picked him up from his dad's house, which was on their way to school, he bounced from the driveway to the car. freshly showered, hair immaculate, clothes clean and fresh. He was clutching a coffee and had his signature crop top on. He had paired this with blue jeans and a leather jacket.

"Morning ladies! you both look lovely." He climbed in the back seat and kissed them both on the cheek before grabbing the aux cord. The girls mumbled their sleepy replies but Adora noticed how Glimmer's cheeks had reddened.

The rest of the trip consisted of the group loudly singing along to Bow's ever energetic playlist. The perfect start to a hopefully perfect first day.

"Okay," Glimmer said as they pulled into the car park. "First we find our lockers and then we go to first period. me and Bow have PE, Adora you have history. okay?" Bow and Adora both nodded knowing Glimmer liked to be organized.

"I will meet you both for lunch, so see you later." Glimmer said as they walked towards school. She took a deep breath and marched straight in. Adora decided to do the same, waving goodbye to Bow and checking her email on her phone for her new locker number.

making her way over to the far side of the school she saw a few friends on the way and was greeted with lots of hugs and smiles. She used to struggle to make friends but she found now she was actually quite well liked. She made an effort to get to know everyone when she could.

She found locker 231 pretty quickly. It was the last locker in the row in the corridor which she quite liked. She opened it and began loading in her books. She even dug out a few magnets and a picture of 'the best friend squad' as Bow liked to call it and stuck them all up, affectionately adjusting the picture a few times when she heard a voice next to her.

"Hiya Adora. Long time no see." Luke, who Adora was close with last year. Smiled from locker 230 next to her. instantly she was incredibly grateful to have her friend stationed next to her for the rest of the year. He looked like the popular musician she remembered him as. black curls fell around his face just reaching his piercing green eyes. He was dressed in all black and he was attempting to fit his large guitar case in his locker. it was not working.

"Hey Luke, how was your summer?" Adora asked as she hugged him. A huge smile spread across his face making the freckles on his nose crease. Even though Adora was gay she could see why Luke had the effect he did on girls.

"It was great actually, I got a few more gigs after the one you came to see. Thanks again for that."

"ah of course, i'm your biggest fan remember. it's great we got our lockers together." Adora smiled, she realised she was much less nervous now she was speaking to Luke. it felt like normal school again which Adora liked.

"yeh, you should meet locker 229 though she's a real ray of sunshine." his face said otherwise.

"Oh no, do i know her?" Adora asked. she wasn't in the mood for drama this early on.

"nah, she's new i think, i would definitely remember a girl with an attitude like that. I did try to say hello but she completely ignored me and then when I tried again she slammed the locker and walked away. look, i think she scratched the front."

Adora peered over and saw the three marks on the painted locker door, were they claw marks?

"wonderfull!" Adora said "I'm sure we will be fast friends." she smiled grimly as the bell rang. She walked with Luke to history, which they had together.

The day went pretty quickly and before long it was football practise. It was Adoras first time as captain and she intended to take the opportunity very seriously. She changed into her sports shorts and a school t-shirt and re-tied her ponytail before walking out onto the pitches. coach Hordak had caught her earlier and told Adora he would be late so to start tryouts without her.

Adora was half an hour early to try outs and she was full of nervous energy. She decided to go for a few quick laps around the pitch.

as she set off her mind was swimming with the homework she already had to finish, as well as her training sessions coming up. And then there was sports therapy and actual therapy.

Her mind was so busy she didn't see the person in front of her and rammed straight into a girl who was standing on the pitch. They both fell to the ground.

"God, I'm so sorry!" Adora began, rising herself off the girl she had just landed on top of. As she pulled her face away from the girl's shoulder she saw just who she had just basically tackled to the ground. And who she was currently on top of.


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