chapter three - The New Girl

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authors note --> Hi everyone, hope you like the story so far! i should mention that while this story mostly follows American high school rules. I am British so football in this Au is going to be British football and American soccer i guess haha. hope that's okay with everyone :) 

-Catras POV

Catras' first day at her new school had gone exactly as she thought it would. The office had paired her with a 'buddy,' Kyle. She had let him take her to her as far as her locker and then she had gotten rid of him as quickly as she could. He was clearly an idiot and she didn't trust strangers.

Her locker was smaller than she expected she thought as she shoved everything she had on her inside it. Not attempting to make it neat. An annoying boy with hair too nice for his own good tried talking to her. She was not in the mood for this right now. He pesterd her until she was forced to leave. Why are people always so cheery at 8:30 on a Monday morning? it did not make sense to her and it was certainly too early for cheekbones here to be forcing a fake conversation out of her.

Still, she took a deep breath. She had promised Razz, her current foster carer, she would try. Razz was the first carer she had actually liked in a long time. sure she was batty and old, but she cared about Catra and had even taken her shopping for school stuff which Catra had never done before. She didn't want to be sent away this time, so she wouldn't get mad at anyone. Okay, she would TRY and not get mad at anyone.

So when she had seen Adora, her old friend running on the football pitch clearly lossed in her own thoughts. Catra had frozen. She had hoped she would never see Adora again. But here she was and she had changed. grown up. She looked taller and her hair was longer, not to mention how physically fit Adora was now.

Catra was so filled with confusion that she was unable to move as Adora crashed into her causing them to fall to the ground. She almost forgot how angry she was at the blond. Almost. All of it hit her like a truck when Adora recognised her.

"Catra?" every emotion Catra had felt since her so called 'friend' had abandoned her came flooding back and filled her like thick oil. She was furious, how dare she just come back into her life like this so unexpectedly. Catra wasn't prepared for this today. Or ever.

Shoving Adora off her and onto the floor Catra quickly stood up wiping her knees to get rid of the grass stains. She walked away as quickly as she could.

However, Catra quickly realised it wouldn't be that easy. Of course Adora was football captain. Catra stood with the rest of the girls that came to try out, her arms folded staring directly at the ground but as Adora spoke to the group she could feel her eyes burning into her.

Adora set up a simple warm up of three laps around the pitch and then some drills with groups kicking a ball between themselves. Adora was just splitting the groups into two teams for a game when coach Hordak showed up. Both coach Hordak and Adora finished setting up the game and then the teams decided among themselves who would play which position. Catra didn't care which position she played; she just wanted to get this over with. she wouldn't let Adora ruin her chance at getting on the team. She loved football and she was good at it when she tried. Really good.

Catra took a center position and when the whistle was blown for the game to start she shut out Adora, she shut out the pressure and her nerves and set off on the pitch. Easily passing other players and dribbling the ball until she scored a goal. Her team cheered. oh yes, she liked this.

The game continued well for Catra; her team won thanks to her if she said so herself. When the game ended, coach Hordak and Adora announced who they had picked for that year's team. Catra, of course got a spot on the team, but having stupid Adora there made her feel like it was out of pity.

The girls all left the pitch and Adora and coach Hordak stayed out to clear up from the session. Catra tried to get out of the changing rooms as quickly as she could so as to avoid any awkward interactions with Adora. She pulled on her clothes and dried her hair. The changing rooms were mostly empty now, Catra was just packing her stuff away when she heard a voice behind her.

"Catra?" Adora, still dressed in her sports kit, was standing in the door blocking her exit, great.

"What do you want, Adora? because I'm really not in the mood to deal with you again right now, so can you move." she pushed past Adora but she felt her arm being grabbed and her body being pulled round to face Adora. She was stronger than Catra remembered.

"Look, okay. I'm surprised to see you too and I know you probably still hate me, but can we please put it aside? I want the team to be great this year. You are an amazing player and i don't want are.... history to get in the way." Adoras eyes were so full of remorse, of hope. But Catra didn't care. She took a step towards her old friend so their noses were nearly touching. She was shorter than Adora but she felt taller.

"I don't care," she spat. "you left me, not the other way around. okay? so stay out of my way, i don't want anything to do with you. Ever." She pushed Adora back and left the changing room but not before she spotted a tear roll down Adoras face. whatever. 

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