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They both think highly of themselves. Now they both can't give up, now it's not only for their love but also because of their ego and pride. The are now fighting because of that so called ego and pride which has totally made them forget their real intention. Now it's just for power and position.

The one who is a True Blood Alpha is totally aware of the fact that he is going to fight against the Vampire King moreover a Pure Blood, everyone knows that Pure Blood Vampires are so powerful. But he still thinks he can win against him, after all he is also a True Blood. So he is not gonna give up now.

The Pure Blood Vampire King also knows that he is going to fight against a powerful True Blood Alpha but he can't give up now, can he? After all he is a Pure Blood Vampire King too. He too thinks that he still have chances to win this fight.

They both knew that what's happening now doesn't make sense. They both wants to be alive at the end, they both wants to go to their mates. But The War has already started, it has to be end.

They both knew that it can be end in a peaceful way too without any bloodshed but who will be the first to let his ego and pride down to suggest that.

Both the Vampire and the Alpha were totally unaware of a pair of eyes that were watching them with so much amusement, was enjoying their fight. A dark chuckle left from his dark red lips, a smirk plastered on his lips, the lips which betrayed many with sweet words and fake smiles.
He is so happy now because he finally got what he wanted from the start.
He knows that his dream is so near just a little bit more to go and all will be his.

The seed he sewed, that plant he took care of, it's flower is finally blooming in his way.

After this he will be the most powerful and will be unstoppable, he can rule over the world. After all these years his dream is finally coming true.

The Vampire King sees that he is losing, his men are dying, he need to save them, he needs to be strong for them, he need to alive for his one and only mate, he need to prove himself as a great king. He can't lose now, no he can't.

He was in deep thought, and that's when he felt that his chest is already stabbed by a silver knife. It went through his heart. And the young Vampire King knows that it was too late. He failed to prove himself. He failed to be a great King, a great leader and most importantly a mate, he failed his mate, he failed to protect his mate, he failed to prove his love, he failed to gain his mate's trust. He remembered that beautiful smile that was only for him, he smiled at their memories and slowly darkness crept into the fringes of his vision and he fell lifeless on the ground.

The Alpha just smirked looking at his now lifeless body, satisfied that he finally got rid of of the blood sucker "You deserve this."

The Alpha thought it's all over now. The Vampire King is now dead and he won, of course he felt guilty but immediately got rid of the guilt and again he let his ego win.

But his thoughts were cut off by a sharp pain in his stomach, he saw a silver sword, stabbed by someone behind him, that went through his stomach.
He clutched his stomach and could see his dark red blood oozing out, displayed on his palm, his stomach and the silver sword that went through it.

He turned to look who was it and what he saw made him beyond pissed.

That's when everything made sense to him.

They both (the alpha and the vampire king) were kept in the dark, they both were kept away from the truth and the reality, they both were fooled, they both were forced to go against each other, they both were forced to fight, they both were used by him.

And because of that they both lost the trust of their loved ones. They both let their ego and pride win against their love and now they both are gonna lose their lives too. But wasn't it too late to regret now?

"You fucking coward, traitor." cussed the Alpha.

"You deserve this" the other replied with a chuckle. His scary scary smirk lingering on his red lips.

And the last thing that the Alpha saw was a smirk and a pair of eyes showing satisfaction before the darkness crept over him too.

The Alpha fell by the side of a now lifeless vampire.
Two lives were wasted because of the so called ego and pride.

They both had other options but they choose this and now they are going to face its consequences too.

The other man just looked at the pool of crimson blood flowing out of their now stiff bodies, blood running down from the knifes they were stabbed, with a satisfying sweet smile.

Both the sides stopped fighting, they still couldn't believe that now their leaders are dead. Silence took over the whole field but the very next movement a loud devilish laugh dominated over the whole silence.

"I gladly chose to be a foolish moth, who believed death looked so beautiful; instead of being a butterfly, and look beautiful till I die."


Sorry for any grammatical errors. English is not my 1st language.

 English is not my 1st language

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