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The next day

The warm morning light streaming through the window with visible specks of golden dust swirling in the air, falls over the face of a boy, waking him up from his deep slumber.

Suho blinked his eyes to adjust the morning light.

He sat, yawning but a groan left his lips when a felt a slight pain in his neck region near his collarbone.

He closed his eyes again to get rid of the pounding headache. It was just like a hangover but he didn't drank the previous night.

Fluttering his eyes shut he tried to remember what happened last night but he couldn't remember what happened after he went to Lay's house for their study night, he couldn't even remember returning back from there.
He looked around and confirmed that it was his room.

"Where is Jeno? Maybe he knows something." He whispered to himself and rolled out of his bed, but stoped infront of the mirror and looked at his neck.

His eyes went wide as soon as he saw the barely visible marks on it.
He saw what he was wearing and was sure that it was not his shirt.
He opened a few bottoms of that shirt only to find some more faint scars, more like hickeys.... hickeys?

Blood pounded in heart as his face turned pale, a few drops of cold sweat broke out his forehead as all the negative possibilities started swirling in his mind and with that he quickly waddled downstairs.


"So you mean, you slept with him last night?" Jeno whispered-yelled and raised a brow at Lay.

"And you brought him here early morning." Lay just bit his tongue and nodded in response.

"Does he even knows?" He inquired again. "Can't you control your hormones? You hypnotized him right?"

"No, I erased his memory." The latter replied and ignored the other questions thrown at him.

"He will doubt it when he find any scar in his body. You are really a coward." He said not knowing how the word can affect the latter.

"I'm not a cowa-." He growled but his words were cut short when he heard a soft knocking on the door.

"I'm leaving." He jumped out of the window and vanished in the mid air.

"Yes hyung, come in." Suho entered his room and looked at him seriously and that's when he knew that his brother needs an explanation and he has to chose his words wisely.

"When did we returned yesterday, Jeno?" He questioned as if trying to catch a lie.

"We?" Jeno let out an awkward laugh.
"I went for a sleepover hyung, remember. It's only you who returned and I have no idea when you did." He explained praying all the heavens for Suho to buy his lie, while Suho frowned in confusion.

"Something is weird." He thought. "Was it Xing? But why would he do that? I better ask him."

"Okay." He uttered and left the room without sparing a glance at the latter, with the same expression trying hard to remember what happened last night.


Reaching his house, Lay dashed straight to Jaemin's room, who somehow knew that he would come so he was waiting for him.

"I need to talk to you Nana." He declared as soon as he entered the latter's room.

"I know and it's about last night right?"

THE PURE BLOOD (Chanbaek, Sulay)Where stories live. Discover now