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(Same day at night )

It was a dark stormy night, the dark sky was lit up by the occasional lightening and the occasional roaring of the thunder made the night creepier. There was no sign of the moon nor the stars in the dark night sky which was only filled with black clouds, with occassionally visible silver sparks. It could rain anytime now.

A young man in his early 20s was walking home that night through a long alleyway. The night was so dark that even the street lights couldn't light up the street. The lights could only illuminate the part under it.

He knows his route to home like the back of his hand, it was his daily routine to pass through this alley. But unlike other days he felt something different today.

He felt footsteps following him, he turned to make sure if there was someone else except him or is it just him, but there was no one except him, still he could sense someone else there.

You never know what lurking in the dark.

He started getting scared, the hair on his neck stood up, he felt goosebumps through his whole body, it made his heart beat faster.

He increased his pace and started running occassionally turning back to check whether someone is following him or not. But after a few meters a man wearing a long black hoodie jumped out of no where in front of him, which made him stop in his track.

The man's face was so scary, pale skin, glowing red eyes and long fangs.

Before he even had time to process what just happened, the man chocked him and pinned him to the wall by his side. He was running out of breath, his face grew paler, he stared struggling, kicking, pushing the hands from his neck but that was no use.

The more he struggled the tighter the grip on his neck became.
His face started turning blue due to lack of oxygen.

The man brought his fangs to his neck and sucked all his blood from his neck. Not even a single drop was left in him.

He released him from his grief. The boy fell lifeless on the ground with a thud, eyes wide open, empty, staring at nowhere with a pale body.

The blood sucker stared at the lifeless body of the boy with a smirk and disappeared in the thin air.

(At the same time, the other side of the alleyway)

There are five boys wandering, to find any clue of this recent murder cases.

These 5 boys are werewolves. They all knows that the one behind all these is a vampire, and not some animal or human serial killer. But they are not sure whether one or some are involved or the whole clan is to be blamed.

Their leader, the alpha of their pack said that the whole vampire clan is not be blamed, for vampires don't kill or harm humans for fun or blood. They are also harmless as long as they don't feel any threat just like the wolves.

That's why he ordered these young alphas and a beta who are the best fighters of his pack to search for the one who is behind all these and to protect the humans if required as he was sure that even the vampire king have no idea about these, he believes in him and now who would question their leader.

So these wolves were always out, every night, to search for any clue but they never found any. It seems like the blood sucker is so smart, for he never left any clue behind but these wolves are determined too.

"Hyung, it has already been 3 hours and we still have no clue." A tall lad among them asked to the taller one behind him.

"I have no idea." The taller growled.

THE PURE BLOOD (Chanbaek, Sulay)Where stories live. Discover now