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The new comers sat at their assigned seats and became busy in their own world, without giving a fuck to the teacher, and were even unaware when the teacher went out to attend a call.

Sehun started flirting with Luhan, making the boy blush in a shade to pink, but the deer is still hard to get.

Kai was trying hard to get Kyungsoo's attention but zipped his mouth after receiving a glare from the smaller, and started pouting and sulking.

Tao was busy admiring Kris while the latter was trying hard not to give in and maintain his poker voice.

Xiumin and Chen were the only couple who were flirting freely without a care of the world.

But everyone can feel the tension between Chanyeol and Lay.

Both were glaring at each other, smirking without a conversation which was really creepy for the humans, it's like they can telepath, while Baekhyun and Suho were busy looking back and forth from Chanyeol to Lay, not getting what's going on.

"Hey pretty! How are you?" Lay broke the glaring competition only to start a conversation with Baekhyun before Chanyeol can.

"I am-."

"Hey beautiful! Mind introducing yourself?" Chanyeol butted in.

Lay just rolled his eyes and pretended to puke at this. "Ewww, such an old pick up line."

"As if yours wasn't." Whispered Chen from behind which can be heard by all, making Chanyeol laugh his ass off, getting weird looks from their classmate, while others were trying hard to control themselves and making Lay glared at him again.

"Why? You got a problem with me?" Asked Lay through his gritted teeth.

"No. Sorry, please continue your flirting." Chen replied making his mate Xiumin, chuckle at him.

"That's not flir-."

"Or whatever it is please continue."

Lay just sighed and looked at Chanyeol again who was clutching his stomach, to reduce the pain from laughing so hard and was trying to control his laughter.

"What's so funny?" Lay snapped at him.

"Your own friends embarrassing you. Pfft-."

"Please stop this." Requested Suho.

"Yes, these both are being too much." Frowned Baekhyun, making Lay and Chanyeol shift their attention to him, with wide eyes and a look of disbelief on their faces. "What?" Baekhyun snapped at them.

"Annoying bitches." Glared Kyungsoo.

The three humans made themselves busy again and started reading their books.

"This isn't the end." Whispered Chanyeol to Lay.

"Let's continue later." Lay whispered back.

"Sure." Assured Chanyeol.

During their whole flirting contest, Lay never failed to witness that hurt look on Suho's face, those dark brown orbs which were decorated with jealousy.

He can't deny that he felt guilty.
But what can he do, he can't help it now, can he?

He wants Baekhyun, he needs Baek at any cost, as soon as possible.

He wants to win Baek's heart at any cost. He couldn't control his desire towards the brunette.

He doesn't want to lose the latter to his mate, he needs him and he will make sure that he will be the owning him before Chanyeol can.

THE PURE BLOOD (Chanbaek, Sulay)Where stories live. Discover now