Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Caydens POV

I flew down the rest if my driveway and pulled up in front of the front door. Mom threw out of the door and helped me scoop Hailey into my arms. I had called her on the way home and explained to her how I found her. Bloody and surrounded by a bunch of drunk asses.

Carefully, I brought her in the house an laid her down on the couch. Mom already had the first aid kit out on the coffee table.

First, she took out a washcloth and whipped the blood of her face. "Is she going to be ok Ma?"

She continued to wash the blood of her face and place a bandage on her open cut. "Yes, of course. Just some pretty bad brushing and a few cuts. Doesn't look like there is any damage to her head. She should wake up in a while. Would you mind taking her up to her room for me?"

Thank god. "Yeah no problem mom." I was so glad that Colten was in Wisconsin because he would beat my head in if he saw Hailey like this. I slipped her into my arms and carried her up her room. Gently, I set her in her bed. She was still in her dress and as much as I wouldn't mind putting her in some other clothes she would probably kill me if she found out.

I jogged back down the stairs and went in the kitchen to find Mom. "Hey mom she's up in her room, but would you mind changing her out if her dress? I would, but she probably wouldn't like that very much."

Mom laughed at this. "Yeah sure no problem sweetie. I'll go up there in a second. Thank you for letting me know."

"Sure no problem." With that I walked out if the kitchen and up to my room. I changed into some sweatpants and my old baseball shirt. Sitting down on my bed I looked up and thought about everything that has happened tonight.

Two thing I new for sure is that I would kill that bastard and Colten is gonna give me hell for this when he finds out.

*Hailey's POV*

I groaned. Why was the light so damn bright? It's giving me a headache. I pulled the blanket over my head and snuggled deeper into the sheets. Wait, what?

I sprang up from the comfortable place.

Ok. So I was in my room. That makes me feel better. But how the hell did I get here? Last thing that I remember was Cayden and I were at the dance and were leaving. He was going with the guys and I was taking the car. But I never got there because.....

Whoa! There was Stephan and all his little friends. We were talking, he was hitting me, I fell to the floor. Then it all went black. That's all I remember. How can that be thought? Something was seriously fishy. I jumped off my bed and groaned in pain. Yup, definitely got bruises from that douche. Slowly, I walked into the bathroom to pee and wash all the smudged makeup off my face.

Next, I jumped in the shower and let the hot water warm my body. The water felt good against my may bruises. Checking for any major cuts or bruises, I saw that the worst bruises were on my stomach which wasn't to pleasant. My face probably had the worst of the cuts. There was a deep gash on the left side if my forehead that was about two inches long.

This blows. Worst dance of my life. I washed up my hair with my strawberry scented shampoo and carefully washed my damaged body. I shut off the water and wrapped myself in my baby blue towel.

Walking out of the bathroom and into my closet I put one some underwear and a white sports bra. Next, I put on a pair of pink shorts and pulled a white short over my head.

I checked my phone to see that is was 8 am. Wow something seriously must be wrong with my with me. I am never up this early.

I opened my door and stepped out to check the hallway. Nope, no one. I hopped down the stairs. First I checked the living room which was bare. With a family this big you would think that someone would be in here. Oh well. I looked down both hallways. No one there either.

Next was the kitchen. Someone has got to be in there. This family is always eating. Peeked my head through the doorway I saw Jason and Alex stuffing there face with chips. I giggled, boys are so wired. They must have heard me because both of their heads whipped around. I'm surprised they didn't coke.

Alex ran up to me and swallowed me in a hug. "Oh my gosh Hailey are you ok? We heard about what happened." Jason was soon to follow and it turned into a group hug.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little sore."

They both laughed a little. "I bet you are Hailey. I think mom wants to see you so you might want go up to her room." Alex said.

"Thanks Alex. I'll do that right now." I untangled myself from the boys and went down the hallway and down all the way. I knocked on the door and I heard a soft "come in." Putting my hand I turned the knob and opened up the door. Alison and Austen's room was so elegant. There was a king sized bed, bathroom, walk in closed, and even a small chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The color scheme was white with a tinge off green in the detailing.

Alison was sitting on her bed with her kindle in hand. She looked up at me as I opened the door. Once he saw me she threw her kindle on her bed and came running to me.

"Oh honey I'm so glad your ok! When Cayden brought you home you looked so hurt and you were passed out. I had no idea what to do!" She exclaimed and wrapped me in a tight hug. She pulled back and looked me over. "Are you okay? How are you feeling? Does your head hurt? Oh my god do you have a concussion? Brain tumor? I better take you to the hospital. Lets go right now. I can't let you die. Stay with my Hailey!" Alison yelled frantically and started dragging me to the door.

I laughed at her actions. "Slow down Alison, I'm fine. No concussion, brain tumor, and I'm pretty sure I'm not dying. Take a deep breath. Just a little pain from the bruises and what not."

"Ok, that's good. Do you want some Advil for that?" She said and got up to go in her bathroom. Alison started digging through her bathroom drawers. She came back out with two tiny pills in her hand and a glass of water.

"Thanks Alison." I said and swallowed the pills and chugged the water. Hopefully this helps with the pain.

Long and slightly weird silence.

"So, Alison, what exactly happened last night?"

She looked at me slightly shocked. "You don't remember anything? Maybe I should take you to the hospital." She said and quickly got up to grab her purse. Gosh, she is one paranoid lady.

"I'm fine. Just don't remember everything that happened."

"Well Cayden called me on the way home with you cans said that he found you stuck in between some really drunk people and one of them one hitting you. By the time he got to you, you were already passed out and bleeding. He was pretty worked up about it. Then he brought you home, I cleaned you up, and bandaged you up. Then Cayden took you up to your room."

Yeah that seems right. I remember everything up to the blackout. One word, ouch. I'm just glad that Cayden didn't tell her that I already had a run in with these guys. Ill have to thank him later.

"Thanks Alison. I think I'm gonna go and take a nap. I'm pretty tired, but if you see Cayden can you please send him up to my room? I wanna talk to him and thank him for last night." I said and got up.

"Sure thing Hailey." She said and wrapped me into another hug. "I'm just glad that you are alright." I hugged her back. Walking out of her room I shut the door behind me and started making my way to my own room.

I ran through my door and jumped on my bed. Yes I'm just cool like that. I cuddle into the warm blankets and turned my iPod to shuffle.

There was one thing that I was absolutely sure about. Colten could not find out anything that had happened. He would freak out and then kill his brother for letting it happen to me even though there was no way to prevent it. Next, he would go and kill Stephan and his friends. I really didn't want to be visiting him from behind bars.

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