Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Today was horrible. I was late for school because my alarm didn’t go off and the boys must have forgotten about me because they left without even realizing I wasn’t there. How nice, right? So Allison had to take me to school. Even though she pretty much speeded the whole way here, I was still ten minutes late.

I walked into my first class with everyone staring at me and the teacher giving me a glare for interrupting his class. Quickly, I sat down in my normal seat. Usually, I sit right next to Chelsea, but she wasn’t there today. Great, nobody normal to talk to today. This sucked. I was just glad that I didn’t get detention.  

Everything was going better that before and I thought maybe the day would be better for me, but it kept getting worse. On my way to my locker before lunch this jock tripped me. I went tumbling to the ground and all my books spewed out around me. Everybody laughed and kicked my books father away from me. What kind of person would do that?

I picked up my crap and jogged to my locker. With anger pulsing through my vanes I threw my books into my locker and slammed it shut. Next, I stormed off to the lunch room on the lookout for any of the boys, or Chelsea. I stepped into the cafeteria and scanned all the tables. None of them were there. Not even the boy’s friends. That’s weird. Come to think if it I haven’t seen any of them all say. What are they up to? And why hadn’t I been invited?


Finally, I got home. I had to walk all the way because, again, I couldn’t find anyone to give me a ride. My legs felt like jelly. The house was oddly quiet. I trudged up to my room and sank into my bed. Oh how great it feels to finally be here. I’m surprised how quick I got used to living here. And putting my family’s deaths’ behind me. Don’t get me wrong, I think about them every day, but now it hurts less to remember them. I look back on their lives and remember the happy times that we had together, and not that car crash or the last minutes that I was with them. I’m grateful for that. Although, living with this huge and busy family has helped me be distracted from constantly thinking about them.

I jammed my head phones into my ears and got started on the mountain of homework I received today.

About a half hour later I was through half of the stack of homework that the stupid and thoughtless teachers give us. I then jumped in the shower to freshen up from the disgusting feeling that was coating my skin. After I was done I slipped into some black yoga pants and a sweatshirt. I really didn’t want to start on the rest of my homework, so I decided to watch some tv downstairs.

Finally, I found a member of this huge family that seemed to be missing all day. Colten was sitting on the couch roughly jamming his thumb on the remote to flip through the channels. I walked up to the couch and plopped down next to him making sure not to sit too close, but not too far away either. He didn’t even take his eyes off the tv since I came in. What’s up his butt?

“Where was everyone today?” I asked curiously and moved around to get comfy on the soft couch.

Colten sighed and flipped off the tv. He rubbed his hands over his face and then ran his fingers through his hair. I placed my hand on his thigh. “Hey, what’s wrong Colten?” I asked concerned.

He sighed again and placed his hand on top of mine. “Nothing, I’m fine. I just don’t understand why you wouldn’t tell me.”

“Tell you what Colten?”

All of a sudden he went from gloomy and sad to mad. He threw my hand off his thigh and stood up. “Oh don’t play stupid with me, Hails. You know exactly what I’m talking about.” He spat.

My head fell in shame. “Who told you?” I whispered.

“Why does it matter? The only thing that matters is that you didn’t tell me. Why? Did you not trust me? Do you hate me? Am I not a part of your life? Huh?”

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