Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"Go make me a sandwich." Brandon whined. He was sprawled out on the living room floor alongside Alex. Colten was in the recliner and Cayden and I were on the couch. It was around noon and we were all hungry. The only complication was that we were all to lazy to get up.

"Get our own damn sandwich you piece if lard." I grumbled. There was no way I was getting up. I was wrapped in a warm fuzzy blanked and I was extremely comfy. My feet were laid across Cayden's lap and my head was nuzzled in the pillow.

Since we had gotten home we had watched about 10 episodes of How I Met Your Mother and Two and a Half Men. I love these shows, but I can only take so much of them in a day. The comedy only lasts a short while.

"Please Hailey!? I promise to love you forever!"

"Ew, why would I want you to love me? That gross."

Brandon jumped to his feet and did a little dance while running his hands over his body. "You know that no one can resist this Hails."

We all laughed at his stupidity. "Since your up, make yourself your own sandwich." I smirked at him.

He sighed and mumble a fine. "Oh brandon?" I asked sweetly and smiled at him. He turned around and raised his eyebrow at me. "Make me some popcorn will ya?"

"No way. You wouldn't make me a sandwich, so why should I make you popcorn?" He asked and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Because you love me and don't want to see me starve to death."

Brandon laughed and walked away. "Asshole." I muttered beneath my breath. Brandon looked over at me and I gave him my puppy dog face. He sighed and walked to the kitchen without a word.

Cayden raised his eyebrow at me and I just smiled triumphantly back. I low having people wrapped around my finger.

"Colten you want anything to eat?" I asked. He didn't answer me. I looked up and was tapping away on his phone. Now that I think of it he's pretty much been doing this all day since we got home.

"Colten? Colten? COLTEN!" I screamed and snapped my fingers in front of his face. Finally, he snapped out of it. Unfortunately for him, he was a little to shocked and fell of the couch. It was pretty funny and both his brothers were cracking up.

"What the heck was that for?!" He yelled.

"Maybe you should have listened to me. Who is more important than us? I mean you just got home and we all missed you and your spending your time tapping on your stupid phone."

He glared a me and got back up into the recliner. And then he went back to typing on his phone. That little shit. I couldn't believe he did that.

I glared back at him ad went into the kitchen to help Brandon with the food. Lets just say he needed help. He was trying to pour the popcorn kernels into a metal bowl and then put that into the microwave.

Any idiot knowes that you can't put metal in a microwave unless you want to blow up the place. And who doesn't know how to make popcorn? I mean seriously has he been living in a hole his whole life.

I grabbed the bowl out of his hand and dumped the kernels in the trash can. He looked at me as if I was high. I went searched thorough the cabinets until I finally found the popcorn.

Next, I ripped the plastic off and placed the bag in his hand. Then I guided his hand holding the bag of popcorn toward the microwave and set it in. Finally, I grabbed his hand and made him push the popcorn button on it.

"Are you that much of a dumbass that you can't figure out how to make popcorn?" I asked.

"Of course I know how to make popcorn. I was just testing a new way that I saw on the Internet." Brandon replied.

"Oh sure you did, but that doesn't explain you attempting to put metal in there. Doesn't you know that if you put that in the microwave it will explode?"

"I'm not stupid, I know that. I was just seeing if that theory was true or not." Brandon explained.

"Sure you were." I said and grabbed the popcorn bag out of the microwave, dumped it into a bowl, and walked back into the living room.

Everyone was pissing me off today. First Colten and now Brandon with his stupidness.

When I walked back into the living room Alex had taken Colten's spot on the recliner. I looked between the two remaining boys in the room an raises my eyebrow. Cayden nodded his head toward the stairs signaling that he went to his room. I nodded my head in understanding and plopped down next to him. "So why did Colten go to his room?" I questioned as Brandon walked back into the room and plopped down in Alex like it was the most natural thing in the world. He really is a dumbass.

"Well, he was acting all weird after he blew up at you. Then his phone rang an he like freaked out and ran to his room. I swear he has some teenage girl in him somewhere." Cayden said.

Huh. Wired. "Thanks Cay, I'm just gonna go up and apologize for earlier."

I skipped up the satires and walked up to his closed door. Just as I was about I knock I heard Colten talking. Probably to whoever it was on the phone. At first I couldn't hear what he was talking about, but I put my ear up to the door. Then I heard him laughing.

"Yeah.....don't worry I'll make sure of it.......we'll work it out." I heard him say. After a long pause, he started talking again. "It will be fine, I promise. Everyone will love you. Yeah, I miss you to." After that it was silent.

I quietly backed away from the door and jogged to my room. Once I was in I closed my door and flopped down on my bed.

What the hell was that?



ok so after the last update I got sick, then I had to help my mom plan a birthday party, and my little sister just had surgery a couple of days ago and on top of all that I had homework and studying for tests because our quarter just ended today


I know it's short but bear with me, it gonna start getting good.

Thanks for reading:) please comment, vote, fan


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