Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I was brought out of those terrible memories by a hand that was being slapped across my face. Looking up I saw Cody going in for another smack at my face. Quickly, I grabbed his hand and turned it backwards so he went shriveling to the ground.

“What the crap was that for hails!?” screamed a very angry looking Cody.

“What the crap were you hitting me across the face for!?” I scrammed back at him mimicking his voice.

“I was doing you a favor. You zoned out for about 1 minute and I was simply brining you back to Earth. What was your excuse?” he asked in a very pissed off tone.

“How would you like it if you zoned out and came back to someone slapping you across the face? Yeah, that what I thought. Couldn’t you just say my name a couple of times?” I asked. This boy was seriously stupid.

“Now where is the fun in that?” he asked with a smirk on his face. I just slapped him across the back of the head because I was to tired to do anything else.

Looking around I realized that everyone else but us two, Cayden, Colten, and Brandon were here. “Where did everyone else go?” I asked. I wasn’t out that long, was I?

Cayden spoke up. “Well sleeping beauty, mom and dad went to put the little ones to bed and the others just got tired of looking at that face of yours. Look at it, all filled with filthy food and other stuff.” he scrunched up his face in disgust. Ugh, this just keeps getting worse and worse.

Ill show him to mess with me. I threw on a sad face and looked at him. “I know that my face is disgusting, but you don’t have to point it out to me in front of everyone.” I sniffled a little bit and then stormed out of the kitchen.

Just to put a little more into my little scene I stomped up the stairs. Behind me I heard Colten yell something, but I couldn’t make it out. I found my way to my room and slammed the door behind me. I hoped that made them all feel bad. They deserved it..

I put my ipod into the docking station and turned up my favorite songs. Then I decided I would take a shower so I didn’t have to get up early and take one before school. Just as I was about to walk into the bathroom there was a knock at my door. I would laugh if that was Cayden wanting to apologies.

I looked through the peephole that was in my door and saw that it was Colten. What would he want? I opened up the door and put on a sad face to make it seam that I was still mad. That was kinda hard considering I was about to burst out laughing because expression on his face was priceless.

He looked sympathetic, angry, and mad all at the same time. That was talent in my book. “Look, Hailey, about what Cayden said, he didn’t mean it. He was just joking around. Most guys do that. Cayden didn’t mean for it to be taken the wrong way. I mean, why would he say that? His eyes must be broken. Look at you, your stunning.” he said and just kept on rambling and rambling.

I couldn’t hold it in any longer, I burst out laughing. He finally shut up and stared at me very confused. “Thanks, that speech was awesome, but I wasn’t hurt about any of it. I just wanted to make him feel bad so I played along with it. I mean look at this face, who would say that about me?” I asked and put a smirk on my face.

He just let out a deep chuckle and said, “You are pretty good. Anyway, me and some of the others were going to take a quick dip in the pool before we hit the sack for tonight. Interested?”

I smiled at him and said, “Sure, I guess I could grace you all with me awesomeness.” He just laughed and told me to go down into the backyard when I was ready.

Walking over to my closet I took out my two favorite swimming suits. The first was a black bikini with little silver dots on it. The other one was a silver one piece with the sides cut open.

I didn’t want to chose the bikini because I wasn’t that comfortable with them yet. Can you blame me? Just met them a little over a day ago. So since that was settled I went for the silver one piece.

Quickly slipping it on I grabbed my Dora towel and started down the stairs. I couldn’t keep the thoughts of Colten’s words out of my head, “look at you, your stunning.” I could feel heat draining in my face and butterflies in my stomach.

What was this boy doing to me? I have never had that happen before. He just called me stunning. That was nothing I should be blushing over, right. I just grabbed those thoughts and locked them in a little box for later.

Once I was down in the living room I went to the sliding glass doors and went out hoping that they were the right doors. They were because I saw the pool, but I didn’t see the boys. Whatever, they must be late.

I went over to one of the lounge chairs and set down my towel. Suddenly I felt arms creep around my waist. Just as I was about to let out an ear piercing scream a hand came over my mouth.

On reflex, I bit down as hard as I could on the hand and quickly spun around at the strange persons moment of weakness. Only to find that it was Brandon. Arr, I just might end up murdering him and stashing his remains in the forest by the time I went off to college.

“What in the hello kitty do you think you are doing!?!” I whisper screamed so I didn’t wake any of the younger kids.

“Well, considering that you were the first one out here and all alone I figured I would have some fun. I was just gonna throw you into the pool.” Brandon said and then let out a husky laugh.

I smacked him across the head. I wasn’t satisfied with that so I slapped his chest. He started to move backwards, so I moved close to him. We were getting closer to the pool and I just kept on slapping him while he tried to protest.

“What was it you were trying to do again?” I asked and crossed my arms over my chest.

“I was just going to try and throw you into the pool, but that didn’t work because you bit me with your little fangs. That really hurt by the way.” He said and put his hand on his chest in mock hurt.

“Yeah yeah whatever you little baby. Just to let you know, you should never mess with me and expect me not to get revenge.” I said and Brandon shot me a questioning look.

I just sweetly smiled at him. Putting a finger up to his chest I lightly pushed and that sent him flying into the pool. I burst out laughing at his shell shocked face.

Hearing someone else laughing with me I turned around to see Colten holding his stomach and laughing. “That was so awesome.” he said between laughs. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I laughed along with him.

Looking into the pool I saw Brandon trying to get out, but sadly failed and fell back into the pool swearing as he did so. That sent us into another round of laughs.

We finally stopped when a very confused Cayden came into the pool area. Me and Colten just looked at each other and shook our heads. This was going to be one fun night.


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sorry about the boring chapter, promise to make the next one better


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