Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

“Colten, I need to speak with you. Please come to my room.” The intercom clicked as Alison’s voice flowed through. The sudden noise caused Colten and I to jump apart. I tried to get my balance, but it didn’t work out that well. I ended up falling onto the hard floor. I heard Colten laugh at my pain. “Every damn time.” I heard him whisper under his breath.

Arg Allison, why right now? We were just about to kiss and you had to talk to him? Oh well, if it’s meant to happen, it will happen. I wonder what his lips will feel like. Soft and smooth? Or hard and rough? Hmm, would they taste weird? Wow. Was I seriously thinking about this? I seriously need to get out more.

Better time than any to leave. I didn’t want anything to be awkward when he got back. Getting up I quickly jogged to my room. I had some homework to finish, but I couldn’t focus my mind for a few seconds, so that wouldn’t work out too well. I could go watch some TV, eat food, maybe hang out with friends, but that would require actually having friends. What about one of the guys? Contemplating my choices, I decided to go down in the hot tub for a while. I slipped on my pink and black striped suit and grabbed a Little Mermaid towel from the hall closet and proceeded down the stairs to the backyard.

As quickly as I could, I jumped in. After a while of getting used to the scalding hot water, my eyes closed in relaxation. I was still wishing that there was someone to talk to, though. As I laid my head back on the side, I thought over everything that has happened since I arrived here. I also thought about how hard it must be for Allison and Austin to keep track of all these kids, and then have to take care of me also. They have gone through so much in a sort amount of time, and its not fair.

            I also thought about how welcome I feel here. This family has brought me into their lives with open arm, without even once doubting taking me in. They have made me feel so welcome and even a part of this family. I miss my dad and sister so much, and the pain is still eating away at me, making me feel raw. The only thing that seem sot help keep it sat bay these days is this family, and the people in it. I can see all the struggles that every single one of them is going through right now with Andrew because I know how they feel, but on a deeper level. I lost people that I love, and they are watching their brother and son in pain. They are living their lives each day wondering if Andrew will be able to fight through this, or if his body will be taken over by this cancer.

I didn’t get much time to relax or think, because soon enough I felt a splash of hot water hit my cheek and my eyes flew open as Colten hopped in and sat down next to me.

“So what did Allison need?” I ask him.

“She just needed to verify what everyone wanted for dinner and something about school.” He said as he got comfy in the seat across from me.

After that, there wasn’t much talking. Colten laid his head back on the edge of the hot tub and closed his eyes, like I was doing before. I couldn’t rip my eyes away from Colten. All that was running through my mind was what could have potentially happened up in his room. My stomach fluttered at the thought of his lips on mine. I didn’t care if anyone would talk crap about me or think I’m a bad person for liking the guy that I live with. This is my life and I should do what I want. And I want Colten.

Without even thinking, I moved forward so I was right in front of Colten. His eyes were still closed, so I put my hand on his bare chest, making his eyes shoot open. He looked down at my hand, and then right into my eyes. Still staring into his beautiful eyes, I started leaning in and Colten’s eyes grew wide in shock.

            Then, I kissed him. My heart dropped when he didn’t start kissing back. Stupid, stupid girl! Why would you do that!? Of course he doesn’t like you like that. He’s practically your brother.

I started pulling away when my neck was grabbed and his lips were on mine. Our lips moved in sink and I placed my hands on his chest.

            A couple of moments later, we pulled apart. I looked up into Colten’s eyes for some kind of reaction. “Wow” was all he said and a smile spread across his soft lips. A smile grew on my face, mirroring his and I nodded my head in agreement. 

            Colten leaned his head down and our foreheads were touching. My eyes fluttered close and I enjoyed and savored this moment. “You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that.” Colten whispered. “I’ve tried to, so many times, but I always got interrupted. I started thinking that this was some way of showing me that it wasn’t meant to be.”

            Colten’s hand came up and rubbed my cheek, causing me to break out in another smile. I put my smaller hand on his larger one and looked at him. “Thank you.” He whispered. My fingers intertwined with his. “For what?” I asked.

            “For making this moment one of the best in my life. For making me the luckiest man alive. For being yourself, and for letting me know your true self.” Colten replied. I had shivers up and down my spine. I had no idea how to reply to that, so I just kissed him again.

            “Thank you” I whispered in his ear. “For being an amazing guy. For actually telling me how you feel. For getting to know the real me. And for trusting me with your thoughts and feelings.”

            I looked into his blue eyes as a smile was booming across his face. Colten wrapped his arms around me and brought me into a hug. I could honestly say that this was the best moment in my life. Right here, right now, in the arms of the man that I was beginning to fall for.


Thanks everyone for reading! Sorry its been a while since I last updated.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2014 ⏰

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