Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

So here I am sitting in Cayden's car on our way to the airport. To say I'm terrified is an understatement. I am like the worst lier ever. It had been a three days since I was practically mauled. My cut on my forehead downsized a lot so it looked like a large scrape. The only thing I had to worry about was keeping my arms and legs covered at all times. My body was still covered in bruises and sores. Advil was practically the only thing that kept me from tearing my hair out from the pain. Not that I could move my arms that high to reach my head without screaming.

To put it nicely, I looked I had just come home from the zoo where the monkeys had thrown their poo a me and the lions had used bits and pice if me as their dental floss.

My hair was in a pony and I had on my superman SnapBack. I was wearing my dads old university sweatshirt with a pair of yoga pants. Not the most pleasant thing to come home and see.

"AND LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNGGG!" Brandon and Alex belted out from the back seat. Alison had let us four skip school today to get Colten because both Austin and her had to work today.

I covered my eared and closed my eyes to try and prevent my acing head from getting any worse. "Guys you totally butchered that song. My ears may literally start oozing blood from how bad that was."

Brandon glared at me. "What, are you saying that your a fan if One Erection?"

I laughed at his childish comeback. "Wow Brandon how original. One Erection? Like I haven't heard that one before. And I'm not an overly obsessed fan who cries every time they see their picture. But yeah, I like their music their not that bad." I said. He didn't have a comeback to that. Haha sucker! "Oh and not to mention extremely hot!" I said and batted my eyelashes while dramatically fanning myself with my hand. He just snorted and went back to playing on his phone.

Before I knew it, we pulled up into the airport parking lot. We got out and went into the huge building. Brandon and Alex being the children that they are ran straight for the escalators. I laughed and followed Cayden to where Colten's plane would be landing.

I sat down in the uncomfortable blue plastic chair and watched a plane land on the runway. I could feel Cayden's eyes staring at the side of my face.

I couldn't make eye contact with him because I knew I would break down into tears, but I looked. He was studying my face which made me seriously self conscious. "What are you going to tell him?"

"I have no idea. I've been asking myself this all day. It's done and over with so there really is no need to relive the past. And I just don't want to think about all that again. It was hard enough going thorough it the first time."

He put his hand on my back and rubbed it reassuringly. I heard a loud bang and looked up from the floor.

Of course there was Alex running off and Brandon standing there covered in frozen yogurt. Brandon's expression was totally priceless. He looked like he was about to piss himself.

I looked over at Cayden. "How in the world do they manage to do that?" He just shrugged his shoulders and laughed.

Next thing you know Alex came running up and slid in the chair next to me. "Hey guys, what's up?"

"What the heck did you do that to Brandon for?" I said and laughed.

He just shrugged and said, "He was pissing me off."

"Wow Alex, never thought you would do something like that. And how did you exactly manage that? Frozen yogurt, really?" I said.

He leaned down to my ear and whispered, "It's a secret." And then smirked at me. These boys are seriously getting on my nerves. There so cocky.

"How do you stand your family?" I asked Cayden. He just laughed and got up to go help Brandon who was using some very colorful words at the moment.

"So what time is this stupid plane suppose to land again? I'm getting tired of waiting." I whined.

Alex looked at his phone and said that it would be about 15 minutes. I got up to go get a water from the cafe. On my way there I walked passed a fuming Brandon muttering about how he was going to "chop him into pieces and feed them to wolves." Cayden was just standing there laughing his butt off.

"Hi, I'll have a bottle of water and a muffin please." With that I handed her my money and grabbed my food and walked away. Since I had some time to burn I walked into the gift shop. What are people thinking these days? Like seriously I'm going to get off an exhausting flight to come shop at the gift shop for some plastic souvenirs. People need to think these things thorough.

As I was walking back to my seat someone came up behind me and grabbed my hat off my head. "What the heck!? Give me my hat back you loser!" I yelled as I turned around to see who the idiot was.

"Wow, I come back from a trip and this is how you treat me? Rude!" I turn around to see Colten standing there.

"Give me my hat back Colten. Now."

"What, no hug? I feel the love Hails." He said.

I lunged forward to grab my hat so I didn't scar anyone else with my horrid hair. He just held it over his head so I couldn't retch it. I sighed and jumped up to get it.

Something must have gone wrong in the whole jumping process. Somehow we both managed to fall and I was laying on tip if him.

He was staring right at me and I couldn't help by get drawn into those crystal blue eyes if his. After a few moments I brought myself back down to reality and glared at the boy under me.

This caused Colten's face to scrunch up on confusion. He slowly brought his hand to my face and brushed his infer over my cut. As he did this my eyes fluttered close. "What happened?" He whispered.

Right at that moment I didn't think I could lie to him. He's been so sweet to me since my family died, but I knew I had to.

"Don't worry about it. Just me being clumsy again." I whispered back without making eye contact. It didn't look like he believed me at first, but his face soon broke out into a grin.

"Nice going Hailey. Next time watch where you walk, ok?"

I Forced a laugh out. "I can't make any promises."

I stood up from Colten's warm frame and helped him up. He looked at my hat and laughed. "Really, superman?"

I smiled at him and he slipped my SnapBack onto my head again. "Better go find the rest of the boys before they get into any more trouble."

"Sure. As soon as we find them I wanna go home and sit in the couch I front I the tv all day. I'm whipped out." He said and yawned.


How was it? Please let me know!

I'm hoping to have another chapter up by tomorrow because this one was pretty short. Sorry about that.

Anyway thanks for reading! Vote and comment please:)


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